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Bad Pennies - Part One

Posted on Sun Jun 3rd, 2012 @ 10:08am by Jackson Banning V & Cassidy Wilde & Jono

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Harding's Quarters / The Wormhole Bar

* * * Dr. Harding’s Quarters * * *

Harding reached for the snifter of brandy that stood sentinel on the coffee table beside him. All in all, he was a very happy man. The meeting with Natalia had exceeded his expectations. She’d been nervous and frightened, just as he had hoped. Then again, he’d always been able to read her far more easily than she knew. Those deeply expressive eyes never failed to reveal exactly what she was thinking. Idly he wondered if Banning noticed that, or if that neanderthal was just looking for a way to give his dick some exercise.

Harding seriously doubted that Jackson Banning was capable of any sort of emotional depth whatsoever. Granted, the man had been good in his time, but as a tool only, of the point and shoot variety. They had an issue, they sent him. Point and shoot. Which, now that he thought about it, he was still doing, only this time with Natalia.

That thought brought forth gales of laughter from Harding. Sometimes he absolutely cracked himself up. Despite what Natalia may think, or how much she protested there was nothing going on with Banning, Harding new a weak spot when he saw one. And wasn’t it just delicious that Sulan was here as well....two weak spots, and two people who thought they could stand in his way. No one stood in William Harding’s way. They would learn that soon enough.

He reached for the brandy and drained the last of it down in one go. He was suddenly in the mood to do a little sight seeing.

“Computer, locate Jackson Banning.”

=^= Jackson Banning is on the Promenade, Unit F =^=

“What is Unit F?”

=^= The Wormhole Bar =^=

“Now that sounds like a dive if I’ve ever heard of one.”

=^= Please restate request =^=

“Go to hell, I’m going to a bar.”

The computer beeped an acknowledgment as Harding stood and departed his quarters.

* * * The Wormhole Bar * * *

The Wormhole was in rare form as Jackson and Cassidy entered. As usual, a chorus of greetings to Jackson rose and as they made their way through the crowd, Jackson stopped here and there to speak to various people and introduce Cassidy. Finally, they were lucky enough to grab a table that was just being vacated. The noise level was high, full of talk, laughter, the occasional argument.

“Hey Jackson!” It was Jono from behind the bar. “Who’s the lovely lady?”

Jackson grinned and waved him over. “Git yer ass over here and find out!”

Jono finally arrived at the table and smiled at Cassidy, the smile huge and bright in his dark face. “You keep bringing in women like this you’re gonna class the place up, mon.” He winked at Cass. “I’m Jono, the owner of this fine establishment.”

Cassidy liked him right away. How could she not with a smile like that? It was impossible to not return his huge smile in full. “Pleased ta meet ya, Jono. I’m Cassidy.” She winked back, laughter bubbling up, making her eyes sparkle. “Don’t let the dress fool ya about class...I turn back inta a pumpkin after midnight,” she teased, reaching out and shaking his hand.

“You know, pumpkin pie was always a favorite o’ mine.” Jono’s smile grew wicked.

Jackson groaned aloud. “Jesus, Jono, you just blew any bit of class you mighta had. You are a worm of the highest order. Don’t ever change.”

“Birds of a feather, Jackie-boy, as Jan calls you.” Jono looked back at Cass now. “Now Jan is a fine woman.”

Cassidy was struggling not to burst out laughing and her cheeks were hurting from smiling so much. Impulsively, she reached out and hugged Jono, her exotic floral perfume swirling around him. “I can tell you and I are gonna be good friends.” Pulling back she went on as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened. “I haven’t had the pleasure of meetin’ Janice yet, but I’m lookin’ forward to it. Everyone has such wonderful things ta say about her.”

Jono’s smile lingered at the hug. “I like her Jackson, can I keep her?”

Jackson raised his hands in a gesture of surrender. “Yer on yer own, my friend. You may have a tiger by the tail here though.” He paused and looked around before he continued. “Speakin’ of tigers, is Seyla here tonight?”

“You want a tiger, here I am.” Seyla appeared, resting her hands on Jackson’s shoulders and purring in his ear.

“Good luck.” Jono shook his head as the waitress appeared and moved off back to the bar.

“Pity, I couldn’t talk Jono into puttin’ that tiger trap in the floor in the back room. How are you Seyla?”

She laughed and swatted his shoulder playfully. “Better now. No hard feelings over your nose?”

“I thought it was hard things you liked best.” Jackson smirked.

“Funny.” She eyed Cass over his shoulder now. “Who’s she?”

“Seyla, meet Cassidy Wilde. Cass, meet the resident tiger.”

Looked like she was dead on with her guess about who had broken his nose. For someone that had smashed a drink tray into Jackson’s face, Seyla sure seemed awfully touchy feely with him, not that she could blame her. Remembering her manners and calling on years of experience with smiling at people she’d rather not have anything to do with, she greeted the Orion woman politely, but not as openly friendly as she had with Jono. No hugs for this one.

“Nice to meet you, Seyla. You have a very pretty name,” she said offering her hand to the other woman, her southern drawl still there, but smoothed out more.

“Cassidy.” Seyla shook Cass’ hand briefly. “So what brings you two in tonight?”

