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The Proof is in the Pudding

Posted on Tue Jul 17th, 2012 @ 4:01pm by Lieutenant Commander Gilroy & Admiral Lucius Hawke & Lieutenant Valkris Edwardson- tSepeS

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Archadia III

* * Days ago * *

Just prior to showing Valkris the way to the SafeRoom, Gilroy had stepped aside with Oralia. "Commander, are you feeling well? You seem... distracted."

"I'm fine, Gil, just... the smells here are turning my stomach," she admitted. "Oh, and Connor resigned as CMO and has gone for a 'vacation' in the lower parts of the Station." Her grimace showed what she thought of that idea.

Gilroy's reaction was about the same. "Was he hit over the head with a stupid stick?" When Oz cast a glance up at him, he added, "Um... I mean, Commander, did he think that through at all?"

"Apparently not. Get going with Valkris and the evidence from the scene here. I'm going to head back up and make ready for the Summit to convene on the Station."

* * At the Hotel * *

"Home sweet home, Lieutenant. Or as close as we can get it down here, what with the Archadians' restrictions on what technology we're allowed to bring down," Gilroy led Valkris into the Safe Room and gestured about. "Make yourself comfortable and let's see if we can crack that PADD open."

"I'll feel much better once we get to the bottom of all of this and off of this planet! I've a dissertation to complete and a growing mountain of homework assignments and papers to grade at the Academy now that Drake is gone!" Valkris replied as she entered the room.

Moving over to a table in the center of the room, Valkris pulled out the PADD and placed it in the center. "Well here it is, I think we need to first rule out everyone who's handled it! Besides myself, there was Oz, Kai, the Old Archadian who first handed it to me and,. . that's all I can recall." She recounted "We can rule out our people's DNA signatures and any others we find, perhaps the Internal Ministry can help us identify any others?" She added.

"Perhaps," Gilroy mumbled in agreement. He still looked like he just wanted to smash the PADD in order to open up its secrets. "I also handled it," he added, motioning for one of the forensics team to come forward and swab the PADD. When the petty officer was done and the samples were safely sealed and labeled, Gilroy picked the PADD up and connected a cable to it. "Let's hope the computer can bypass the password system on it." The petty officer moved to another table and began working on the samples.

"It shouldn't be too difficult, if there's an inordinate amount of encryption in its base programing, perhaps that may point us in the direction of who the owner is." Valkris added. "I've spent some time as an Operations Chief but I wouldn't call myself an engineer!"

Valkris dragged two stools over for the two of them to sit while the computer began running a level one diagnostics on the PADD's systems. Valkris took note of how much time the computer took in trying to run a report on what it found. "In the meantime, while this is doing its thing, have you heard any news on the next meeting with the Archadians?"

"Just that Commander Kh'ali is meeting with the Prime Minister to discuss the need to move the Summit to the Starbase," he looked Valkris over. Attractive woman. "Why Intel, Lieutenant?"

Valkris looked up, only half hearing the comment. "What is your question?" she asked, still thinking about their situation.

Gilroy was about to reiterate his question, but was interrupted: "Lieutenants, we have results." It was the technician who'd swabbed for DNA, "According to the samples, and ruling out Commander Zeferino and both of you, there are three distinct DNA signatures. One is not Archadian; the other two are and, according to the information from Planetary Defenses, both of those persons are in the Archadian Military."

Gilroy immediately tapped his commbadge and contacted Kh'ali. After a brief conversation with her, he returned, a mildly puzzled look on his face. "I am to contact her again in fifteen minutes."

"I read a report sometime ago about the Arizona initial mission here, their team was captured and brutally assaulted by the Archadians after an explosion at one of their ministry buildings. I wonder if this could simply be all due to a faction within their military who resents the matriarchal power structure?" she replied.

"Perhaps, Lieutenant." Gilroy agreed before settling in to wait the fifteen minutes.

* * Current Day/Time * *

"Lieutenant Chase," Gilroy looked up from his work, more than slightly surprised to see Zachary Chase on the planet, "What brings you by?"

"Oh, not much, just thought I'd check in and see how the investigation into the evidence is going," Chase answered. He was out of uniform and, in long shorts and a loose t-shirt, looked out of place.

"Despite having been relieved of duty?" Arching a brow, best as he could, Gilroy stood and blocked Chase from coming further into the SafeRoom. As he did, he spied Nick and Nenita, checking in with a crewman near the door.

"Ah, I see news travels quickly!" Chase nodded. "Let me share my own news: Kai? She's really sweet, Gilly. And a real peach in bed, if you know what I mean." He clapped the part-Klingon on the shoulder then sauntered out the door, leaving a stunned Gilroy behind.

Lieutenant Valkris Edwardson-tSepes
Lieutenant Gilroy


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