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Chasing Rabbits

Posted on Sun Jul 1st, 2012 @ 11:12am by Jackson Banning V & Cassidy Wilde

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Jackson's Office - The Nexus Club
Timeline: Following 'Good To The Last Drop'

* * * Jackson’s Office - The Nexus Club * * *

Once the doors were closed, Jackson laid his forehead down on his desk. “Who’s next Cass? The Easter Bunny?”

“I was gonna say a rabbit, but one that was worryin’ ‘bout bein’ late for an important date,” she said coming over and removing Iggy’s nearly empty dish of beer from the desk and disposed of it. Cass snagged the bottle of bourbon as she returned to her seat and refilled her glass finally. “ yer glad yer not a spider,” she snickered and took a sip.

Jackson groaned aloud. “The better to eat you with, my dear.” Then he had to laugh, he just couldn’t help it. “I am in SO much trouble.”

“Wrong fairy tale, but considering the previous topic...” Staring at him a moment, she sighed. “Okay, Jackson. Out with it,” she demanded. Putting her drink down, Cassidy reached up and started removing the pins from her hair.

“Out with what?”

Dropping the handful of pins next to her glass, she ran her fingers through her hair. “Whatever is botherin’ ya. Somethin’s eatin’ at ya and it isn’t a giant, drunk tarantula.”

“No, though that is pretty surreal, ya gotta admit. And you thought workin’ here was gonna be dull.” He smiled and gave her a wink.

“Even without the surreal encounter with Iggy, the talkin’ spider...” she paused and corrected herself. “The telepathic, inebriated, profanity-spoutin’ tarantula. No, I wouldn’t say it’s been dull, even before that part.” Suddenly she started laughing. “Oh...hell...I’ve actually...finally...seen...a real...barkin’ spider!”

“Get out the postcards, that’s somethin’ to write home about, Cass.” He poured more bourbon into their glasses. “You’re right though, this has been one hell of a day.”

“If I were to write home about Iggy, some nice men in white lab coats would show up with a special jacket for me. So I think I’ll be keepin’ that to myself.” Taking a nice long drink, Cass wondered if she should sour the mood even more by bringing up Harding. She’d tell Jackson about him, but right now, she was more curious as to what was bothering him.

“Wanna talk about it?” she asked gently. “Yore day, not straight jackets for me.”

“Both are just as crazy, huh?” He took a sip from his glass.

“Yore day and Iggy or are ya somehow implyin’ that I’m crazy? And don’t think I didn’t notice yer avoidin’ the question.” Despite her laughter a few moments ago, she sat there quietly and patiently watching him, her gaze unwavering. She was serene in her stillness at that moment. “What’s troublin’ ya, Jackson?”

“You ever go a long time without somethin’, Cass, then suddenly have too much of it but not in the right way?” He looked down into his bourbon, slowly turning the glass in his hand.

That was a loaded question if she ever heard one. Especially since he wasn’t being specific. She didn’t want to cheat and find out the exact nature of his question without his permission. Though, thinking back to Harding’s nasty comment about her not being the only one in line...she took a blind stab.

“Are ya talkin’ ‘bout women?”

“Yeah. I haven’t been in a relationship in years. Then I found one that I’d do...woulda done....anything for. It was a little complicated. I stepped back because of another man involved, one I have a lot of respect for, but then I wasn’t sure that was the best decision. I’ve tried hard to distance myself but it’s not been easy. Then I found one that meant a lot to me a long time ago and it’s come with a lot of complications too. And before we really got started, she pulled back because some real issues popped up. That’s not entirely accurate but the best explanation I can give you. And then there’s....” he stopped and shrugged. “See what I mean?”

She nodded. Picking up her bourbon, she took a sip and sat back, cradling the heavy glass in her hands on her lap. “No...I’ve definitely not had that problem,” she answered, thinking about the different attempts at relationships he’d mentioned. They sounded ill-fated or ill-timed from the beginning.

“Well...the one ya woulda done anythin’ stepped back, but she also chose the other man, instead of fightin’ for ya. I can’t and really shouldn’t say more, because it’s not fair to. If yer keepin’ yore distance...” Cassidy shrugged. “Yore stayin’ out of it, I dunno, sounds like a mess. Now for Miss Complications...ya say she pulled back. I’m gonna go out on a limb and guess she’s the one that said stay away. If so, then that’s just a heartache waitin’ ta happen.”

Cass glanced over at him. “I’m sorry, sugar. Ya deserve a woman, not an emotional yo-yo that might end up playin’ with ya because she can’t make up her mind.” Raising her glass to her lips, she took several swallows, then put it back on the desk. “Of course, I’m just speculatin’, but personally, in my opinion, people that toy with or trample on yore heart aren’t worth it.” She knew that one from personal experience.

“I have the opposite problem. It’s the makin’ up of minds that got me. And outside circumstances that I can’t get into.” He took a sip, then set his glass aside. “I dunno, Cass. There’s others that caught my eye from time to time but yer right, it’s such a mess right now, it wouldn’t be fair to ‘em to get ‘em tangled up in all this. And by the way, yer startin’ to sound an awful lot like Jan. She’d say ditch ‘em all, just go have sex an’ don’t worry about any real ties.”

