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Eldren Tohr

Posted on Mon Jul 16th, 2012 @ 7:24am by Suresh & Eldren Tohr
Edited on on Tue Oct 16th, 2012 @ 7:41am

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: The Cherry Pit

Eldren Tohr

“A long time ago came a man on a track
Walking thirty miles with a pack on his back
And he put down his load where he thought it was the best…”

***** The Cherry Pit *****

The audience silenced for an instant when he walked through the doors. As he was expecting all eyes were on him instantly. Curious, suspicious stares scanning his stranger face and body from head to toe. Assessing his being a potential threat or not, even the barman had stopped cleaning glasses and watched him carefully.

Then, as always happened, they decided he was no security member or police and the condition slowly returned to normal. Everyone attending to his chat, drink or business. And the barman resumed cleaning his glasses.

Looking around he could see this Saturnalia was no different from many other places he had been in the past. Places full of lowlifes where ‘business’ meant invariably ‘illegal affairs’. Places where the wrong look or word could end you up with a knife in the back or being thrown out the nearest airlock.

Fertile ground. he smiled to himself with satisfaction.

Walking through the room he chose a table throwing his pack on a seat while he sat on the next one. The spot was to his liking: back to the wall and clear vision of the locale and the entry doors. He never settled for something less than this.

He made a sign with his hand and the girl came to the table.

“Hello, goodlooking what may I do for you?” she asked in her special winking way. Her dress was succinct at best, shining blue cloth in strategical spots and strings of pearls everywhere.

“I’m hungry.” He answered softly. “For food…” He added then seeing the mischievous smile forming on the girl’s lips.

“Oh…What a pity.” She pouted jokingly leaning on him. “You’re Bajoran.” She added lining his nose ridges with a finger and lingering on his elaborate golden earring. “And this…” she wondered as she lined the small scar that marred the left side of his face. Starting from the mouth giving him a permanent sneering look.

“You’re very observant.” He responded gently pushing her hand away “Still I would really like to have a meal. And something to drink if you please.”

“Hmph!” The girl snorted standing “If that’s all that you want, that’s all you’ll have. Pleeka Rinds casserole this is what the house’s passing tonight and Talaxian wine.”

“I ate worse in the past. That’s fine for me.” He answered sneering.

He watched her go, offended and swinging her booty, mumbling something that could not escape him and that sounded very like ‘May you choke on it’. A soft smile lined his lips as he watched her passing the order to the barman.

At least service was quick and the girl was back with food and drink in no time. She put the dish and glass on the table without grace and glaring at him but he did not care too much.
It was not long though, after the compliant girl had served what requested, that Orbrudh came.

“This is my place.” The mean Kazon stated glaring at him hinting at the table and seat.

“It was free when I came. Now’s taken.” He responded mildly taking a sip from his drink.

Interest had suddenly arisen as the buzz in the room had silenced again. He did not look around keeping to watch the Kazon, but he could feel all eyes were on them eagerly awaiting for something as tension rose by the instant.

A second thug backed up the Kazon from behind, Qomarian by the look. “Do you know who you’re speaking at, scoundrel?” he asked bluntly “We’re Suresh’s finest and he’s the boss around here. Understood?”

The audience kept its breath.

mmh… Buddies. One worse than the other giving away Boss’s name and ‘ranks’ to anyone in a poor attempt to intimidate. Even Cardassians are better than this.

“Why I’m lucky indeed to have met you. I’m in search of a job actually…” he stated grinning “And… I think we share the same purpose… Maybe I could have a talk with this… Suresh?” He sneered. The scar on the side of his mouth accentuating the expression.

The thugs watched each other in surprise then the Qomarian shrugged. “I’ll go asking.”

The Kazon nodded, none too convinced eyeing the Bajoran stranger “Be quick about it. This one is occupying my place.”

***** Suresh’s office *****

“This is better to be important Karas.” Suresh spoke while continuing to browse info about his business on various PADDs strewn on his desk. It was a simple statement from Suresh but one full of meanings and Karas knew it well.

“I’m sorry Boss. There’s a stranger out there.” He responded indicating the door to the lounge with his thumb. “Never seen him before. But he seems sure of himself and he offered himself for work. Maybe you want to have a talk with him?”

Suresh snorted evaluating once more the ineptitude of his subordinates. “In my humble opinion I would say that completely uncaring of the threat you should represent, he stated he was searching for a job and you most eagerly complied by passing the request on to me.” Suresh leaned back on his seat with the last sentence. “Isn’t it?”

“Yes Boss!.” The Qomarian smiled broadly. “You’re right! This is exactly what happened!”

