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All Day Sober To Sunday Up - Conclusion

Posted on Tue Jun 5th, 2012 @ 7:06am by Jackson Banning V & Cassidy Wilde

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Jackson's Quarters

The lights came up in Jackson’s bedroom, accompanied by a soft chime. When he didn’t move, the chime came again, a little louder. When there was still no movement, the computer began to play the opening strains of ‘Dixie’, at a decent volume. Finally, he stirred.

“Shut that off!” was bellowed from somewhere under the covers. The room fell blessedly silent and Jackson groaned. “The burns ussss....”

Laughing softly, Cassidy padded into his room barefoot, carrying a glass of water in one hand and a couple of pain relievers in the other. “Computer, dim the lights.”

Dressed in one of his Hawaiian print shirts and a pair of silk pajama bottoms that she’d raided from his closet sometime in the night, she came over and sat on the edge of the bed. Putting the glass and pills on the bedside table, she lifted the covers and peeked under them.

“Mornin’ sunshine. The lights are down now, sugar. Do ya feel like comin’ out yet?” She greeted him with a smile, careful to keep the volume of her voice down lest she split his head open.

“Mmmph.” He cleared his throat and tried again, still buried under the covers mostly. “No. You come back in. Then you can remind me of what happened last night that I seem not to be able to recall, dammit.” He opened one eye and peeked out. “My shirt looks good on you.” He lifted the covers and looked down at himself, then groaned aloud. “Shit.”

Oh, she could have so much fun with this if she wanted to be completely evil, but that would be unnecessarily cruel to him. Still, it wouldn’t hurt to let him sweat it out a little while. Smiling mischievously, she stretched out next to him on the bed...on top of the covers.

“Now who has the potty mouth?” she teased. “As for yore shirt, I think ya might have ta consider it a goner since I like it so much.”

His head fully emerged and he groaned, rubbing his temple. “I remember the turbolift, and I vaguely recall stripping down to nothing and then....all is dark. What an intro to the man who just gave you a job. And I can’t even enjoy the replay.”

“You can’t remember anythin’? At all? That’s a shame. Lucky for you my memory isn’t clouded in the least. You stripped down alright. Ya couldn’t even wait until we got behind closed doors before ya started peeling yore clothes off.” Picking up the glass of water and pills, Cassidy held them in front of him. “Here, take these. Ya look like ya need ‘em.”

He eyed the pills, then reached for them and swallowed them down. “A gun might be better. DId anyone see me stripping in the hall?”

“Not a soul...except me,” she kept grinning at him. “Though there was young man in uniform in the turbolift that seemed a touch embarrassed by how we were behavin’.”

Jackson closed his eyes and groaned again. “And what were we doin’?”

“Nothin’ much really. You had yore arms around me, holdin’ me close and I...” Looking down to hide the devilish smile from him, she was so glad nothing had happened. She had told him last night she never wanted to see a look of regret on his face if they were together that way and she meant it. Waves of glossy blonde hair fell forward over her shoulder, framing her face as she raised her head to look at him again. “I had my fingers buried in yore hair.”

“Oh. Well that was several hours ago, it will be all over the station by now I bet. What happened after we got home?”

She frowned slightly. “Seriously? And here I thought I’d gotten away from gossip mongers and rumor mills.”

Running her fingers through her hair, she shoved it back over her shoulder. “Let’s see...we came in, ya started talkin’ about needin’ ta redecorate or get plants. You also mentioned someone that could kill artificial plants and then ya took off yore pants. Very cute drawers, by the way.”

Jackson rolled his eyes. “That would be Alij. She’s the XO on the Evariste now. We go way back to other times. Glad you like the shorts by the way.” He eyed her a long moment and noted now that the pain in his head was receding. “And that’s when I removed them?”

“Nope,” she shook her head slowly. “You asked me ta stay first, then we came in here...then ya took ‘em off.” Cassidy went silent, watching him, wondering if she really wanted to know what he was thinking or not. Probably not. She didn’t think her feminine pride could take it. It was clear he believed they had been intimate, but he couldn’t remember anything. It was a disturbing thought even if it was mildly amusing.

“I see. Look, Cass, if I did anything to offend you, I’m sorry, really. I mean, I know how I am when I drink too much. I mean, lookin’ at you, I can see why I’d want to but we just met and I just hired you and you must think I’m a real ass because we obviously got a lot closer than you were expectin’ an’ I -- an’ I’m runnin’ off at the mouth.” He reached for her hand now. “Say somethin’?”

“Shut up, Jackson.” Nothing had happened between them, but the regret pouring off of him stung in ways it shouldn’t. Taking a deep breath, she gave him a wistful smile. “You’re being too hard on yourself again. I don’t think you’re an ass and I wasn’t expectin’ anythin’ last night...other than to show you a good time and keep an eye on you.” Cassidy’s accent always smoothed out and her words pronounced more fully when she got emotional or riled. The accent was still in full force, but way more proper.

“Nothin’ happened between us. I gave you my word that I wouldn’t take advantage of you and I didn’t. When I make a promise, I keep it.” She didn’t look away from him once while she spoke, so hopefully he’d see she was being honest with him. Liars and cowards couldn’t look someone direct in the eye and she was neither of those two.

