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Extra Duties

Posted on Sat Dec 17th, 2011 @ 10:08am by Captain Claudia Drake & Cadet 4th Class Raxim & Cadet Senior Grade Eli Ziyad & Cadet Senior Grade Chance Conradi & Cadet Junior Grade Tenahn Vor

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Academy Decks
Timeline: 1130, Day 1

Raxim dropped slammed her fist into the computer terminal in frustration. She just couldn't seem to grasp the basics of warp-field dynamics, and she felt stupid compared to the others who seemed to sailing through their assignment. She looked around the room and caught the eye of the Instructor, a blue skinned man with antennae sticking out of his head. He looked at her and nodded for her to return her attention to her computer. She sighed as she reset the programme and started over again. She was deep in concentration when she heard the door hiss open, in walked a petty officer carrying a PADD. She handed it to the Instructor who looked at it for a few moments before speaking.

"Please pause your programmes" he said, Raxim happily obeyed the instruction and looked up expectantly, "Cadets Conradi, Hawthorne, MacGyver, Raxim and Ziyad. Please report to Professor Drake's office." he looked unimpressed by having 5 of his students taken out of his class, "Don't dawdle" he added to expedite their departure.

Raxim didn't need to be told twice, the lesson had 30 minutes left, it was a 10 minute walk each way to the Professor's office, and then she was sure she could make up any left over minutes, depending on how long the Professor kept them. She would give anything not to come back to the classroom.

Once outside the room she looked at the other summoned Cadets, "What did we do?" her voice was filled with anticipation.

Eli glanced at the rest, his gaze lingering on Chance for a moment. "More likely what didn't we do?" As they began to walk, he continued. "Relax Raxim, it can't be that bad. After the visit I had with my parents last night, this will be a breeze."

Raxim smiled nervously, "Well they can't be kicking me out since the rest of you are being called as well" she laughed too loudly and started wringing her hands together, "I mean, they wouldn't be kicking you all out, you're all getting really good grades...unless they're going to make you all do something to me as they kicks know I've heard about hazing rituals, but those are only when you join something, not when you go...I'm being kicked out...they're going to kick me out. I am going to have to go back to the mines..." she said frantically.

Catching Eli's glance, a grumpy Cadet Conradi frowned and sniped, "They're not kicking anyone out, Raxy. Probably calling us on the carpet for fooling around too much." He shot a glance at Eli then reached out to Ashley and took her arm in his. "Eli's been a horrible influence, after all," he leaned in towards her, as if to impart some secret, and teased his roommate. He was trying, and failing, to be in a flirty mood. For all his efforts, he received a headshake and a friendly roll of the eyes from the woman.

"Me?" Eli scoffed at that. "Pot and kettle, sweetheart. I thought I was the good one?" He paused to look at Raxim once more. "It's likely just some extra work to make sure we don't enjoy our mid-year break too much. Relax, okay? Besides, her kitties smell fear."

"They can?!" she said with the anxiety rising in her voice, "I thought that was just a myth..." she began walking, "I suppose we better get it over with." her voice dejected, "I don't suppose she's going to tell us we can just forget about the actual work and become officers straight away?" she laughed nervously.

As they walked, Ashley put a supportive arm around her roommate's shoulder.

"Fear is quite a peculiar odor," a voice chimed in from behind the assembled cadets, "and quite easily detectable. You see, it's all in the evolution of the dilitus lobe." The saurian pulled his lips back into a toothless smile as he tapped a claw to the side of his nose. His sense of smell told him much already, beyond the apprehension of the Talaxian female. There was a Human, an Enaran and... something he couldn't quite put a finger on. He continued to breathe deeply of the air in the corridor as he emerged from the anthropology laboratory, leveling his gaze on Ashley.

"You are human, and yet there is more that I am unfamiliar with," he observed, moving to join them. "And in any event, it seems we are going the same way." The Voth extended a clawed hand in the human approximation of a greeting to the human-hybrid female. "I am called Vor."

Looking back to him, Ashley hesitated for only a moment before taking his claw into her hand. Intrigued, she smiled, her eyes revealing her interest, "Ashley MacGyver, and that something more is Ktarian."

"Ktarian," Vor repeated, releasing the handshake as his reptilian brain sorted through the complex chemical interactions in the air - the scent of Human, of Ktarian as he had just learned, and of the scent that was uniquely Ashley's. Still smiling, he lifted a clawed digit and opened his mouth to ask a question, before one of the Human males suddenly interjected. Slowly, almost imperceptibly, the subtle green-brown tinge of his facial scales shifted towards an auburn hue.

Chance's jaw dropped and he looked at Ashley, holding her at arm's length. "Hey! I've been trying for months now to get that out of you! This one walks up and BAM! you tell him?"