The smile shown on Suresh’s mouth was the most false he’d ever given that he could recall.

I’m surrounded by idiots.

“Has it ever occurred to you that that if I am in need of new recruits I would ask for them?” Suresh said taking a sip from the glass resting on his desk.

“Er… Uhm… Well… Yes Boss. I think you’re right.” The Qomarian responded hesitantly.

“Yes of course. And that’s why I keep the likes of you at my service.” And keep regretting it every day.

“Um… Yes Boss what do we do now?” Karas dared.

Suresh heaved a sigh. “Bring the guy in the charity room and give him a lesson.” I have to think of everything.

“Yeah Boss. That’s a great idea!” Karas responded enthusiastically walking to the door of the office.

“Of course it is.” Suresh said heaving another sigh “Er… The ‘standard one’ ” he added stopping Karas on the door.

“Standard?” The Qomarian asked furrowing brows in a mental effort.

“Yes… Yes… The lesson. The standard one. We don’t want to have Commander Zeferino and all of her klutzes right here in the Cherry Pit for another homicide. Do we?”

“No Boss! Of course we don’t!” Karas smiled broadly nodding then he vanished, doors closing behind him.

Suresh slowly shook his head, then facepalmed. It was going to be a long night.

***** The Cherry Pit… Saturnalia *****

He had finished his meal now and gulped down his last of the Talaxian wine. In the last minutes the Kazon had been an encumbering presence, largely ignored by him, but still staring endlessly at him and all his gestures and activity.

“Maybe I can offer you something to drink?” The Bajoran asked. But the Kazon was not one to make things easier, as he shook his head in denial.

His Qomarian companion came back and leaning on the Kazon he whispered something to his ear that made him enlighten with the perspective.

“Mr. Suresh has agreed to see you.” The Kazon said “Please follow us; he’s going to talk with you right there.” As he blatantly waved a hand to a door painted in emerald green and silver.

The Bajoran watched him and his companion, then turned his head to the bar where the barman stood motionless, the girl who had served him sucked in his breath worry in her eyes.
Turning to the tables he saw many a customer turning his head or lowering his eyes while others smiled gleefully.

“I understand.” The Bajoran said slowly standing from the seat. “Lead me.” He said, the cracking sound as he tightened his fists not lost on those near.

***** Suresh’s office… Once more *****

Some days were really difficult, Suresh thought as he studied all the information on his desk, the revenues from his various activities. His subordinates really didn’t help. He wondered why he couldn’t find some good sidekicks. He shook his head trying to concentrate on business…activity almost instantly thwarted by the thought of Isha. Where was she? The way she spurned him wounded him greatly, still he would not renounce her . He couldn’t. One day she would be his forever.

He cherished the thought lingering in his mind giving him relief. Just like the sounds coming from the secondary door from his office that led directly inside the charity room.

A smile lined his lips as he eavesdropped on the muffled sounds coming from the door. Thuds, slams, cries… all of them reminding him of his power. His tight grip on SB900 south of the equator.

Then silence. Another acknowledgement of his power… Riotous ones brought to wiser ways…

Suddenly the door hissed open and Suresh’s surprised stare met a badly beaten Karas. The Qomarian stepped forward. “I… I’m sorry b-boss.” Then his tongue searched down a cheek and, before the eyes of an incredulous Suresh, he spat a tooth on the floor, blood dripping from his mouth. “The guy w-was a tough one.” Karas ended trying to open his left blackened eye as he regarded his boss.

“What?” Suresh managed to say “Where’s Orbrudh?”

The Qomarian indicated the room behind him “Unconscious.” He said “Think he’s in a coma.”

***** The Cherry Pit - Saturnalia *****

The Bajoran walked out of the room cleaning his bleeding lips with the back of his hand. He almost stumbled but managed to stay on his feet as all those present regarded him with very surprised stares. No one spoke to him and everyone was very careful to keep their distance and not to hinder him as he made his way to the place he was sitting before to recover his pack.

Only the girl dressed in blue and pearls dared to get close to him “Who are you? I’ve never seen one brought to that room come out on his own feet. What’s your name?”

“Who I am is not important.” He responded giving her a bloody sneer while he strapped his pack on the shoulder “I think we’ll meet again.”

The doors of the Cherry Pit hissed open as the stranger crossed them to exit then he turned briefly to the girl before they could close again:

“Name’s Eldren Tohr.”

Eldren Tohr
Bajoran Mercenary (ex-Maquis)

Looking For A Few Good Men

* quote from ‘Telegraph Road’ by Dire Straits


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