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On To Archadia

Posted on Mon Feb 27th, 2012 @ 12:06pm by Commander Oralia Zeferino & Lieutenant Commander Gilroy & Admiral Ricky Wegener & Admiral Lucius Hawke & Lieutenant Commander Kh'ali & Lieutenant Valkris Edwardson- tSepeS & Ensign Kai Sarkozi

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant

Following the away team briefing, Lucius had returned home to see Aia and get the one small bag he'd need before departing. Now, as he made his way to the transporter room, worry gnawed at him. The timing was not good to be away but the Fleet called and he had to go. Too much was riding on this not to see to it personally. Medical had arranged for someone to stay with her and that was all he could do for now.

Kh'ali and Kai were already there in the transporter room as he arrived, and after he greeted them, the conversation turned casual as they waited for the rest to arrive.

Five officers in gold uniforms arrived, two with bare heads. One of those with no hair was Oralia Zeferino; she nodded in response to a question from the other bald one, Lt. Michael Darwin. "She's confined to quarters for now; Chance will look in on her and make sure she has food," she said. Looking up at Kh'ali, she smiled and nodded in greeting. She pulled Darwin aside, leaving Gilroy and Peck to greet the Admiral alone.

"Good morning, Admiral Hawke, Commander Kh'ali, and Ensign," Gilroy smiled slightly. To Kh'ali, he said, "I'm glad to hear that you are no worse for wear after your kidnapping ordeal, Commander."

Lucius and Kai greeted the new arrivals, then Kai began to check over her padd that contained their schedule.

"Thank you." Kh'ali smiled at Gilroy. "I'm glad it's over." She left it at that, not really wanting to let her thoughts revisit that horror. "Frankly, I am glad that you are on this team, the whole situation makes me a little jumpy."

Valkris entered the transporter room moments later, nodding to the other assembled officers with a curt nod of her head. "Admiral, Commanders.." she said as she moved closer to the transporter pad. "It looks like I am right on time.." she added.

Dismissing Darwin, Oralia joined the others and looked from one to the other. "Looks like we're all here, Admiral. Shall we go?"

At the Admiral's nod, the team assembled and were transported down - Oz's team first. As she materialized, she nodded to the Archadian security team meeting them and greeted them, "Hello, I'm Lieutenant Commander Oralia Zeferino, Chief of Security. Is everything set here?"

The Archadian's chief nodded to her and then to her team, noticeably all women.

Behind her, Gilroy and Peck visually scanned the location and Gilroy sent an 'all's clear' signal back to the 'base. In the next moment, the Admiral and the others materialized.

Once word came back from Security, the rest of the team took their places and moments later Lucius, Kh'ali, and Valkris joined them on Archadia. They found themselves in what appeared to be a reception area. Along with the Archadian Security team, several officials were present, along with the Prime Minister. Lucius stepped forward, gave a courtly bow and spoke.

"Prime Minister Maline, it is a pleasure to meet you in person at long last."

She was pleased to see that Admiral Hawke didn't always jab his hand out in what was apparently the Earth form of greeting. Maline never enjoyed touching other people unless it was on her terms. "Likewise, Admiral," she said, eying the group. "I trust you'll not want to waste time getting started?"

"Of course. And I assume your security detail will wish to confer with my own?" He turned to the team and introduced them in turn.

"I'm sure they will," she said as she turned to her security chief. "This is Chief Onek Whein. If you require anything security-wise, she will be your point of contact."

Lucius nodded to Oz, then looked back to the Prime Minister. "And Lt. Valkris is here as an observer. I'd like her to examine the sites affected by Section 31, if that is agreeable to you, Prime Minister."

"Fine, fine," she said with a wave of her hand. "Whein, assign someone to show the Lieutenant those areas." She turned back to Hawke. "I'm sorry, Admiral, but I must be going. I have an important meeting to get to that I simply cannot miss." With a nod, she turned and walked off, escorted by one of the security complement.

Oz raised a brow at the Prime Minister's dismissal of Hawke. With a glance and a very subtle lift of one shoulder, she transmitted her surprise to Gilroy.

"How interesting.." Valkris mused as the Archadian minister walked away. "Well then, It would appear that we should get started then" she added. turning around casually, Valkris took notice of the Archadian security detachment assigned to them. Very tall, very capable looking and predominately female. She had read in the reports from previous missions that the Archadians were a matriarchal society. It made her wonder if the prime minister's dismissal of Admiral Hawke was due to having to meet with a male representative or simply because she truly had some other concerns to attend to. "Admiral Hawke, will we be issued quarters here or will we return to the Nine-Hundred for the night?" she asked pointedly.

"Quarters are available or you are free to return to the station at your discretion, Lieutenant." Lucius gave Valkris a brief smile. "And you are right, getting started seems like a good idea," his voice dropped to a low register, "since it appears you have the run of the place."

Valkris caught the Admiral's meaning and nodded her head slightly. Her tasks would be probably just as difficult as the Admiral's in trying to appease, and placate the Archadian leadership. "Yes sir, I'm looking forward to taking in the sights, and getting off the beaten paths as they were." she replied as she turned to move off from the group.

Oralia perked up at the Admiral's statement, "Sir, which option are you taking? Will you be staying here each night or going back to SB900?" His answer determined what she'd be doing.

Lucius considered the question. "Tonight I need to remain here, as a show of good faith. Kh'ali will as well. The rest of you, it's your call."

"Then we'll be staying as well, Admiral," Oralia replied.



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