Grinning back, her eyes teased, "It was too much fun keeping you guessing", and she shrugged as much as she could with his hands on her, "Now if you had of done your homework, did a little research..."

He dropped his hands, no longer touching her. "Eh, researching you would have been a little stalkerish, you know?" He winked and smiled slightly. Truth was, he'd asked Oralia about her, but Oz had refused to provide him info on any of his classmates.

"And you are putting forth an impossible idea, Ash." Eli smiled, moving out of Chance's reach. "Chance doing homework."

Laughing, Chance shook his head; he'd been wide open for Eli's comment.

"It's okay", she chuckled, giving Chance the once over, and she added over her shoulder as she turned away, "It was fun while it lasted."

Vor had fallen silent as he watched the exchange with detached interest, wondering if he had somehow upset their social structure. The one called "Chance" appeared to be central to the cultural unit, his scent mingled with most of the others, the Enaran in particular, and yet he was seeking Ashley's approval or acceptance. Perhaps Ktarians enforced a matriarchal hierarchy. Should he not have approached her, he wondered, as his scales transformed from auburn annoyance to a more pensive turquoise.

Ashley had turned her attention back to Vor, "It's really nice to meet you Vor", she said, oblivious he had been interrupted before. She did notice the change in his scales, "Were you called to Professor Drake's office as well?"

The change in color had also caught Chance's attention. He waited for Vor's answer.

"Oh, yes," Vor said, sounding somewhat surprised. "Though I've no idea what she could want to see us all about. I thought this was going to regard my skipping Warp Theory & Engine Design..."

"Probably not, since, amazingly, Eli and I didn't skip that class.... or any others," Chance said then introduced himself, "Welcome to the cadet class, Vor. I'm Chance Conradi; our quiet friends over here are Eli Ziyad and Raxim."

"A pleasure to meet you Vor." Eli's smile was welcoming, hoping to put their new classmate at ease.

"The pleasure is mine," the Voth cadet replied with an acknowledging nod of his head. Here he was, interacting with endotherms! And two of them Humans... no, he corrected himself with a thrill of excitement, fellow Terrans!

"Well, we'd better pick up the pace, I suppose," Chance encouraged the group to move along. A short walk and a few minutes later, they arrived at Captain Drake's office and Chance hit the door chime. "Let's see what the old..." hag " instructor wants from us."

Eli glanced at Chance as they waited. I heard that. Chance winked at him.

The doors opened to reveal a young Ensign in the orange of the Academy staff, "Cadets!" he said in what he hoped was an authoritative voice, "Single file as you enter the Dean's Office."

Raxim waited as the others formed the queue and walked in. The room was much larger than she expected, she had only seen pictures of the bridge of the famous USS Voyager, but she was sure the room was bigger. Seated at a desk was the woman who held her future in her hands. She shivered as the woman looked up, her cold eyes surveying each of them.

"Good morning Cadets" said the Dean, she did not move from her seated position, her eyes fixed on a computer terminal, "Stand at ease." she finally looked up, "I am sure you are all curious as to why I summoned you." she looked through the row of Cadets, "I have been looking over your progress at the Academy, and there is something I wanted to discuss with you. Would anyone like to hazard a guess as to what that may be?"

Smirking, Chance Conradi braved the Dean's ire and (somewhat sarcastically) answered, "I'll hazard the guess that we've all been exemplary examples of what Starfleet cadets should be and you're going to bestow a great honor upon us." He was nothing if not modest. Nearly killing his own straight face, he coughed to hide a chuckle.

Ashley tried her best to stifle a smile, yet she was a bit confused on what would put them together before the Dean's desk. Were Chance's grades actually good? He was such a goof, never seemed to be least not enough, from her point of view.

Eli shot a look at Chance and groaned inwardly. Let's hope so, or we're dead, starting with you. He cleared his throat and spoke aloud. "I don't know about exemplary examples, but I suspect that we have shown at least some promise in various areas." He stopped, clamping his mouth shut. He really hadn't meant to test the psychic waters around Claudia, but the vague idea in the air was hard to miss.

Vor watched the Professor through his yellow eyes, attempting to get a read on her, but even the woman's scent seemed measured and controlled. Good or bad, he had no idea what lay in store for them, and each idea that entered his mind was quickly dismissed given his present company. Excused from Warp Theory? The Voth have rejected Doctrine and are on their way to join the Federation? Only he would have been called in either event, and so he simply waited.

"As humorous as you obviously find yourself Cadet Conradi...your sarcasm aside you are quite correct." she looked up at them, "I have selected you to under-go a special accelerated programme to allow you to gain commissions within 2 years, rather than 4." she stood up, "Don't have any misgivings or misunderstands about this, you are going to have to work harder than any other Cadets who have gained commissions before you. I expect that several of you may not complete this programme and be forced to return to the normal paced course. Any questions?"

