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Usual Day On A New Station

Posted on Sun Jul 1st, 2012 @ 4:38pm by Commander Sakkath & Lieutenant James Cohen III

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Sakkath's Office

James adjusted his uniform standing in front of the mirror and making certain that his two golden pips were in place before checking his communicator. Satisfied the engineer dusted himself off and turned to head out of his quarters for the day. It was early his family was still sleeping, but now seemed as good as any to meet up with the Chief Operations Officer a Lieutenant Commander Sakkath. "Computer locate Lieutenant Commander Sakkath."

=/\=Lieutenant Commander Sakkath is in the Chief Operations Officer's Office.=/\=

James gave a quick nod of acknowledgement before he stepped out of the quarters and started towards where he presumed the office was located. It was a new thing to be assigned to an Immense Class starbase so it took him a little while before he found the office and activated the chime to allow the occupant or occupants to be aware of his presence.

Sakkath had to admit to a certain satisfaction with being back in his uniform and back to work. His duty tunic was draped carefully over the back of his chair, the uniform vest he more often wore displaying Ops gold prominently on his person. At the sound of the chime he looked up from his monitor, setting down the kal-toh t'an he had been spinning between two fingers.

"Come," he announced to the Lieutenant standing outside. The Vulcan's office was unique in that it afforded little in the way of privacy. Located centrally in the Operations Center, he had insisted on the walls being mostly transparent, allowing him to see and be seen.

As the gentleman entered, Sakkath folded his hands on the desk in front of him. "May I help you, Lieutenant?"

James placed his hands behind his back and interlaced his fingers it was sort of an engineer thing he supposed having only ever seen engineers doing it. With a grin on his face he gave an abrupt nod of the head and began to speak, "Yes, Commander I'm the new Chief Engineer on board and was wondering if you could give me a quick rundown on all the issues and malfunctions throughout the base as well as what our current operational status is?" He asked as nicely as he could and with respect in his tone, "I didn't have time to sit down with the Commanding Officer or the Executive Officer of the station yet."

Sakkath's brow had lifted appraisingly as the Chief Engineering introduced himself, but no other emotion showed on his Vulcan features. He lifted his right hand in the ta'al, the traditional salute of his people.

"Peace and long life, Lieutenant. I am Sakkath, and I apologize for not recognizing you. There are normally no new staff arrivals to this station that I am not personally aware of, particularly not members of the senior staff, but I was recently..." he had to pause to consider his words, how much he wished to reveal, "detained by a medical condition. Please, sit," he offered, gesturing to the chair across from his workstation.

Sakkath took his own seat before continuing, calling up the 900's operational overview on his monitor as he did so. "I would be pleased to brief you, Mister...?" It was a blow to the Vulcan's professional pride not to know the name of his own Starbase's Chief Engineer. Something else to chalk up to Rhys' meddling with his mind, though by far the least damaging.

James took the seat as offered by his superior officer, "Cohen, James Cohen." He said and sat comfortably without moving having sat perfectly erect in the seat to begin with and awaited the debriefing.

"Mister Cohen," Sakkath concluded. "I trust that your belongings were delivered without incident and your quarters are to your satisfaction. My deputy is very good at what he does, but not quite as fastidious as a Vulcan." The Ops Chief took a moment to review the report on the monitor before him prior to continuing.

"There have, it seems, been some issues with power generation in my absence," Sakkath noted. "A mechanical fault in one of our generator stations. I may require your assistance in rectifying that situation. Computer core maintenance is scheduled to begin during beta shift tomorrow, which has been delayed for some time due to additional demands associated with the mission to Divitia Prime." The Commander steepled his fingers as he continued to read... 900 lived up to its name in being Immense-class, and the operational issues seemed just as large. Overall the base was in good condition, but there would never come a time when there were zero problems that required the attention of her Chief Engineer and Chief of Operations.

"...which, once repaired, should bring us up to a 94.28% power efficiency rating," he said, beginning to wrap up his report. "Quite satisfactory, especially considering that there are some areas of the lower decks we still haven't fully catalogued for improvements." Sakkath entered a few additional commands into his console before turning his attention back to the Lieutenant. "It is a far cry from maintaining a ship," the Vulcan noted, "but rather more rewarding I find. I never lack for tasks."

James gave a quick nod as he looked at the padd he'd brought with him, "I will get the power generator operational once more I have some knowledge with the system from my days at the Academy and will monitor the computer core maintenance tomorrow. I can also see about having a team move through the lower decks and see what needs to be upgraded and repaired. Though, that may take a couple of weeks to complete before we can move to repairing any places requiring the repairs."

Sakkath nodded. "Acceptable. I or any of my staff will be available to assist you in any capacity you deem necessary. That being the status of the station, I can offer you some insight on our current mission parameters, though I imagine the Admiral or Captain qeraQ' would ultimately provide more detail. As you are no doubt aware, the Gateways we previously made use of to travel between the Beta and Delta Quadrants have collapsed. A wormhole formed in their wake, one which the U.S.S. Hammond was able to confirm connects to similar points in the galaxy, thereby not stranding us here. Science has been understandably interested in the phenomenon, though my department has so far been able to meet their additional power needs for sensors and requests for material in the form of long-range probes."

Sakkath paused for a moment, silently envious of those who had been able to make that voyage through a newly formed wormhole. The thrill of the discovery must have been electric, though the Vulcan obviously kept such thoughts buried below layers of practiced stoicism. He also hoped that Patrick did not blame him too greatly for causing even the Chief Science Officer to miss the boat, as it were.

"The other major development has been taking place on the planet below. A rogue Federation element you may have heard of, Section 31, attempted to implicate Starfleet in an attack on Archadia III. Our Diplomatic Attachment has been attempting to mend fences, though it is my understanding that talks have since moved stationside." Sakkath could recall his father-in-law, Admiral Hawke, mentioning something to that effect in between delightedly doting on his wife and newest child. The Vulcan, for his part, had been quite unsure how to treat his baby sister... especially one four decades younger.

Breaking out of his momentary revery, the Commander turned his attention back to James. "I hope that has satisfactorily addressed your inquiries."

James found that odd all the reports he'd ever read about the elusive Section 31 stated that they had interests in assisting the Federation not damaging the reputation of it. He was slightly taken aback by the accusation even though Starfleet members never showed any apprieciation for what the element ever did for anybody. "That doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but then again nothing that group ever does nor ever has done makes much sense when you think about it." He stood up and smoothed his uniform, "Well I will go get to work on that power generator thanks for letting me know what was going on with the station in my absence. I hope that your health gets significantly better sir." James said with a small hint of a grin on his features.

"I am confident in my recovery," Sakkath replied evenly. "I look forward to working with you," he added, a slightly more human gesture, as Lieutenant Cohen departed his office and Sakkath shifted gears, deciding to check on any other new personnel arrivals he may have missed, thanks to one Rhys Balasz now gratefully and permanently deceased.

A joint post by:

Lieutenant James Cohen III
Chief Engineer


Lieutenant Commander Sakkath
Chief of Operations


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