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Posted on Thu Jun 23rd, 2011 @ 2:21am by Captain Claudia Drake & Major Patrick Smith

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Pilot's Ready Room
Timeline: Current

Claudia walked into the Pilots Ready Room, there were several pilots milling around, each of them wore a flight suit, just in case they were called to action stations at a moments notice.

"Captain Smith" she said in a clear tone, all eyes in the room became trained on her, "...please." she added. She made a mental note of at some point getting changed into her uniform, although she did enjoy the confused looks she had been getting from most people on the station seeing what appeared to be an older woman talking to the station's senior officers.

"Just a moment Professor," called out a voice followed by the dropping of tools, and the sound of a maintenance cart sliding out from under a fighter. Standing up Captain Smith attempted and failed to brush the oil off himself before walking over to the Professor. "Hello and welcome to Fighter Control. I would shake your hand but you'd smell like oil for a day. My office be fine?"

"I'm not big on physical contact anyway..." she smiled and looked him up and down, "Don't you have technicians to do that sort of thing?"

"Heh yea I sure do. But that's my own personal fighter. A gift from my last CO at Avalon Shipyards. My Engineering Specialist hasn't gotten near it yet. I don't want him seeing my modifications until I know they won't blow anyone up. The paperwork I'd have to do for that just isn't worth it."

Claudia looked at the man in silence, she let several ideas run through her mind before she settled on the one she was going to say, "I see" she said in a non-committal tone, "Well it's nice to know you have faith in those you work with"

The Captain went slightly red. "Didn't mean to put it that way Ma'am. It's my work that I'm worried about not his. Anyway I take it you didn't come here to chat about my tinkering. The cadets I'm guessing?"

Claudia nodded, "Yes actually" she rested her weight on her cane, "As you know that Fighter Pilot Training is a post-Commissioning course that our Navigation and Helm Specialist take after their first tour of duty on a starship." she paused and looked at him, and then to the other pilots, some of them did not appear to be able to walk up-right let alone pilot one of the most advanced fighters in the Federation, "So with that in mind I hope you understand that I won't be sending you an pre-Commissioning Cadets, it really wouldn't be productive for them to do a tour in a department they cannot possibly work in until they have graduated and under-gone specialist training." she smiled warmly, "Although before long I am hoping to have a Pilot School Programme set up on the station, so when that happens you will be having Pilot Trainees."

"Ah yes of course. Well myself and my Flight Leads will be happy to train anyone who is interested in flying." Thinking to himself for a moment Smith looked about the room at his craft, already planning. "Will you be wanting them doing the full works or just the basics?"

"Well they will have under-gone pre-fighter training on Earth and all will be qualified general pilots and cleared for Starship duty, but you are going to give them advanced fighter training."

The CAG let out a chuckle. "My kind of flying then. Excellent. The more G's you manage to pull once your out there the safer you are usually."

"I am sure it is Captain." she said with a smile, "If you will excuse me, I have a number of people before supper." she gave the man a pleasant smile and made her way out of the room.

A JP by the Fly-boy and the Old Girl.


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