He was silent as that sunk in, then finally nodded. “Don’t take this the wrong way, Cass, but I’m glad. It’s not that I wouldn’t want to, but I wouldn’t want to like that, where it was the bourbon talkin’ and not me. Where I wouldn’t remember it. You are damn well worth rememberin’.”

“I am, dammit,” she joked and flashed him a smile, hoping to ease them past the awkwardness of the moment. “Besides, I’m not in the habit of takin’ someone to bed if they haven’t properly kissed me first...and you didn’t. Flopping down, she buried her face in the covers and started laughing.

He watched her for a long moment, then reached out to run his fingers through her golden hair. “Can I ask you somethin’?”

Her laughter came to a stop, like a wave going back out, it was bound to return, just maybe not right now. His fingers sliding through her hair put a definite hold on her mirth. Pushing up, she propped her small chin in her hand and returned his quiet scrutiny calmly.

“Yes. You can ask me anythin’.”

“When a woman says it’s best that you stay away from her, is that the truth?”

Biting her lip Cassidy gave the question careful consideration. It was a loaded one that led straight to a minefield. There were so many answers and most of the time, in her experience, a lot of women didn’t give straight answers. They’d say something, or worse, nothing and then expect a man to be psychic and figure out everything from a few words or an angry huff.

“Without knowing the reason behind why a woman would tell someone to stay away, it’s hard to speculate for certain if it’s the truth or not. Some women will say that just to get a man to chase her more. Some truly mean it. I’m not not like other women, I don’t play games, so I can only tell you what I think it means by taking it at face value. If a woman tells a man to stay away from her, it’s the short and polite version of a ‘Dear John’ letter.”

Squeezing his hand gently, she pressed on, knowing it could be very painful to hear, but she wasn’t one to sugarcoat things. “It means, that for whatever reason, it’s over. She doesn’t want to see him anymore. Sounds to me like someone doesn’t have the same feelings.” Cassidy was quiet, wishing she had a better answer for him, but that was what she thought and she called it as she saw it.

“I’m sorry. That probably wasn’t the answer you wanted to hear.”

“I suspect you’re right but maybe for different reasons.” He shrugged, knowing he would at least find Natalia and make sure. He smelled Harding in all this. But none of it was Cassidy’s problem. “So, despite the fact that I flashed you everything God gave me, are you still coming to work at the Nexus?”

“Was that supposed to scare me off? Because it didn’t. Yes, I had planned on it...unless that would make ya too uncomfortable?”

Jackson snorted laughter at that. “Look Savannah, once you know me better, you’ll understand that almost nothing makes me uncomfortable. I’ve led a very interesting life, which means I’ve seen it all and done half of it.”

“Oooooh, bully for you,” she shot back, then smiled wickedly. “I happen ta know a few things ya haven’t done, Charleston.” Cass gave him a meaningful look.

“Such as?” He settled back into the mound of pillows next to her.

“Ha! Properly kissin’ me, for one, but that’s not exactly yore fault. You can blame that on the bourbon...and the interruptions on the lift...and then yore impression of a reverse Sleepin’ Beauty,” she chuckled and rolled to her side watching him.

“Sleepin’ Beauty, that’s me. Hell I prolly need to mow my tongue and shave my teeth this mornin’. So I got another question. Why’d you spend yer evenin’ takin’ care of a man you barely knew? And kept me outta trouble to boot.”

She arched a delicate brow and wrinkled her nose. “Oh that what that smell is? Sugar, ya need more than garden equipment and a razor to deal with that. I think yer gonna need a full suit of armor and a sword for that dragon.”

He reached over and pinched her on the bum. “Thanks for that.” He slid back beneath the covers, hiding his head.

“Ouch!” she squealed and rubbed at the sore spot. Rolling over to rest lightly on his chest, she slowly pulled the covers down far enough until his bright blue eyes were blinking up at her. “I’m sorry. I was kiddin’, Jackson. Please come back out?” Cassidy pouted at him. “Pretty please?”

“Oh alright.” He smiled. “At least my head. The rest ain’t comin’ out till you go put the coffee on.”

Smiling triumphantly, she nodded and rolled off to lay at his side again. “Deal. So, ya wanna know why I took care of ya and kept ya outta trouble? That’s easy. I already told ya last night.” Her hand wandered over as if it had a mind of its own and gently tucked his hair behind his ear.

“I don’t need a reason to be nice to someone or take care of them. I never have.” The smile curving her mouth softened. “Hasn’t anyone ever done that for ya? Not because they had to, but just because?”

“A few, yes. A trusted few that I go way back with. And another that put herself in danger to do it. I’ll leave it at that, Cass, my life is somewhat complicated.” Boy, was that an understatement. Except that up until a few days ago, it was fine...for a change. “But I appreciate it more than you know. How about you hop out and put some coffee on and I’ll get decent and join you in a few?”

Rolling, she was off the bed in a flash, her blonde hair spun around her like a cape until she paused, looking down at him. “Coffee comin’ right up. Are ya hungry at all?”

“I could eat, yeah.” He fell silent watching her for a long moment. Once she turned and left the room, he let out a sigh.

“Oh, boy.”

Jackson Banning V
Owner & Non-Lucky Man
The Nexus Club

Cassidy Wilde
Ain't Misbehavin'...Yet?
The Nexus Club


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