She blinked. “Is that what she’d say?” She thought about it for a moment. “I suppose I’d say it sounds like ya need a fresh uncomplicated one and one that isn’t involved with someone else...but I’m not the sort that would tell ya to forget or not worry ‘bout any real ties.” Cassidy frowned. “What do I know though? I can’t offer any real relationship advice...I’m no expert. I suppose the ‘no ties’ thing appeals to a lot of men.” She shrugged and picked up her glass again, drinking down the remaining bourbon.

“Some. But as you get older, it has much less appeal.” Jackson took another sip and realized just how true that was, given his real age. “Maybe what’s needed is a little perspective.”

“I’ve never seen the appeal in ‘no ties’...” she murmured, carefully creating an odd pin sculpture out of sparkling hair pins. “Perspective? That’s not a bad idea, as long as ya don’t get stuck in thinkin’ mode for too long. Yer too young ta let yore life pass ya by.” Cass smiled at him finally. “Don’t worry, you’ll find someone. The universe can’t be that cruel for too long.”

“Sometimes I wonder, Cass.” He eyed her for a long moment. “Especially when it likes to wave the good ones under yer nose unexpectedly when ya can’t do a thing about it.”

“Maybe it’s wavin’ ‘em for a reason?” She met and held his gaze. “No one ever said it had good timin’.” Cassidy wasn’t vain enough to think he was talking about her, but there was a big part of her that wouldn’t be opposed to that being the case.

It had taken some back tracking on the night’s conversations to piece together the other women who he might be talking about. The first one, she had figured out thanks to things said between Iggy and Jackson. Oz...or Oralia. He’d said she was gorgeous and there just seemed to be something there. Iggy had mentioned a mate, too. Of course, taking a giant telepathic tarantula at her word on relationships could be quite the folly. The second woman...well...that bastard Harding had spilled the beans last night with the things he had said to Jackson at the Wormhole. Natalia. The one that had told him to stay away, if she was reading the clues correctly.

Shaking her head, Cass ran her fingers through her hair then got up and pushed her empty glass and hairpins out of the way to perch on the edge of his desk. “Don’t sell yerself short, Jackson. Just because things might be a mess right now, doesn’t mean ya don’t deserve to be happy. You do. I know ya don’t think it’d be fair to get someone tangled up in everythin’, but don’t make the mistake of keepin’ someone away that would gladly want ta help ya sort it all out. Burdens are much lighter when there’s someone willin’ to carry the weight with matter what it is.” Leaning back, she bit her lip. “Those are the ones ya grab onto with both hands and ya don’t let go of. Ya can count on them ta go ta bat for ya, no matter what happens.”

“Maybe so, once I get all the wrinkles ironed out. Or is that knots untied? Either way, I gotta get me straight and figure out where the hell I am before I pull anyone else down with me. There’s one thing I want you to promise me though, Cass.”

Her eyebrows rose briefly. He wanted a promise? “If I’m able to...what kind of promise?”

“Stay away from Harding as much as you can, except for public places. I mean it, Cass.”

“He’s not on my list of favorite people.” She thumped the desk with a fist. “That little worm. Lemme guess, he told ya he saw me outside yore quarters this mornin’?”

“He did. I also heard you and he were dancin’ earlier. What was that about?”

“Ugh, don’t remind me.” That got a scowl and her fingers curled around the edge of the desk. “He came here under the pretense of apologizin’ ta me. Tried blamin’ his appallin’ behavior on a stressful situation. I don’t know what his deal is, but I wasn’t born yesterday. He’s still tryin’ ta pass himself off as a friend of yores and even went as far as tryin’ ta butter me up with compliments.”

“Don’t buy it, sweety. Harding only cares about himself and his projects and anyone or anything in his way gets trampled. Trust me.”

“Think I don’t know a two-faced piece of sh-...yeah...I know exactly what he’s like. Insultin’ and threatenin’ me this mornin’, tellin’ me I’m just part of yore stable, then changin’ his tune tonight and sayin’ I’m stellar and ya have impeccable taste in women? Puh-leez,” she huffed. “He was playin’ nice, so I did too. Right up until I asked him why he felt the need ta threaten me.” Cassidy made a face.

“He said it was complicated and offered to tell me ‘bout it tomorrow mornin’ at his office.”

“Are you goin’?”

“I had considered it, but wanted to talk to you ‘bout it first,” she answered honestly. “I don’t trust him, either.” She searched Jackson’s face, his eyes, looking for a hint of anything that would give her a clue as to what was really going on. “Aside from the fact that I hit him twice, why would he threaten me?”

“Just a bystander, Cass. Or maybe to entertain himself. If you do see him, his office is as good as any I suppose, since you’ll be visible. Find me when yer done though. I’m curious.”

“Okay, I’ll come directly from his office to see you. I think ya can color us both curious as to what his motives are. Harding did say since I was already involved, I might as well know what I’ve fallen into.” Cassidy had the grace to look mildly embarrassed for a moment and dropped her gaze to the sparkling crystals on her skirt. “He seems to be under the impression that you and I...are intimately involved.”

