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The Other Guy

Posted on Fri Jun 22nd, 2012 @ 11:36am by Lieutenant Zachary Chase & Ensign Kai Sarkozi

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Conference Room, SB900

* * * Conference Room Two * * *

Kai entered the conference room chosen for the meeting with the Prime Minister in a rush. This meeting would be small, just her, Kh'ali, Dobry, the Prime Minister, and her two assistants. In short order, she placed a padd at each seat, made sure the refreshments were set and ready to go. Once she was satisfied, she stepped out to the reception area to have her own cup of coffee. They had a little more than an hour before the meeting convened and Kai fully intended to finally sit down and take a few minutes to recover from the whirlwind of chaos that had been the previous part of the day. She filled a mug of coffee, took a sip then settled down into one of the comfy chairs and leaned her head back, closing her eyes.

A quiet shadow slipped into the conference room and sidled up behind Kai. Without a word, the shadow reached for Kai's neck and slowly touched her shoulders, kneading them like a masseuse.

"Ohh....mmmm...that's awesome, Gil..."she mumbled, still in a light doze. And wow did he have some magic hands. She hoped he would keep it up for a while.

Gilroy? Chase frowned but kept the annoyance out of his voice, "It is, but I'm not Gil. I heard that you had a particularly traumatic day, Ms. Sarkozi."

Hearing an unexpected voice, Kai snapped out of her doze with a yelp. Luckily her coffee was on the table by the chair and not in her hand. “Oh my gosh, Chase!” A vivid red suffused her cheeks, both because she may have insulted Zachary, but also because he now had a good idea of the man in her mind. Why didn’t the floor open up and swallow her? Like right now?

“It’s not uncommon for us to sort of ‘bond’ with those who are involved in a situation like the one you were in,” he smiled, doing his best to exude calm compassion and empathy. Caring, if you will. “Gilroy did his job; he got you, and the Admiral, out of harm’s way. It was just his job, though. I’m sure he’ll find his own comfort tonight.”

“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean know.” She sighed inwardly. Unfortunately, she was afraid Chase was right. Gilroy had barely spared her a glance as far as she knew. Recovering her outward aplomb, she smiled at Chase. “Yes, yes he did. So what brings you around?”

“You, for starters,” he looked at her carefully, catching her eyes with his. “I wanted to make sure you’re all right. Obviously, physically, you’re quite...,” his eyes travelled down then back up and he smiled, “...fine, I’d say. Are you okay otherwise?”

“Aside from exhausted, I’m fine. The bomb was a real shake up but there’s so much going on that I’ve not really had time to let it settle in, you know?” His sweeping glance brought the pink back to her cheeks once more. “Mon dieu,” she mumbled as she reached for her coffee. Could this day get any stranger?

“Well, it’ll settle soon,” he touched her shoulder again, “When it does, just call me. If there’s anything I can do, I will.”

“Thank you. I think once this meeting is over, I’m finding a table and having a drink. And forget that I know what an Archadian is for a while.” She smiled up at him. “That’s sweet of you to offer.”

“Drinks are on me, then, Kai.” He sat in the seat next to her and turned so that their knees almost touched. “I am here for a second reason, of course: to find out if there’s been any movement on moving the conference to the Station.”

“It is, starting in an hour. I don’t think it will take long, Kh’ali is in a ‘take no prisoners’ mood. They do not stand a chance.” She paused, his previous words now sinking in. “Drinks? On you? Are you asking me out, Zach?”

“Only if you’re going to say yes,” Chase turned his best Prince Charming smile on Kai.

“Oh.My.” She considered that for a moment, then the inevitable ‘why not?’ popped into her head. Why the hell not? It wasn’t like she had men knocking down her door. For some reason, when men learned who she worked for, they generally found something else to do. Not that she would change things, she loved working for the Admiral, and he and Aia treated her like family. Finally she nodded. “Sure, I’d love to. Really.”

“Wonderful.” Chase’s smile grew wide, hiding a feral look in his eyes. “Then I look forward to your comm call, letting me know when you’re free. Till then, I should get back and be ready for when the Archadians arrive on the Station.”

“My guess is about forty-five minutes. The Prime Minister won’t want to get here too early, since she knows she won’t beat Kh’ali to the table.” Kai smiled and rested her hand over Chase’s. “I’m looking forward to it.”

He lifted her hand to his lips and just grazed her skin. “As am I, Kai,” he answered before leaving her to her tasks.

Lt. Zachary Chase
Security Investigations Officer

Ensign Kai Sarkozi
Admiral Hawke's Aide


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