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Better Than A Rollercoaster

Posted on Wed Feb 15th, 2012 @ 6:34am by Captain Li Hawke & Commander Oralia Zeferino & Major Patrick Smith & Tog
Edited on on Tue Sep 22nd, 2015 @ 10:29pm

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: The Blackbird

True to Suresh's estimate, they were about twenty minutes out when a small alien cruiser appeared. By Patrick's scans, it bore standard weapons, but none were powered up and ready for battle as yet. Suresh had simply tried to relax on the trip, rather unsuccessfully. The space was a bit cramped for pacing and so he'd returned to his seat, watching out the portal. Occasionally he'd spoken to Tog about some minor matter or the other but his attention was never held for long. Finally, they drew within range and the small ship hailed them.

Upon noticing the small ship dropping out Pat had set the ships sensors to begin scanning her looking for weapons. The beeping from his console signalling a hail before the scans could complete caused him to raise an eyebrow. Pressed the appropriate button to connect he lent back as he spoke, "This is the Blackbird. How can we help you?"

"Greetings Blackbird," came a heavily accented voice. Identify your passenger."

Behind Patrick, Suresh spoke up. "Tell him your passenger is Mr. Selvin Ito." He leaned forward and placed a small metal box on the co-pilot's seat next to Patrick.

Pat looked around at Suresh before shrugging and passing the message on to the other ship and sat back awaiting their response. Curiosity peaked as to the contents of the box however he decided it was probably not worth his while looking just yet.

"Acknowledged, Blackbird. You have a package for us I believe. Sending coordinates now, transport it over and we will be on our way."

Nine looked around and getting a nod from Suresh entered the coordinates into the transporter. "Beaming it over now... and its away. Confirm you have the package please."

There was a brief delay, in which Suresh gave Tog a casual smile but remained silent. The voice came back over the comm once more.

"It's here. My regards to Mr. Selvin Ito. Gentlemen, our business is concluded." The voice fell silent and as they watched, the small runabout turned, preparing to depart. Before it could get underway, another small ship materialized, a beam shot forth and in milliseconds, the runabout exploded in a small orange inferno and vanished.

Nine rolled his eyes and muttered to himself, "Aww c'mon you are taking the piss," as he raised the Blackbird's shields and banked hard. "Hang on you two. Tog don't you dare throw up." Bringing the Blackbird about he started to set up a jump to warp hoping that he would be faster, something which he doubted.

As the little ship shifted under him, Tog screamed in Ferengi, flinging imprecations at Nine and his hideous piloting skills. Within moments, he was flinging something else entirely and reaching desperately for the head as his stomach protested the sudden swings in motion.

Suresh hid a smile as he gripped the armrests as the shuttle shifted to a steep angle as they evaded several blasts. His attention was on Patrick with laser-like precision, however watching to see how he handled himself under pressure.

Frowning as he dodged the blasts Pat powered up the Blackbirds twin pulse phaser cannons. "Fine then if he wants to play hardball he can," he muttered to himself as he brought the fighter around. Once he was facing he set off forward at 1/2 impulse whilst rolling hard to port in what would have seemed like an endless barrel roll after a few spins in which he loosed several burst of fire he leveled out and punched forward.

To a watcher the Blackbird surged forward taking a couple of glancing blows as she did, closing in close at just under 200 meters she let loose a full flurry of fire strafing the starboard side of the ship.

"Are you stupid!?", came a shriek from the back of the Blackbird. Tog was apparently feeling slightly better, having emptied his stomach on the 'bird's carpeting. The smell was awful and Tog's demeanor matched it. "Would you just fly straight and get us out of here?!"

Suresh held up a hand to Tog, to quiet him, shooting him a "I'll explain later' look. Patrick's maneuvering seemed to do the trick and his shots soon had the other ship baning off and moving out of range.

In response to Suresh's hand wave and look, Tog bared his teeth. He hated it when Suresh kept him in the dark; well, then again, he didn't. His hourly rate tended to increase when Su did this sort of thing. He also had a separate charge for 'inducing illness', though his bills didn't call it that.

As Nine watched the other ship bank away he spun his own ship around and firing another salvo he managed to clip through the shields that had already been weakened and knocked out one of the engines. "Stupid idiot. Needs to pick on someone his own size next time," he muttered before turning about. As the Blackbird jumped to warp he spun around and looked at Tog and pointed to the mess. "Thats coming out of your pay package."

"I'll cover it," Suresh informed him. A pleased expression lit his eyes now. "Good work, now get us home. I have someone to find."


Master of Laws, not Physics

Master Of Making People Puke

Master Of All He Surveys


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