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Fun With Cartography

Posted on Sun Jul 8th, 2012 @ 10:52am by Commander Patrick Leroy & Lieutenant Commander Kh'ali

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Leroy's Quarters

* * * Patrick Leroy’s Quarters * * *

Heavy day.

Patrick thought, as the water flowed over him, his mind focusing on the numerous requests that the new Wormhole had suddenly brought to Science department. The last days had been hectic for him and his staff and there was more to come.

Leaning his forehead on the wall he gave the command to stop the shower to the computer. With the usual chirp the computer complied.

Patrick exited the bathroom vigourously rubbing his head with a towel, in a way he felt himself an anachronism, as he preferred the usual shower with water instead of the sonic one. It seemed to him the only thing able to relax him.

Well, not the only thing, he smiled to himself thinking of Kh’ali. lately the both of them had been very busy and she’d been scarce, with her commitment on Archadia and all the diplomatic stuff.

Patrick had never been one to complain, but he had to admit to himself that he was missing her.

He heaved a sigh as he sank in the armchair with a towel around his waist. Kh’ali had hinted at the possibility to meet that evening, yet promising nothing, as Archadia business seemed to be a tough one.

Still the thought meeting her was a refreshing one.

Moments later, the chime rang at his doors. Out in the corridor, Kh’ali breathed a deep sigh of relief. Her little ruse had worked perfectly, thanks to Gilroy’s perfect timing and now it was just a matter of finalizing the draft. She needed a night to relax, but even more, she needed Patrick. She wondered if he remembered what she looked like, and smiled as she waited.

While inside the room panic broke “Er... Just one second...” he cried out while he lunged for clothes.

Heck! Thought to have a bit more time

“Come in.” he said as he struggled with shirt and pants at the same time.

The doors opened and Kh’ali stepped in. She could smell the fresh hints of Patrick’s shower gel and not seeing him, she smiled. He was likely rushing to get dressed.

“No need to dress on my account.” Her laughter drifted in to him in the bedroom.

“Well... Why jump directly to the dessert when you can have the whole dinner?” he laughed back appearing, somewhat ruffled, on the bedroom door.

“It was about time.” escaped from his mouth as he regarded her “I was beginning to think you’d changed assignment.”

And without waiting for a response he stepped forward and held her tight.

She melted into his arms, smuggling in against him. “It felt like it. I’ve been playing hardass diplomat so long, I was at the point that if I didn’t get home to you, I’d start screaming and breaking things. And when a Klingon gets to that point, it’s bad news for all concerned. How are you?”

“Now... Very fine. All the rest doesn’t matter.” He responded burying his face in her hair and neck.

“No, it doesn’t.” She tilted her head back as his lips brushed her throat. As much as others were mystified by the idea of Patrick being emotional over a woman, Kh’ali was just as surprised by the local gossip that gave the idea that Patrick was stone cold. Even Aleksa had said so. How wrong they were. “How’s the wormhole stuff coming?” she murmured.

“Which Wormhole?” he joked. Now that he could feel her scent and the warmth of her skin he did not care for anything else. “I’m sure you do not really want to know...”

“I do. I stopped to get some coffee on the way here and heard your cartographer grumbling something about the CSO being a slave driver.” She smiled up at Patrick. “Good thing he doesn’t know you like I do.”

He stopped kissing her neck tilting his head back enough to look in her eyes: “Mr. Levin? He’s an accomplished cartographer. Still there’s something about him I do not really like. Although I cannot quite say what it is. In any case, all of my staff think I’m a slave driver... Only because I try to have them worthy of Starfleet high standards. I don’t care, training level is what will make the difference for them and for those depending on them should need arise.”

“Agreed on all counts. Jonas has something about his was like he was looking into me. I’ve seen that look before, from men who have a fetish about Klingon women.” She grinned up to Patrick. “We are legendary, you see.”

“Maybe I should have him destined to Wormhole exploration then. Just to get him out of reach of something he doesn’t deserve.”

“He’s out of luck. But speaking of cartography, do you have any detailed scans of Archadia? I’m looking for military base locations around the capitol.”
“We can have any information on Archadia especially about cartography, for they’re just under our feet” He smiled at the joke. “After all this time you search me only for this? I’m wounded.”

Without waiting for her response he prompted the computer: “White wine. Chilled. With peach slices.”

The computer chirped as the replicator delivered the requested order.

“I could bring you to cartography now to sate your curiosity. Although it’s a pity, for I had another idea about mapping tonight.” Patrick said mischievously handing her the glass of wine.

“Oh, a glass of clothing remover.” She took a sip and smiled. “I’ll worry about those scans tomorrow. Tonight there is more important topography I want to explore.” She stepped away and strolled towards the bedroom door, crooking her finger at him to follow.

And what could he do?

He followed.

Lt. Commander Kh’ali & Lt. Commander Patrick Leroy
Exploring Due North


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