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Posted on Wed Jun 22nd, 2011 @ 11:43am by Commander James Frost & Captain qeraQ'

Mission: In Our Time of Need

Last stop... Engineering. An area that was particularly of interest to the new XO. An area that was close to his heart and of which he had some detailed knowledge. Years of serving as an Engineer on Klingon warships had told him how to hit things in the right way to realign them or activate them. Federation ships were different, they needed softer handling, their inhabitants generally being softer as well, but he would see how this new engineer would deal with the Klingon method of maintenance.

James was in the process of yelling at a cadet when qeraQ' entered engineering. "Look kiddo, I don't give a rats ass how good you THINK you are. You do not touch my computers with 4 quarts of rum in you."

The obviously drunk ensign rolled his eyes. "No problem James."

James' implant glowed bright red. "The first name basis is only if I like you Ramirez!"

James paced back and forth for a moment to calm himself down. Then he sighed. "Report to sickbay for an anti intoxicant and then report to Commander qeraQ' for charge parade."

James turned around and saw the XO. "Never mind cadet, he's right here." He nodded to qeraQ'. "He's all yours qeraQ'"

Just in time he thought, looking forward to handing out the punishment on the spot. There were no excuses when caught red handed. The offence made him chuckle inwardly, however, drunkeness was something that you came across relatively often on a Klingon front line.

"Drinking on duty on a Klingon ship gets you a beating from your department head, Cadet. Perhaps there are some things I can bring to this station from the defence force..." He looked over to frost noticing a wide grin emerging on the man's face, and an increasing look of fear from the young cadet. "What do you think Commander Frost?"

"You're the boss, boss." James said with just a hint of his usual michevious demeanor sneaking into his voice. "I think, from personal experience, that Klingon punishments are the most memorable when contemplating repeat offences."

James made a show of looking down at the cadets feet. "I don't think he will miss one or two of his toes."

"Anything to say before I decide on your punishment cadet."

The cadet looked up from the floor and smiled. "I didn't.... mean.... to drink the rum boss..." The man slurred

"YOU WILL REFER TO ME AS SIR OR COMMANDER CADET!!!" the raised voice sounded on the edge of violence. "If you can't control your base habits while on duty then perhaps you should learn to clean up after your fellow louts. For the next week you will spend your off shift cleaning the recreation areas and Commander Zefferino's drunk tank. If I see you, you will either be scrubbing, on duty, or sleeping. Outside of those three things you are confined to quarters. If I hear of any further reports I will be discussing the matter with Professor Drake. DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR!"

"Yes Sir!"

"Dismissed Cadet. Get yourself to Sickbay and then report for duty with the cleaning teams." The man staggered off and qeraQ' turned his attention to Frost.

"An isolated incident Commander?"

"So it would seem." James stroked his 5 o'clock shadow thoughtfully. "They're all in a new place, in a quadrant far from home and mommy and daddy. Probably figured last night would be a good night to party."

" True, but there should always be a limit. Honour should not be given away to a bottle."

"Come on man, as a Klingon you, of all people should know that if you're not still drunk the next day, then you weren't drinking enough the night before." He looked thoughtful for a moment. "Speaking of which, you up for some drinking and sparring after our duty shifts are over? I have this awesome pirates program for the holosuites."

qeraQ' laughed. "If I had drunk that much then my worry would not be drunkeness, it would be facing barge towards gre'thor! On the other matter I will unfortunately be busy with the Devitian contingent. kh'alI has already handed me a lengthy document to get through. Another time perhaps?"

"Another time." James nodded. "I suppose you didn't come here for small talk and cadet eating though.... my assessment of engineering is that we're green. We have a good crew and our seniormost NCO is doing a good job of keeping the NCM's in line."

"Excellent, anything else you need?"

"I could use a few tools and stuff." James handed the Klingon a PADD. "We'll be needing some bioneural gel packs, some microtools, self sealing stem bolts and I would like the CO's permission to make some after market modifications to the station."He indicated his Borg inplants do demonstrate what he meant by after market.

"Very well, send through a request for parts and I'll see it approved. They should be here on the next transport run." he paused studying Frost and specifically his implant, Borg had always made him nervous. "As for the rest... send me through your proposals and I will review them. He has trusted me with much of the day to day running of the station."


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