“Showin’ Cass around a little. She’s a new arrival and will be workin’ at the Nexus.” Jackson smiled at Seyla, a very cat-that-ate-the-canary smile. “Drinks, Seyla? Two double bourbons, straight up.”

“Oh she is?” The look Seyla shot Cass was cool and appraising. “Better watch out for Jackson, he’s a real charmer. I should know.”

“Drinks,” Jackson said firmly. “Now.”

Seyla graced him with a rude gesture, then moved off to the bar.

Cassidy’s eyes widened slightly and she looked up at him. “She’s...charmin’. I don’t think she likes me very much.” She paused, wondering if the Orion woman was off spitting in her drink. “But Jono does,” she stated enthusiastically, her smile returning.

“Seyla is...somethin’ alright. We’ve just not figured out what exactly.” He fell silent as Seyla returned with the drinks. “Seyla, I need a favor.”

Her eyes lit with curiosity now. “What?”

“I’ve gotta friend wanderin’ the station on a little vacation. If a message gets left for me down in the Pit, bring it up. No idea when or if, it’s a maybe.”

Seyla started to make a smart remark, but one look at Jackson made it clear this meant a lot to him. “Oh very well. But you’ll owe me.”

While they talked, Cassidy was nonchalantly looking at her drink for anything odd. She’d feel horrible if she had missed the mark and misjudged the vibe coming off of the other woman towards her, but she was very rarely wrong. For some reason, Seyla was not happy to see her there with Jackson. Clearly there was some sort of history between the two of them, but she didn’t have any facts to go on, so she didn’t want to speculate and make the wrong assumption.

Her drink remained on the table, untouched for now except to pull it closer. She’d wait until he was ready to drink his.

“We’ll talk about it.”

“We most certainly --”

Seyla stopped as a tall man suddenly appeared by the table. He was older, late forties at a guess. He wore a perfectly tailored suit, professional as was his demeanor. His face held a few lines and his brown hair was receding at a decent pace. Something in his expression had shut Seyla up instantly, and that was something of a miracle. Jackson looked up and his jaw tightened.

“Hello, Jackson.” The man spoke now. He only glanced to Cass, then spoke to Seyla. “You. Go away.” She turned without a word and hurried off and the man spoke once more. “Still keeping company with the trash I see Jackson. Present company excluded of course.” He smiled at Cass.

Cassidy’s expression remained neutral, not unfriendly or welcoming either way. Whoever this man was, he’d sent the ‘resident tiger’ scurrying off with only three words and Jackson’s entire demeanor changed, but the only outward sign she had seen was the clenching of his jaw.

She wasn’t a snob, but she knew how to bring generations of southern nobility out in her bearing without batting an eyelash. Something about the man just didn’t seem right, but it didn’t intimidate her one tiny bit. Since neither he nor Jackson had made introductions, she asked him, her gaze direct and unwavering.

“And just who might you be?” she drawled, her voice soft, yet loud enough to be heard over the music and noise surrounding them.

“Dr. William Harding, Starfleet Medical. Jackson and I are old friends.” He turned back to Jackson now. “It’s been a long time, Jackson. You never call, never write, never visit. A shame, really, we have a lot to catch up on. And speaking of old friends, it seems there’s more than one. I haven’t had the chance to see Sulan yet, but I did have a nice visit with Natalia. Imagine my surprise at finding you both here.”

Jackson’s hand tightened noticeably around his glass. “It was a surprise to me too. We haven’t spoken in years.”

“Until last night? Or should I say this morning?” Harding’s smile was chilly. “No matter. By all appearances, you two have made up for the time apart.”

“No, not really, Harding. You have some reason for intruding on my evening and my guest? If not, the lady and I were looking for a pleasant evening out. Present company excluded of course.”

Awww, shit. What had she dropped into the middle of now? Dr. Harding was definitely not a friend of Jackson’s and if she had to make a guess, it was only her presence that probably kept him semi-civil. For some reason, everything that came out of Harding’s mouth seemed like poorly veiled innuendo. No, scratch that, he wasn’t trying to slip anything by her unnoticed. He wanted her to hear every single word also.

“Dr. Harding, I’m not sure I like yore tone or yore lewd comments. I suggest you leave. Yore company is not appreciated nor wanted.” Her words were like honey over steel. There was a hint of a smile on her face, but it wasn’t what he might have thought it was. It was the look her brothers knew simply as Go ahead, give me a reason.

“The lady is right, Harding. You’ve intruded too long already.” Jackson glanced past Harding and now he smiled, a full genuine one. “Hey Rio, wanna show this asshole the door?”

A very large male that resembled a Klingon/Kazon cross stopped at Jackson’s call. He towered over Harding and as he looked down, he snorted, spraying the doctor’s face.

Jackson’s smile widened as he spoke again. “He just insulted Seyla.”

That was all he had to say. With a low growl, Rio took hold of Harding’s collar, lifting it just enough to barely keep the man’s toes in contact with the floor. He began to shove his way through, pushing Harding towards the door.

“You’re a fine gentleman, Rio! Next drink’s on me!” he called out as Rio and Harding vanished into the crowd.

To Be Continued...

Jackson Banning
Cassidy Wilde
Dr. William Harding


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