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Gagh and pie.

Posted on Sat Jan 28th, 2012 @ 8:38pm by Brigadier Akima & Admiral Ricky Wegener

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Wegener's Office

Brigadier Akima shifted in her seat to cross one leg over the other at the calves. Though it was a subtle move it allowed a brief and slightly more exposure to the upper thigh of her left leg as the blade tip of her D'k tahg blade caught the fabric of the form fitting and accentuating dress that she wore. She brushed it down with her hand and continued to relay her status report to the Admiral. It was merely a matter of courtesy that she came in person this time to update him of matters concerning the diplomatic departments.

He waited patiently for her to finish her report despite noticing and appreciating the momentary view he was afforded with her movement.

She stopped speaking and waited for a response to a question she asked that went unheard as he momentarily zoned out with scandalous thoughts the view inspired. When he finally spoke he surprised himself as well as her with his reply. "Would you be interested in going out tonight?" He hesitated--uncharacteristically for him he was nervous. "I mean we could get some qagh," he paused, "...or pie?"

She looked at him a moment slightly taken aback and finally said with a smirk. "Is that your idea of an evening on the promenade? Gagh and pie?"

Slightly embarrassed now at his choice of foods, he forged ahead, showing no fear. "Yes. I like pie, you like gagh. We may even share...?"

She continued to look at him with amusement and resisted the urge to laugh. His look of desire and discomfort was sweet but she was professional enough to not mention that. She decided to take him on face value and go with it as the apparent attraction was mutual on both of their parts.

She took a breath then replied. "That would be great." then she smiled as she fidgeted (and she nearly never fidgeted) slightly in her seat.

After thinking on it more, he decided to go for the gusto. "Actually, I am quite an accomplished chef. With a little help from a replicator I could probably whip up some nice Klingon cuisine, or...anything else you might like." He hoped it wasn't too forward asking her to dinner in his quarters. "That is, if you didn't mind the potential for rumors to begin flying?"

She looked him in the eye with a sultry yet lethal look then said "Do I look like a woman who worries about rumors?"

", actually," he said. "1800 hours too early? I have quite a meal in mind for us. Then I thought we could just, I dunno, chat...get to know each other. Normal people stuff."

She chuckled and said, "I've never been accused of being 'Normal people' but I'm willing to give it a shot if you are. 1800 sounds perfect. What can I bring? I make awesome sushi if that would work as an appetizer with what you have planned." She noted a quizzical look on his face and added. "Yes, as shocking as it may seem I do cook..though technically sushi doesn't really involve cooking aside from the rice."

He smiled. "That would be great. And if you don't mind, please don't wear your uniform. I certainly don't when I'm in my quarters and don't expect you to either." He stood and walked around to her chair, holding his hand out to help her stand. "I have an appointment coming in a few minutes. I hate to ask you to leave, but I must. However, I look forward to seeing you at 1800."

She stood and gathered her belongings and in doing so exposed a little more leg once again. With a nod she replied, "I too have a lot to get done today as well as looking forward to tonight."

She left the office with a rare smile on her face. He stood there with a silly grin on his. He had never once been attracted to a Klingon, but there was something about this one that was most certainly different than any others.

Finally wiping the dumb look from his face he got ready for his next appointment, all the time planning his night and making a mental note to let qeraQ' know that he would most-decidedly be off the clock and unavailable for anything short of a massive catastrophe tonight.

A joint post by:

Brigadier General Akima
Klingon Intelligence


Vice Admiral Ricky Wegener
CO, Starbase 900


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