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Blurred Lines

Posted on Sat Jun 2nd, 2012 @ 12:00pm by Lieutenant Natalia Bren M.D. & Lieutenant Mi Lo-Tseng

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Nat's Quarters/Main Sickbay-CMO Office
Timeline: Current

Tired and emotionally drained, Natalia entered her quarters after what had been a very long day. She had spent most of it trying to figure out what to do about Harding. She had told Jackson to stay away. And it hurt more than she had ever imagined. She had to do everything she could think of to protect him and Sulan from the disgusting man's clutches.

So should she stay or should she go...? Would her remaining on the Starbase actually cause more harm than good? It was only a matter of time before Harding used what he had always held over her to get what he wanted. He had always held all the cards..until that day he lost his hold on the project. You won't get it back, Harding. she was adamant, although she didn't know what to do; no matter what direction she took, she felt trapped. The fine line between right and wrong had been blurred a long time ago.

It was in making a decision, she had walked into the CMO office to find the Starbase new Assistant CMO, Doctor Jae-Hwa Kwan, sitting at Connor's desk...

"Doctor McKinney resigned", he had said.

She found herself needing to sit down. "Wh...why?" she asked.

"I dont know", Jae replied, shaking his head, "The word just came down." He gestured a hand at the computer before him, "I've been going over his memos, and there's nothing here to indicate this was something he was planning. But he's gone, and so that means more hours for the both of us until the position is filled."

"What about you?" she spoke out quickly, resisting the urge to swallow.

"No.." he gave another slight shake of his head, "I have minimum experience in my current position." He then smiled, "I appreciate the faith", and then gestured with his hands, "but I haven't had the opportunity to..."

As he spoke, a frightening thought came to her; if word got to Harding that the Starbase Chief Medical Officer's position was open...would he take advantage..? She gripped the arms on her chair.

"Are you okay?", Jae asked, interupted himself as he noticed her body language and that she had become pale very suddenly. She was looking at him with a faraway gaze.

"Uh..yes..I'm, I'm okay", she cleared her throat, "just tired." and it was as if she returned to him, clearing her throat again before bringing them back to topic, "You were saying you haven't the opportunity... to prove yourself", she finished. She understood. Connor McKinney had his difficulties, but he was a good man, an amazing doctor, had been an amazing administrator.

"Yes.." he said, in a hesitant manner. He was then studying her. "The department is in great shape", his voice trying to sound positive, "Doctor McKinney did leave behind some pretty big shoes to fill. However...", and then he leaned back, looking as if he had something more to say, and not wanting to say whatever that was.

"However...?" she puzzled, her brows coming together.

Jae's lips thinned together before he revealed, "The past couple of weeks he was making mistakes. They were small ones, but regardless the man was slipping. I hate to say this, but perhaps with whatever is going on with him, his resigning is for the best."

For the best...

"No, not for the best.." Now in the present, Nat spoke to noone, wishing there was someone she could talk to. It wasn't the first time that day she considered going to the Admiral but again uncertainty held her back. Undressing, she walked into her bedroom. After slipping out of her uniform, she sat on the side of the bed...and ran her hand over where Jackson had slept early that morning.

She grabbed hold of the pillow he used, and held it tightly to her, laying down on her side, smelling his scent, hearing his words, "...this time there's no one lookin' over your shoulder, directin' your every step and mine. Now, it's just us."

Unable to blink back the tears this time, she closed her eyes, "I'm sorry Jackson", she whispered, "You deserve to know everything."


Doctor Natalia Bren
Chief Surgeon

Doctor Jae-Hwa Kwan
Assist. CMO


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