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The Elder Speaks

Posted on Fri Jan 6th, 2012 @ 4:29pm by Tora Sulan & Lieutenant Commander Kit'rin'e

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant

Sha'la'ne was in her own quarters thinking about her encounter with Kit'rin'e's new Mate. She worried that her lack of understanding regarding culture and tradition of Caitians might lead to additional harm or worse. She had offered to help, she knew that most would never do such but she considered that because she was not Caitian. She could then afford to at least to some degree, help.

Dressed in typical Elder attire she was reading through some material from the Homeworld about mated pairs similar to the situation she was faced with now. There were notes and records of Caitians pairing with many species over the decades and she took some relief that there was some information she could use.

Sha'la'ne didn't have a badge like Kit'rin'e did, Sulan only understood Sha'la'ne last time thanks in no small part to the Universal Translator in his badge. Without one, communicating could be difficult, while she could speak English, it was not an easy task. Using the table top console, she routed a message to Kit'rin'e, in Caitian, asking that his Mate see her.

***Kit'rin'e's Quarters***

The message came through, he was expecting it. He understood the Elder had a role to play, she would judge his Mate in many and every way possible if she so wished it and had the right to. It often reminded him of reading information about Klingon matings. The new female to the family would have to prove her worth to the female of the house. This was in some regards the same thing.

"My Mate, the Elder wishes to see you." Kit'rin'e said, looking a little better than before but not by much. Still suffering the side effects of not having her around for a while though it would be a slow recovery.

"Alone or will you come too?" Sulan looked a bit uncertain at this news. She'd expected the call but even so, the thought of facing her down alone was more than a little intimidating.

"Alone, I believe she wishes to guide you through what to expect, explain why we do things as we do and what you should do since you are my Mate." Kit'rin'e answered. He expected her reaction, even female Caitians had some fear of an Elder. The position of Elder was one of such importance to families and as such, most respected. "I would suggest something, traditional in attire." He picked up a Padd, on which was a series of images displaying traditional female attire for Caitians. While some modifications would be needed due to her not being Caitian, he wanted to make sure that his Mate made a suitable impression on the first real meeting between the two.

"I see." Taking the padd in hand, she moved over to the replicator and entered the specs adjusting them down for size. Once done, she hurried off to dress, talking to Kit'rin'e from the bedroom. "I suppose since she didn't eat me on first meeting that's at least something good." Her voice was muffled as she pulled clothes on over her head. "But if I'm not back in two hours, send help?"

Kit'rin'e stood amused by her remark. He knew the Elder would not harm her, a perk of being female. However that didn't stop her from using fear and intimidation if needed to sink home a point. Still, he saw the dress she chose and hoped the Elder would approve. There was much riding on this meeting and any other meetings that followed. He was powerless to get involved and he'd dare not go against the Elder.

Sulan emerged and took a deep breath. "Ready as I"ll ever be." She gave him a kiss to the cheek, and hurried out.

***Sha'la'ne's Quarters***

Waiting patiently for her guest to arrive she made sure to have everything she needed ready, reading material, literature, albums and more. The Elder wanted to expose Sulan to as much as she could while being unable to visit the Homeworld. A point she would raise in fact with her.

The door chime rang as Sulan arrived. She took another deep breath, trying to mentally prepare herself and it occurred to her that her life had certainly been turned inside out in the last short few weeks. Perhaps she should've brought something for the elder but too late now. And so she waited.

Sha'la'ne called her in, the doors opened and there stood the female she was to 'evaluate'. "Come in." She said in somewhat difficult English. She stepped aside to let her in.

Sulan stepped in and bowed as she had the previous evening. Once she was upright, she tapped the civvie communicator she wore, then spoke. "Good afternoon, Elder. This should be working now, to make it easier for you. I am pleased to see you again so soon."

The Elder was somewhat more at ease now, being able to speak normally for herself yet be understood. She also noted how Sulan was dressed as she glanced over her. "Please, sit." She offered, next to the table loaded with items.

