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Which Way Is Up?

Posted on Mon Jan 30th, 2012 @ 2:21pm by Tora Sulan & Lieutenant Commander Kit'rin'e

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Kit'rin'e's Quarters

Sulan departed Sha'la'ne's guest quarters at a composed pace, the stack of books in her arms. Once the doors closed behind her, however, she was off at a run in the direction of her quarters. 'Her' quarters now meant the ones shared with Kit'rin'e. Her head spun with all the information presented to her, one thing after another. She needed a break, needed....her mate.

* * * Kit'rin'e's Quarters * * *

Kit'rin'e sat in the room reading a few reports, his mind only half on them however as his mate was spending time with the Elder. Though the first encounter was not exactly a positive one and while she did offer to instruct his mate on what was expected. It still left him on edge about how all of it would fair in the long run when it really came down to it.

He had hoped that some prior warning or notification was given then he could have explained things to his mate, helped her for when the Elder arrived, however that was not to be. He'd taken another shower, still suffering from the effects of her absence and wanting to freshen up. He hoped the Elder was not too harsh with her, she was Bajoran, knew little about his ways and could not be expected to just 'know' everything she was supposed to right away. Especially since she had gone from single to life long marriage within 3 days.

The doors slid open to reveal Sulan, her arms loaded with books. She stepped in silently,enough to let them close behind her. Leaning back against them, she slid down to sit in the floor. Her gaze when it reached Kit'rin'e was utterly bewildered. "How will I ever get all this in my head fast enough to satisfy her?" She paused a moment as her real question spilled out. "And how will I do it soon enough so that I stop missing things that are so vitally important? Why can't you tell me when I mess up?"

"Time is on your side my mate." Kit'rin'e said as he walked towards her from the sofa, as he neared her he dropped to his hands and feet to her level and sat with her. "She is willing to teach you that which you need to know about my ways, I am expecting of the same from you about your ways and customs." He moved and took the books from her. Some still had the scent of Cait on them, it brought a small smile to his face. "It's not my place, but I promised last night, I will do my best to keep it."

She nodded slowly, turning her gaze down to study her hands. "She was polite but seems somewhat dismayed that I don't know all this already." Sulan's eyes were suddenly bright with unshed tears and she pressed her hands over them to hide it. "I don't even know what I don't know, which is why you ended up in such a bad state. I should have sensed it somehow, and I didn't."

"You can not be expected to know everything, every relationship is different and we Caitians are not the most simple of species. Couple that with the changes you yourself have made to accommodate us, after such a short span of time." Kit'rin'e said sitting next to her, his back like hers against the door. "My species are very traditional, we have many rites and rituals, but we also have many teachings for both males and females yet the two are very different from each other."

"Such teachings are instilled at a young age and constantly tested, especially for me, you saw how scent effected me towards you so you can imagine the difficulty I went through at the Academy and every new assignment I was given." He paused for a moment. "Males have strict guidelines on what they can and can not do, females have a different set of rules for themselves, males are the subservient gender in my species."

She nodded, her face still hidden by her hands. Too many thoughts, facts, legends, traditions, and expectations whirled in her thoughts, refusing to settle long enough to grasp. The Elder was here for a short time and somehow she had to master a seemingly endless amount of material, along with becoming all but psychic so she could know the things that no one was allowed to tell her.

After all she said there was one thing that rang clear in his mind. All this was his fault. Everything such as this very issue was born from the relationship they started and it was not his intention to have her feel this way, subject her to such feelings and pressures. "Would you like me to leave?" He asked softly.

"Leave?" She looked up, panic shining in her eyes now. Was he really offering to call this off, go their separate ways? He couldn't, it would harm him and besides she...The thought came to a screeching halt. She loved him. She'd admitted as much to the Elder but had never said it to him. There was no way she could let this go now. "You can't leave. I don't want to be without you. I love you." Her words continued in a rush. "I..I'll figure this all out somehow, I promise. Just don't go."

Kit'rin'e sat in silence for a very brief moment. She loved him, she needed him. It made him feel warm and secure. He was upset slightly that it was all starting to get on top of her, the pressures, the requirements and expectations. "If you wish, I am confident the Elder will understand if you wish to put off becoming the Elder for a time." Maybe hoping it would give her an alternative solution to the problem.

Sulan sighed aloud, then crawled up into his lap, settling in against him. " I wondered about that but she seems so determined and I don't want to appear weak, or unworthy. What do you think?"

"What is important is what you want to do my mate, you do not have to become Elder right now if you do not wish to, Sha'la'ne is patient and been Elder for some time now. A while longer will cause no harm especially since you are not Caitian so have much to learn about our ways which you can not do within a short space of time." His mate nestled within his warm furry embrace as he comforted her. "I am confident she will understand if you explain it to her, or ask it be in a slower pace."

"Do you think it's because she wants to ...retire? Take it easy for a change? And how will your family deal with an Elder who's not on Cait?" HIs closeness and warmth was going a long way to settling her frazzled nerves finally and she buried her fingers in the fur on his chest, liking the way his voice rumbled deep within when he spoke.

"She is just doing what her responsibilities demand, if you are not ready then she will take her time with you. She reminded me of a few things I must do for you though but it is you that must decide what you want and when." His answer was soft and gentle, his tail coiling about her lower legs as she rested with him. "Caitians are complex creatures with many facets and traditions. It takes time even for young Caitians to learn it."

"And what things must you do for me, Kit'rin'e?" Her sunny smile had returned as she looked up at his face.

"My collar and handwear." He replied, not wanting to go to much into it for a surprise for her. Not knowing however that Sha'la'ne had already explained and shown his mate that very item.

"Ah yes, she did mention them." Sulan fell silent for a few minutes, simply enjoying the closeness. "I'll think on your idea of waiting, but for now, I think what needs my attention is you." She reached up over his head to the door panel and pushed the button to lock it.

"I was thinking the same for you, you have been through much because of what I am, it is you that needs my attention. I have not exactly been for you what you might have expected in a relationship." Kit'rin'e replied softly as he held her.

"We'll figure it out. Don't worry."


Lt. Commander Kit'rin'e
Tora Sulan
Getting Some Direction


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