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Preparation Is The Key

Posted on Sun Jan 29th, 2012 @ 1:52pm by Admiral Lucius Hawke & Commander Oralia Zeferino & Lieutenant Commander Kh'ali & Lieutenant Valkris Edwardson- tSepeS & Ensign Kai Sarkozi

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Conference Room 1

The beginning of his meeting with the away team had been delayed by the sudden activity outside the station. Lucius had spent some time on the observation lounge, alone with quite a few others, staring out at the wonder that had suddenly appeared just beyond the starbase walls. He'd been in constant contact with both Ricky and the Ops staff. Now, following the Hammond's departure, he finally left the sight and made his way to the conference room as he paged Commander Zeferino, Commander Kh'ali, Lt. Valkris, and Lucius' assistant Kai. This was certainly going to add a whole new dimension to his talks with the Archadian Prime Minister.

* * * Conference Room 1 * * *

Valkris stepped into the briefing room and immediately stood at attention. "Lieutenant Valkris reporting sir!" She said, waiting for the Admiral to recognize her and indicate where she should sit. She already knew that she was the next to lowest ranked officer on the away mission but was hoping that with a good performance, she could finally see some more success in her career.

With that thought her mind flashed to the news she had been given about her former fiancee being named Captain finally. The thought of being beaten again by Him made her jaw clench and nostrils flare just slightly before she regained her composure and relaxed.

"At ease, Lieutenant." Lucius stood as she entered the room. Lower-ranked or not, she was a lady. He noted the sudden flare of irritation, but let it go. He could certainly understand the sentiment, especially from a race as proud and strong as hers. "Please have a seat, any will do." He indicated a small young woman was already seated at the end of the table opposite Lucius, several padds resting before her. "This is Ensign Sarkozi, my aide."

Kai gave Valkris a smile. "Hello, Lt. Valkris."

Valkris returned the smile to the ensign, all traces of her flash of anger having been erased from her face. "Ensign Kai,. . " She replied as she approached the table to sit where indicated. The Admiral she noticed, was just a bit taller than she and for once she was all the happier for it.

"Admiral, forgive me if this question is personal but are you related to Lieutenant Commander Li Hawke?" She asked as she sat next to Ensign Kai.

"I am, yes. She's my youngest, soon to be my middle child." The smile he gave Valkris was an indulgent one. As they spoke, the doors opened once more to allow a new arrival - another Klingon. Lucius rose as Kh'ali entered. "Welcome, Commander."

"Good morning, Admiral Hawke, Lt. Valkris, Ensign Sarkozi." She moved over to get a cup of tea, then took a seat.

Just as Kh'ali took a seat, LC Zeferino entered the room. Looking at the Admiral, she nodded and said, "Admiral Hawke, this is our security team, Lieutenant Gilroy and Chief Petty Officer Peck." Both security officers were large men, the sort who'd handle themselves well in a hand-to-hand fight. All three took a seat, with Oz doing her best to not rub a hand over her bare head.

Lucius greeted Gilroy and Peck, then once Oz was seated, he sat down as well. "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Archadia III away team. As you are already aware, most of you, Admiral Wegener and I spoke at length with Prime Minister Maline. Given the tactics used by Section 31 to lead them to believe that the strange communications were coming from Starfleet, when in fact they were not, they are understandably wary. This included an attempted Hospital bombing that was thwarted by the crew of the Melbourne. They know the truth of things now, but it has strained relations. Our mission is to restore that. SB900's continued presence in orbit of their planet, and now at the entrance to this new wormhole depends on it."

He paused for a moment to allow comments and questions before addressing the various departments.

Glancing at her two men, Oz checked whether either had any questions; she didn't and they didn't. She shook her head slightly at the Admiral.

"Commander Zeferino, I sent you the requirements as the Prime Minister laid them down. To update the rest of you, their requirement was that I would be allowed the standard guard detail, given my position but that the security personnel in attendance are not to be armed. She has assured me that we will encounter no violence towards us while there. I think she is some disillusioned, but so be it."

Down at the end of the table Kai frowned at his words, but remained silent.

Kai wasn't the only one frowning. All three Security officers had stormy expressions; none of them liked the idea of being without weapons in a potentially hostile location.

Lucius turned to Valkris and continued. "As for you, Lieutenant, I want you to do some sniffing around. I want to know if Section 31 has in fact removed its operatives there or if they are still lurking."

"Admiral, just what level of investigating do you wish be employed?" she asked. "No doubt the Archadians will want a list of officers you will be bringing and what our official designations and functions on the mission will be." Valkirs added. "They will expect you to bring your security personnel, a diplomatic advisor and an aide but an intelligence officer would raise suspicion. If I am to be. . . slowed down by the presence of a sitter while we are there. The. . absence of evidence, isn't the evidence of absence." she added, recalling a quote she had learned from some time ago. "To simplify my questions, am I to be allowed to use more overt means to investigate Section Three-One's continued presence or lack thereof?"

The Prime Minister has been informed of your inclusion on this team. My reasoning with her was that we wish to be certain that Section 31 has been neutralized. To that end, she was glad to accept your offer of assistance to their own Intel division, which is sorely overworked in the wake of recent events. They are well aware of your purpose, so that would be a yes to your question." He glanced around the table, settling on Kh'ali.

"You, Commander, will be with me as a general rule, and we have our work cut out for us. However, given the talent on this team, I am confident of a successful resolution. If there are no more questions, then we stand adjourned. We will depart tomorrow, 1100 hours. Dismissed."


Rear Admiral Lucius Hawke
Alpha Fleet Command, TF215 CO

Lieutenant Commander Oralia Zeferino
Minions Peck and Gilroy

Lieutenant Valkris Edwardson-tSepeS
Intelligence Officer

Lt. Commander Kh'ali
Chief Diplomatic Officer

Ensign Kai Sarkozi
RADM Hawke's Aide

(Add your sigs, and I'll get this up. IT seemed to be wrapping up adn I'd like to get it going)


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