"Thank you." It was apparent that Sulan was more than a little nervous this visit. She sat down, glancing at the table, then spoke. "My apologies again for my outburst last evening. It's been a little trying, with everything moving so fast. Someone on the station saw this scar and seemed to think I was being abused and security showed up. Along with trying to make sense of this new life and the physical considerations, it's been something of a whirlwind."

Listening to what was said yet understanding of the points she raised. "Our ways may seem...complex, complicated or difficult to understand yet each has a meaning to us Caitians." Sha'la'ne said taking a seat as well. "To you holding hands with another may seem nothing but friendly contact, to us, touch is much more." She sat back in the chair against the protest of some bones cracking from stiffness. "How do you feel about Kit'rin'e?" She asked, now getting down to business.

"I would do anything for him. Those I am closest to here were worried that I jumped into this knowing him only about a day. But the moment he climbed the tree with me in the arboretum I knew." Faint pink dusted her cheeks now. "I love him, though that may be hard to believe."

"You mentioned the physical considerations, what did you mean?" Having listened to her answer she would get back to it in a moment. She understood that was meant by the physical considerations but wanted to make sure Sulan knew everything she needed.

" Several customs to be upheld, and this issue with being apart. I unknowingly put him at risk, which I wouldn't have done otherwise."

"To pose a Human question." Hoping she got it right. "What do you see in Kit'rin'e?"

"That's rather like asking one to define love isn't it? To make something deeply personal and intangible concrete. He's a great man, but alone. I felt that the first time I saw him. One word from me seemed to hold that at bay the night we met and I knew he needed me."

"Kit'rin'e is a male that would do anything for you." Sha'la'ne softly spoke. "He is your protector, your pillar of strength when you need him. He will be there for you to the end, support you any way possible and do anything you ask of him." She said. She lent forward and picked up a book. It appeared new however it was clearly Caitian. The book was also in Caitian but the opposite page held a Bajoran translation. "This will help you understand the more private, intimate aspects of a relationship with a Caitian."

For an instant, Sulan wanted to sink into the floor. Time seemed to turn back and she was young, having the facts of life explained to her. She shook her head slightly to clear it. "Umm, intimacy is not something that has caused any problems. So far." she was hoping that would be enough.

"Intimacy for Caitian's may seem plain and straight forward to others, do not be afraid to explore with him though do not expect him to suggest such a thing since he is the male." She spoke and sat back again. "Has he made claws for you yet or converted his collar?"

"Not yet. To be honest, there hasn't been time."

Sha'la'ne opened a box, in it was just a set of gloves. "Here." She said holding them to her. "They may be big on you, but the concept remains the same. A small hand action is all that's needed to bear the claws, you have complete control over them."

Sulan took the gloves and slipped them on. They were, in fact, a bit loose. She held her hands up, examining then. "Now what?"

"Use your little finger, extend it fully." She instructed. Each set of gloves were different, each had different decoration or markings or mechanisms inside, each however produced the same result.

Sulan extended her little finger as instructed, curious what would happen. The small mechanism inside caught just under her fingertip.

With a click, her finger tips were graced with her own set of claws, marble black in colour. Even her thumb had a claw yet there was nothing to hinder the movement of her fingers. As soon as she would start to relax her hand the claws would retreat. "Kit'rin'e will make some for you, his own claws as molds for your set, you can not offer to help, it is a test for him, a demonstration."

"Very well, I take it when he is ready he will?" She carefully removed the gloves, silently wondering when she would ever have need of these now. A few years ago, they certainly would have been handy.

"He should make them soon, though if you choose to, you should wear them. Like you scar they are an important mark, a symbol if you will to Caitians." She explained. "Has he offered his tail yet?"

Sulan opened her mouth to answer, then thought better of it. She was not at all sure what Sha'lan'e was asking here. Sulan was more than familiar with his tail but that might not be something the Elder wanted to hear. She decided to aim for discretion.

"In what way?"