“Better if ya correct that impression, safer for you.” Jackson stopped as a knock sounded on his door.

“Jackson, it’s that time. Go get some rest, sleeping beauty.” It was Vic.

“Well, you heard the man.” Jackson smiled at Cass, then turned to his monitor to sign out for the night. “Time to let the cleanin’ crew in to do their thing. Call me when you finish with Harding the Horrible tomorrow.”

Scooping up her hairpins, she glanced up at him. “I didn’t confirm or deny if there was anything between us,” she informed him. “Harding the Horrible? Pffft...he’s just a slimy little worm. I’m not afraid of him.”

Jackson stood but her words gave him pause. “You should be. Let’s get along, I’m in the mood for Chinese.”

Careful to not scratch his desk when she moved off of it, she glanced up at him. “Is that yore way of askin’ me ta dinner?”

“It is. Vic and I usually stop in for a bite somewhere before we call it a night, so consider this yer welcome to the crew.” He turned off the terminal and crossing his office, he opened the doors to reveal Vic waiting.

Cassidy smiled at the bartender, debating whether or not to flat out ask why she should be scared of Harding, but figured that would ruin everyone’s appetite. Dammit. She wanted to know, but not at the cost of spoiling dinner.

“Hey there, Vic.The boss invited me to tag along. I hope ya don’t mind?”

“Not at all. We’ll be glad of the company before we hit the hay, especially a pretty face like yours.” Vic smiled at her then shooed Jackson out of the office. “Come on, I’m starving.”

She made a noise that came out sounding like a choked laugh that ended in a cough. “Mmm hmm.” For some reason, the few drinks she’d consumed were hitting her faster tonight and it wasn’t taking much for her brain to twist words around. It had to be the tumble into the alternate reality where giant spiders talked and all that.

“Well, let’s get ya fed so you can commence to hittin’ the hay,” she cleared her throat. “And whatever else ya might end up bumpin’ inta.” Oh good Lord. Shut. Your. Mouth. Cassidy.

Vic raised an eyebrow. “Such as?”

Cass looked up, eyes bright and struggling not to bust up laughing. Really, she should know how to behave better, but buzzed and wired did not go well together. Closing her eyes and praying for strength, she shook her head. “Nothin’.”

“Uh huh.” Jackson eyed her as he locked the office doors. “Tonight, we’re goin’ to Lao’s, and the leftovers are mine. Last time Vic sneaked ‘em outta the refrigerator when I wasn’t lookin’.”

She looked right back at him, then glanced over at Vic. Maybe she hadn’t included enough in their talk earlier. He’d talked about going without for a long time, then having too much but the wrong sort. No...she wouldn’t go there.

“I’m not touchin’ that one.” Oops...she sorta went there.

Both Jackson and Vic eyed her, then looked to each other. Slowly her meaning sunk in and they began to laugh.

“Oh no...”

“Hell no, he snores.”

“And he’s a slob.”

“I’m a slob? What about that time you....never mind.”

Vic wrapped his arm around Cass’ shoulders as they walked out through the club. “He’s not my type. You and I, however, need to talk.”

She wasn’t so sure that Jackson wasn’t everybody’s type. Yeah, she needed to put a stop to those thoughts right then and there. Looking up at Vic, she gave him a smile. “Yeah? What do we need ta talk ‘bout?” she asked in her honey-thick accent.

“Well, how we’re gonna snake the leftovers, to start with. Then maybe plan on how we want to split them in the morning.”

“What makes ya think I’m gonna help ya steal the leftovers when Jackson’s already called dibbs on ‘em?” She knew the code for his quarters, but she’d never use it, unless there was an emergency. If he was smart, he should have changed it this morning after she left anyway.

Narrowing her eyes, she poked Vic in his stomach. “And just what do ya mean by split ‘em in the mornin’?” Cassidy’s long hair was trapped under his arm as it was wrapped around her shoulders and she was beginning to wonder if she should have left it up a little longer, but she hadn’t expected to be going anywhere else this evening.

“Honey, once you’ve tasted Lao’s dumplings, you’ll be willing to break into Fort Knox to get the leftovers, trust me.”

“Enough, ya little thief,” Jackson said good-naturedly. “Careful, this one’ll lead ya astray Cass.”

“Hooligan,” she laughed and spun out from under Vic’s arm, waggling an elegant finger at him. “Silly men. If the food is so great, why not just order extra servins ta take home? Though it could be entertainin’ if ya ever decide ta wrestle over leftovers.”

“I did lock him outta his quarters once in his boxers.” Jackson grinned as the door to Lao’s opened. “And here is the gateway to paradise. After you.”

Inclining her head, she breezed in ahead of him. “And ya were wonderin’ how I could get the wrong idea ‘bout the two of ya handsome gents.”

“Women,” Vic commented as he followed her in.

“No shit.” Jackson smiled and brought up the rear.

Smirking at him over her shoulder, she shot back. “Shut up, Superman.”

Jackson Banning V
Owner & Superman
The Nexus Club

Head Bartender & Hooligan
The Nexus Club

Cassidy Wilde
Hostess & Not Being Led Astray
The Nexus Club


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