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And Then the Flood Came

Posted on Fri Jun 1st, 2012 @ 9:26pm by Admiral Ricky Wegener & Captain qeraQ' & Brigadier Akima

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Wegener's Quarters and Office
Timeline: Current

BGEN Akima's Quarters
Rick awoke, looking around the quarters and for a moment not knowing where he was. The realization of his location came to him when he realized there was a large, beautiful and nude Klingon woman lying close to him. The night's activities came flooding back to him making him smile slightly. He ran his hand down the side of her face and chest, caressing her breast and then down to her stomach. He'd never been with a Klingon but he now knew that not everything that he knew about Klingon lovemaking was true. They didn't always want to beat the hell out of you during sex. In fact, Akima was a truly passionate woman and did things to Ricky that made his head spin.

To say he was extraordinarly happy was an understatement.

He found the chronometer in her room and saw that it was now 0705 hours. He'd scheduled a meeting with qeraQ' at 0800 hours after their return through the wormhole. He felt it only fair to allow the man and his crew time to rest and get back and situated before requiring him to make a full report.

"You have to leave?" she asked as she turned toward him fully and kissed his chest.

"I do. Captain qeraQ' and I have a meeting in an hour. He's to report on what happened through the wormhole and his contact with Starfleet."

"An hour," she said. "Good. We have time for one more." She growled playfully and began rousing him from his sleep and for her...which didn't take much.

* * *

VADM Wegener's Office

Rick walked into the outer area of his office and found Captain qeraQ' waiting along with Rick's assistant, Lt. Beckman.

"Good morning, sir," she said as he entered.

"Lieutenant," he nodded. "Captain, welcome back. Come with me," he said as he entered the doors to his office proper and walked in.

qeraQ' entered the office carrying a pile of padds. He had taken a few minutes on his return to check in with the section heads. Followed by a brief dinner and bed. As the door closed behind them he placed the padds firmly on the desk.

"Starfleet Command send their regards and asked me to pass these on to you, intelligence reports, requests... They felt that without communications from them you might have been a little bored."

Rick gave his XO a wry look. "So nice of them," he said and pushed the stack to the side of his desk to be dealt with later. "I have to say, Captain, I'm very happy that you all returned safely. Even happier that the wormhole, which appears to be a stable one, goes to the same spot that the gateways used to."

“It will certainly be convenient, and I know that the Science department will be thrilled with their new pet, perhaps they will even give it a name!” he smiled, “I had a targh that could disappear as if he was falling into a Wormhole once, perhaps that would be appropriate!”

"A disappearing targh, huh?" Rick said with a chuckle.

“Once the subspace array is up and running we can begin to use the Wormhole properly, I would suggest that we keep it strictly for military use until we know for sure that it is stable, I doubt it would be good for relations if one of our hosts here in the quadrant got killed after we had said it was safe.”

"I agree. We can't take that chance. However, being that a wormhole is a natural phenomenon, despite being created by our old gates, I don't know that we can actually keep them from using it."

"I'll have the diplomatic office send out some warning messages and place a message buoy at the entrance. That will at least allow us to say 'I told you so' if something does go wrong."

"So can you give me the short version of...this?" Ricky asked while gesturing towards the stack of PADDs that qeraQ' had given him. "Or anything else of importance that Starfleet felt necessary to share?"

"Little new in the alpha quadrant although the gateway exploding caused a lot of questions to be asked. I expect that's what a lot of those notes will be requesting. There was one briefing with Starfleet intelligence that was looking for information on the current Section 31 situation. They are notably concerned."

"Yeah, well, that particular report will take quite a while to get back to them what with the goings on down on the planet," he said, referring to Vice Admiral Hawke's away team. "I suspect he, Oz and the rest of the away team will have quite a bit to add upon their return."

"I have caught up with most sections, but is there anything else of importance I should be aware of on the station?"

"Nothing much has changed. Everyone, including the civilian population, was a bit more caught up with the wormhole and whether or not you and yours would make it back to us," Rick said. "It's almost as if the whole base just sort of...stopped. But now that you're back I can guarantee that all of the shenanigans will pick up from right where they left off."

The chime on the desk rang out. =^= Sir, I think you should come out here. =^=

"Hope, I'm in a meeting," he said, nonplussed.

=^= Admiral, it's Aia, Admiral Hawke's wife. She's in the foyer...and I think she's having her baby. =^=

Without hesitation he and qeraQ' stood and bolted towards the foyer. Rick slapped his communicator badge. "Medical team to the CO's office!"

She was holding her stomach sitting in one of the chairs with Hope putting a pillow behind her back for support and holding her hand. "Breathe," the Lieutenant coached her. "Breathe, ma'am. The Admiral has the medical team coming. It won't be long."

Rick turned to his XO and, trying to remain calm so as not to adversely affect Aia, he said, "Please to go C&C and contact Vice Admiral Hawke. Inform him that she is going to sickbay and I will update him as soon as we know if this is the real thing."

With a nod, qeraQ' headed to Command & Control to deliver the message, leaving Rick and Hope to deal with Aia, who seemed to be doing okay holding her own.

...then the water broke.

A joint post by:

BGEN Akima


CAPT qeraQ'


VADM Ricky Wegener


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