The saurian's first response was to smile, but celebration did not preclude thought. "An honor, to be sure," he said with a nod of his crested head, "but... why?" he asked. "Is there an officer shortage of some kind?"

"An honor? Sounds more like a punishment," Chance grumbled, "What's the hurry, Professor?"

"Cadet Conradi, you may be new to Starfleet but I expect you to act like the potential officer you are, and you will watch your tone in my presence." she said scolding the young man, "My reasoning for the accelerated course is my own. You have been selected and be pleased that you have been selected for this." she sat back and arched her fingers, "Are there any pertinent questions?"

"Yes, ma'am", Ashley answered, her eyes quickly going to the others before returning to Claudia, "Do we have a choice? Are going to be given time to think about this...?"

Eli had to admit to himself that it sounded exciting, but also like a galactic ton of extra work and a much heavier schedule. Then a thought occurred to him. He waited till Ashley finished speaking before addressing Claudia.

"That's a fair question. Also, is there any possibility of testing out of any of the courses?"

Claudia lifted her glass tea-cup and sipped it, "This is a one-time offer, either you all agree to under-take this course or none of you do. You are more than free to decide to take the normal 4 years, but I feel you all have the ability and skills necessary to complete it in half this time." she placed her cup back down, "It's an all or nothing deal."

Raxim had remained silent throughout, "Ma'am, permission to speak freely?"

Claudia looked at her, "Permission granted" she replied, making a point of looking at Cadet Conradi, hoping he would recognise the correct protocol for speaking to a superior.

Raxim took a deep breath, "There must be a reason why we have been selected for this other than our grades...?"

Claudia nodded, "Okay, I will be honest with you. We are expanding at a phenomenal rate, and some of you are from races that are easily recognisable as indigenous to this quadrant, and Starfleet wants the best and brightest as our officers, leading our way in exploring this quadrant and meeting races new to the Federation. You have been highlighted as the ones who will be the future Commanding Officers in Starfleet."

"With all due, respect, Ma'am", Ashley looked worried, not liking this was putting her on the spot in regards to her classmates, "I really should discuss this with my parents..."

The chromatic scales on Vor's face had gone gold with pride at Claudia's frank admission, but were just as quickly freckled with violet apprehension around his brows. This was an opportunity he was unwilling to sacrifice, and yet it hinged on the four people standing beside him. He turned his head to regard Ashley, silently hoping her understandable reticence would not result in the withdrawal of the offer.

"Cadet, with equal due respect; you are the one in Starfleet Academy- not your parents." she looked deeply at the young woman, "Or do you intend to run your command decisions via your parents when you are in command of a starship?"

Ashley looked back to her astonished, "It's out of respect for my parents I feel this way, Professor. They have invested alot in my education."

Eli decided to remain quiet on the subject of parents, given where he stood right now with his own. He glanced at his classmates, noting especially Vor's shift to violet, then looked back to Claudia. Having a Starfleet commission under his belt would truly make him part of this world, not just some political refugee taken under its wing. "Count me in Professor," he replied.

Not thrilled by the idea or the way the Professor had linked their fates together, Chance was, at first, tempted to say 'no'. But he heard... or felt... or something Eli's thought process. Covertly rolling his eyes and casting a glance at Eli, he nodded and said, "Me as well, Professor." His was a more grudgingly toned answer than Eli's.

"And me," Vor interjected. "It is quite the honor, and validation of my choices." The talk of parents had briefly turned the Voth's mind to his own mother and father. He knew he could never risk contacting them, given the unpopularity of his decision to depart their society and seek a theory that, however true, was regarded as heresy. Perhaps one day he would reconnect with his people... on the bridge of his own starship.

"I'm up for it" said Raxim with a pelased expression on her face, her wispy facial hair twitching slightly.

Exhaling, looking away, Ashley recalled the Professor stating in so many words if any of them were unable to handle this, they could still return to the normal four year course. She wasn't so concerned about herself as she was her roommate. Raxim's excitement surprised her, the Talaxian seemed to get easily stressed over the normal flow. "And me", Ashley said, reluctantly.

"Report to Lecture hall 1 at 0800 tomorrow. Major Kamarov and Lieutenants Holbridge and Edwardson shall be awaiting you." she looked at them, "Dismissed!"


Professor Claudia Drake
Head Bitch

Eli Ziyad
Cadet 4th Class

Ashley MacGyver
Cadet 4th Class

Chance Conradi
Cadet Pain in the Ass

Tenahn Vor
Cadet 4th Class

Cadet 4th Class


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