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Cordial Relations

Posted on Sun Jun 12th, 2011 @ 4:10am by Captain Claudia Drake & Lieutenant Commander Kh'ali

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Nexus Club
Timeline: Current

Claudia walked into the Nexus Club and smiled at Jackson as she walked towards the young Klingon female sat by herself at a table. Once near to her, she spoke in a warm tone, "Kh'ali Daughter of Torin, of the House of Martok. Class of 2378." she said as she came around to the other side of the table and looked at the woman, "May I sit down?" she asked, not waiting for a response she sat down opposite the woman.

"By all means, Professor." Kh'ali looked across to Claudia with an amused smile as she sat down. "I"m glad to see you and welcome to 900. I think having you here will be a real kick in the pants," said with her usual bluntness.

"I am looking forward to having some fun while I am here, but I will of course be diligent in my duties as a Professor" she smiled and winked, a server came over and placed a glass in front of her, filled with a golden brown liquid, she looked over to the bar and winked at Jackson in thanks for the special tea. She sipped the tea and looked at the woman sitting opposite her, "So how is the life of an erstwhile diplomat on the most important station in the Quadrant?"

"Oh, no pressure there." Kh'ali laughed, but then turned serious. "It's a huge job, you're right. I keep reminding myself that I can handle first contacts in my sleep, as Quentin says. You remember Lt. Dobry. One of the best I could have here. So far, I've had time to ease into things. Mostly a lot of visitors that need official greetings, and one unexpected asylum request already."

"Ah yes, that is a name that I haven't heard in a while." she paused, "Although it does you credit that while most of your class mates have yet to make full Lieutenant, here you are as a Lieutenant Commander" she said using the British pronunciation of Lieutenant, she may have been in Starfleet for centuries, but she still considered herself British and didn't give into Americanism...although that term itself was several centuries out of date, "Command must have a lot of confidence in your abilities to assign you here, and to have promoted you to your rank."

Kh'ali nodded. "I call it the frying pan method. You know how it goes, you happen to be in the right spot at a time when you happen to have the one thing needed, and it balloons from there. word got around that I had a gift for languages, and I got shoved to the front lines out here so we wouldn't make fools of ourselves when meeting a new species every time we slowed down for a few minutes."

"Well the Voyager set the ground work, and now it is time to have some professionals dealing with it, not some Captain fumbling through trying above all else to get her people home" she smiled, and sipped her drink, "I wanted to speak to you about the Cadets who will be starting many do you think you will have space and time for in your Department?"

Kh'ali considered the question for a moment. "Two or three should be sufficient don't you think? Given the size of the Academy here. We are already overseeing our young refugee while he works with Quentin on his citizenship. He's mentioned you by the way."

"The Cadets will be first years for now, so they will come to you for 3 months during their rotational period. I have already seen the Security Chief and she will be taking 3 Cadets, I was hoping for maybe 4 or 5 in your department at any one time. There is far more to learn and experience in Diplomacy than in Security, there are only so many lectures you can give on "see naughty person - shoot naughty person'." she laughed slightly.

"I think we can manage that, as long as they understand that we may be swamped at times." Kh'ali sipped her drink and smiled. "I hear Oz is on top of things. It's surprising how often the Diplomats and Security end up working hand in hand."

"I am sure she is" she said in a non-committal tone, "I have yet to see the fruits of the Lieutenant Commander's works so I am not best qualified to pass any judgement on her abilities." she sipped her tea, and looked around the room. "Tell me what you know of this young man who seeks asylum."

"Sought, actually. We just came from Admiral Wegener's office where it was officially granted. He's under Jackson's watch as a general guardian for lack of a better term, which could be a mixed blessing. It's an interesting story, however. He left Enara Prime due to ideological differences. You recall Janeway's reports of their mental abilities, and the holocaust that was kept hidden for several decades. Apparently, seeing the horrifying way they execute dissidents was enough to turn his stomach for good. He refused to be part of a society where such treatment was not only tolerated but accepted, and where one's friends are afraid to listen to you out of fear. He left and cannot go back without facing execution of his own. A bold step for one so young. That's all from his statement filed with my office, mind you; and his words to the Admiral."

"I see" she said as she took a sip of her iced-tea, she mused for a few minutes, "He approached me about joining the Academy. He gave me the same story he placed in his asylum application. And while it may be the truth as far as he is aware, it is not the full truth as to his reasons for wanting to join Starfleet." she paused, "I hope in time he realises the other reasons that influenced his wish to join Starfleet. Maybe once he does he can actually begin the work of trying to join."

"That's a big load for one his age. I can't think of many when I was just starting my first year who thought so deeply or took such risks. Maybe he just wants a home and to be on the side of the good guys who don't stand for such atrocities." Kh'ali shrugged. "But it makes me curious. Why did you join Starfleet?"

Claudia looked at her for a long moment, "When I joined Starfleet we were just taking our first steps into the bigger-wider universe, it wasn't like it is now" she paused reminiscing, "You know I was there when the founding Charter was signed? I was in the audience as Jonathan Archer gave his galaxy-famous speech." she paused again, as if pushing back painful memories, "For over a century I had lived while all those around me had grown old and died, I didn't know why, but I had hoped that if I joined Starfleet with the new warp 5 engines I would be able to one day reach the world my father or mother came from; El-Auria." All those years ago it seemed like a dream come true finally being able to go to the world she knew one of her parents must have come from, it was just at that time she had no idea which, "But then given my abilities and longevity I was given some very special missions." she shrugged, "But there is no use living in the past; we must always keep going forward. Always forward."

"I could not agree more, which is why I am out here at the edge of our known universe." Kh'ali paused to finish her drink. "And it sounds like you and Mr. Ziyad have something in common. Similar reasons, just a few years apart."

"More like a few centuries" she said with a slight laugh, "But I knew my real reasons for joining, Mr Ziyad hasn't truly accepted his own yet."

"Well, if anyone can pry him open, it's you." Kh'ali smiled. "Have you spoken to the CSO yet? I"m meeting him for dinner shortly, you are welcome to join us. Twist his arm a little?"

"No I have yet to meet the CSO, they are on my list for tomorrow morning, I am on my way to have some supper with Admiral Wegener" she said with a small smile and drained the last of her tea, she stood up, "I will be in touch about the Cadets" she made her move to leave.

"Take care professor." Kh'ali watched with a smile as Claudia departed.


Lt. Commander Kh'ali
Chief Diplomatic Officer

Professor Claudia Drake
Dean of Education
SF Academy


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