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Post 6- Attention!

Posted on Tue Jun 21st, 2011 @ 12:13pm by Captain Claudia Drake & Major Maxim Kamarov

Mission: The Ties That Bind
Location: Marine Land
Timeline: Current

Claudia walked out of the turbolift and was greeted by the stream faces of two marines flanking a large door. She slowly walked towards them and smiled, her cane tapping on the carpeted deck as she walked.

"Ah hell young sirs, I am looking for Major Kamarov, I presume he is through here?" she said gesturing towards the door and moved to walk through them.

The Marines stepped in front of her, "I am sorry Ma'am, but this is a restricted area, access is restricted to Starfleet personnel." they looked at her almost surprised that she had tried to enter.

"That's no problem, I won't be two ticks" she said, and attempted to go past them again. This time they raised their arms to stop her.

"I am sorry Ma'am, but this area is restricted to Starfleet personnel."

Claudia looked at them in silence for a moment, "Ah okay, sorry. I see where the problem is" she said with a lyrical tone in her voice, "I am Professor Drake."

"Should that mean something to us?"

"Let me rephrase that then...Professor Commander Claudia Drake, Dean of Education at Starfleet Academy." she looked at them, "Computer voice identification."

"Voice identified as Commander Claudia Drake, Professor and Dean of Education; Starfleet Academy."

Claudia smiled at them, "So off I tot." she said, moving their arms from in front of her, "Keep up the spiffing work old chaps" she patted them on the shoulder and walked through the door. Once across the threshold she found herself in a large room, with a small parade area. She walked towards the man she instantly recognised to be a Marine Officer, and the senior most in the large room...maybe it was originally designed as a cargo-bay and retrofitted.

"Major Kamarov?" she asked approaching the man.


Maxim's day was steadily improving. After a hearty lunch with the Recon Platoon, he decided to shake things up in supply and had the supply sergeants running around in circles, something that never failed to amuse him. "Nyet! Those crates of phaser power cells are in the wrong place..." Maxim stopped and saw a rather matronly woman approaching him. He quickly walked over to the woman, a stern look on his face.

"I'm sorry, ma'am, but this is a restricted area."

"I"ve been through this song and dance already Mister Kamarov, I am Professor Drake, we met at the staff meeting earlier this afternoon."

Maxim flushed. "I'm sorry, commander! I had no idea. Let's go somewhere a bit more private." Kamarov turned to his men. "Staff Sergeant, I want this bay squared away before I return!"


Claudia took a seat without being offered, "So tell me Major, do you have any experience in education?"

"To be honest Professor, I do not have any experience in classroom teaching, but I have taught Marines basic survival and other skill sets that are vital to the battlefield. However, since the Marines are more into tactical/surgical strikes, a lot of the battlefield TRADOC has gone by the way side in favor of urban combat and stealth mission strategies."

"I am not familiar with the term TRADOC Major"

"My mistake, I meant Training and Doctrine, or TRADOC as we call it in the Marines." Maxim smiled politely. "To be honest, I believe that your cadets would benefit from a run through of a modified survival course."

"Excellent, when I have decide if the Cadets will under-go such an activity I will be in contact with you Major."

Maxim smiled broadly. "I would enjoy the task very much, commander!"

"I am sure" she said with a smile and made her way to the door, "As you were Major."

Kamarov escorted the commander to his door. "Have SMAJ Woodard give you a tour of the Marine facility, commander. Good day!

a JP by:

Major Maxim Kamarov
Survival Instructor To Be


Professor Claudia Drake
Resident Brainiac


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