"As you know, our tails are important to us, they help balance us when walking, but to hold one while he walks is a great sign of trust." She explained. "How long it takes before he offers it depends how confident he is, or until you ask for it. In any case though, if it happens, hes showing a great deal of trust because if he falls, he could be injured."

"Umm yes. Let's just say he has no qualms about offering his tail and leave it at that, shall we?" Sulan wished for a different subject, any subject, now.

Sha'la'ne couldn't help but smirk, it seemed Kit'rin'e had his own traits that she didn't know about which he used to please his Mate. "I see." She then picked up another book and handed it to her. "This should help explain any complications you might encounter during difficult times, especially his shedding cycle."

"Thank you. He did mention that. As I understand it, the station's CO has been informed that time off will be needed." She opened the book, flipped through a few pages here and there. She stopped at an illustration of the scenting ritual they'd gone through. Looking at it like this, she could see how it might look frightening.

"Have you any questions?" Sha'la'ne wanted to ask before pressing on with the task at hand.

"So far, so good," Sulan answered. In truth, she intended to get through this book as fast as she could, in case there was something else she was missing that her mate wasn't allowed to tell her.

"Good." Sha'la'ne answered. "Could you stand please." She asked standing herself.

"Of course." Sulan got immediately to her feet, facing the Elder.

Now came the more demanding part. Using her tail she seemed to measure up Sulan, around the waist, the arm length, leg length. Even her stomach and chest were measured. "Are you fertile?" She asked bluntly.

Sulan blinked at the question. Then again, that had been a big question that asshole Doctor Harding had probed and prodded so much to find out the answer to as well. They still seemed somewhat uncertain on what her unaging body would do. Natalia believed that things were working normally. That seemed the safest answer for now.

"As far as I know, yes."

Not exactly what Sha'la'ne was expecting. "As far as you know?" Her tone a slightly more serious one than before. The future of the family depending on Sulan. She wanted to be sure.

"Well, the doctor says everything is normal, but I've never tested the plumbing, so to speak." Sulan groaned inwardly.

"Are you prepared to start a family?" While it might not be now, family was important to Caitians and the expectation was clearly present in this situation.

"I know it's expected but we've not made any definite plans either way. We've only had two weeks, more or less, and we knew nothing about each other before." She paused and then decided to jump in with both feet. "However, if you're asking, we've not gone to the trouble to prevent it either."

"I see." That didn't really bother Sha'la'ne much, it was the family that was important. "In that second book I gave you, it should present some advice about pregnancy and what might help. Treatments, oils that will help with any marks or ease muscles." While her measuring was done, Sulan was acceptable, if a bit short. She knew though however females of other species ranged greatly in height but she met all the needed requirements. "Are you comfortable in attire such as that?" Wondering now if she liked traditional Caitian wear.

"It's quite comfortable, really. he went to the trouble to find quite a few different styles for me. " She smiled and without realizing it her hand went to the diamond-shaped opening over her stomach. "It's interesting since so many cultures wish to cover a budding life, not expose it. I am guessing that's the reason the opening is here."

"It is, to Caitians life is important to us and we take pride in it." Another book she opened explained it in better detail. "Does what Kit'rin'e is bother you?" She asked. "He is a feline, a predator of sorts, he's not of your kind."

That question didn't thrill Sulan. "If it bothered me, do you think I would be in the position I am in now? It would have been heartless to make the moves we did, then turn away simply because he is different."

Sha'la'ne was glad to hear that his being Caitian did not pose any sort of bother to his Mate. "Have you heard much about our Homeworld?" She asked, sooner or later Sulan would have to go there.

"He has spoken of it often, actually. I know he misses it, despite his dedication to the Fleet and his position."

Not wanting to keep Kit'rin'e from his Mate, Sha'la'ne decided to let her take the literature with her to her quarters so that she might read more about what lay in store for them. "Take them, read. I hope that they might be able to help you understand our ways and the expectations of all involved."

Sulan nodded. "I will, and thank you." She wasn't sure if that was a dismissal or not but given recent events, she thought it high time she got back home.


Lt. Commander Kit'rin'e
Tora Sulan

School's In Session


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