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Post 5- Monkey Spanner

Posted on Sun Jun 12th, 2011 @ 11:28am by Captain Claudia Drake & Commander James Frost

Mission: The Ties That Bind
Location: Promenade
Timeline: Current

Claudia walked out of the Nexus Bar, as she did so she saw James Frost walking across the promenade. She called him at the top of her voice.

"JAMES!" several people stopped to look at her, she walked towards the Engineer, smiling as she did so, "That came out a bit louder than I expected. I'm glad I caught you, I was just on my way to find you."

James smiled and strolled towards her good naturedly. "That's quite alright." He chuckled. "I'm always scaring people with my appearance anyways, so it's good to change things up every now again."

"People are scared of me, but I like it that way. It seems to get the best of out I seem to remember was the case during your time at the Academy. I still feel that the word I am looking for? No...pleased...that by being extremely stringent with my marking that you failed your basic xeno-biology course, which spurred you on to get 100% in the resit."

"Bah! No worries." He opened his arms. "How about a hug from your favorite academy prabkster?"

Claudia hugged him and then stepped away, "I still don't like that you kept that...Borg...device instead of getting a Human looking replacement eye." she said in a slightly scornful tone, "But whatever floats your boat." she smiled, "I wanted to talk to you about getting involved with the Engineering courses we will be running for the Cadets."

"I dunno....." James made a face. "I mean I guess I could but I won't that mean I'll have to deal with their hormones and the smell? And don't tell me there isn't a smell, when I was in command of the Odin our helmsman was a 3rd year cadet and he smelled like the corpse of a guy that smelled like ass."

"You have such an eloquent manner of speaking James" she said in a semi-sarcastic tone, "You should consider taking up prose, you'd make a killing" she rolled her eyes slightly, "But back to the Cadets, if they smell make them work on the waste reclamation system...or my old favorite; painting coal white."

James sighed and theb nodded. "Alright. I'll do it. But only because you were my favorite instructor and because you got me that date with Vicky Cho."

"Ah yes, when you ended up taking her to a party and you got blind drunk and somehow I had to use anti-grav boots to get you down from the top of the flag-mast where you were stark-bollock naked."

James made a face. "Yea something tells me that the morning flag parade may have not ended well if it weren't for you." He laughed, "Mind you that didn't"t stop me from drinking again the next night."

He winked at her with his good eye. "Ah to be young and foolish again."

"You don't have to be young to be foolish." she said with a wry smile playing on her lips.

"So tell me about the little stinkers you are having assigned to me"

"None as of yet, I am waiting to put together a test cohort of Cadets, some of whom will be from the main Academy on Earth, the others then will be taken from local indigenous populations. "

James was satisfied with that answer. "Maybe I can convince them to watch some of my old movies from before I was in starfleet. It can be an encouraging thought to have a spoiled child star become one of starfleets most prestigious engineers."

"I hardly think you are the prime example of Starfleet James" she said in a maternal tone.

"I am full of myself, you're damn right." He sniffed with just a hint of mirth. "Now would it be possible for me to buy my old instructor a drink and talk old times and oversized Kitty cats?"

"I'll have to take a rain-check on that, I am running late to see several other people" she smiled and placed her hand on his shoulder, "I'll see you about James."

"Don't be a stranger." James smiled and nodded respectfully. Then he headed for the Nexus, suddenly a drink sounded pretty good.


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