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Surprises - South of the Equator

Posted on Sat Jul 7th, 2012 @ 11:52pm by Commander Sakkath & Lieutenant Norval Tigan & Lieutenant Eric Edwards

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: The Wormhole

=^= The Wormhole =^=

Norval had left Eli, several drinks in, confident that he could find his way home. He had, surprisingly, avoided inviting the Enaran and his partner, Chance (apparently home studying and having no fun), to enjoy the results of several, supposedly-pleasure-enhancing Arcturian Fizzes with both himself and a certain Security officer since leaving the Nexus.

Though he’d been sorely tempted.

Much too young for you, child, an inner voice had chided him, before Norval had reminded his previous host that ‘child’ was relative. Sure, he was only 27, compared to the several centuries Tigan had experienced… but Eli was similarly wise beyond his years, having endured more than a teenager needed to. And there weren’t a whole lot of people on this station that were as understanding of his love life. Accepting, sure, but that was another matter entirely.

Plus, he was cute. So was Chance.

Still, the Trill has little time to think about that as the beat started and the microphone was already in his hand. He briefly chuckled as the thought of standing here with Jackson Banning passed through his memory, singing an old Earth song and adapting the lyrics. Black-eyed girl. Oh, the trouble that had caused.

He found Eric in the audience, already swaying, and lifted the mic to his lips. He was maybe not good enough to sing a set in the Nexus, but he still had some talent… especially down here. Following a well-performed chorus, he picked the song up once again part-way through.

“We can’t escape the basic facts,
How cold it can get.
There’s nothing to protect ourselves,
When the rain gets us wet.

So I’ll just tell you now,
This is our final bow.
If you don’t know the way
To hold me, let me show you how.

And if this is the end,
It’s the best place I’ve ever been.

It feels so good to just get lost sometimes!”

The audience joined him in the second chorus, which Norval milked for all it was worth, bouncing around on stage in his favorite, Trill-tailored shirt that showed off almost every one of his spots… above the waist. Still, his eyes were only for Eric in the crowd below.

Only the horses
Can bring us back ho-o-o-ome, tonight!

The jay-gee finished to enormous amounts of applause, taking his bow amidst the seediest of 900’s population and loving it. He dropped off the stage, sweating and tired, but immediately locked lips with his … what to call him? Boyfriend? Lover? Partner? His conversation with Eli had left him thinking.

But there were no inhibitions in a joined Trill as old as Tigan was.

“I love you,” Norval said, pressing a hand against the Security officer’s chest and leaning into him.

Maybe it was best he wasn’t a true telepath, save with the worm swimming around in his stomach, because it took Eric a moment to reply. When he did, though, it was with the same gorgeous smile that had attracted Norval in the first place. “I love you, too.”

The Assistant Chief of Operations somehow managed to laugh and sigh in the same moment, wrapping Eric in a hug that he never wanted to let go. It was only the sudden stiffening of his partner that even made him pause from the state of extreme ecstasy that he was experiencing.

And when he turned, he understood why.

“Sakkath?” Norval blurted, having no idea why he was even down here… the music had paused, the dancing stopped… no one expected one of the ranking members of the station to appear here.

“Commander,” Eric quickly correctly, standing at attention, and not nearly as familiar as the Trill.

“At ease,” Sakkath intoned emotionlessly, looking side to side at the patrons regarding him with a mix of distrust and resentment. Only Edwards seemed to heed him. Norval in particular appeared to be particularly on edge.

Eric nudged him, getting him to relax a little bit, but it was the Security officer who ultimately had to ask. “Ah, sir, is there something we can help you with? We’re not used to seeing you down here…” he trailed off, uncertainly.

“Indeed, I am not accustomed to frequenting these decks,” Sakkath admitted, “but this is business I felt should not wait.” The Vulcan held out his hand to Norval, opening his palm to offer two full, gold pips.

The Trill blinked. “I… what? You came down here to promote me?” He sounded incredulous.

“That would be the logical assumption, prohibiting my providing you with costume jewelry,” Sakkath said dryly. “You have performed your duties admirably in light of my absence. And seeing as how the Admiral has entrusted me with the Second Officer position on this station, I will be requiring more of you than I previously have. The promotion is both necessary and well-deserved. Congratulations, Lieutenant Tigan,” the Commander said, stressing Lieutenant.

“I… thank you, Sakkath… Sir. And wait, Second Officer?” Norval was tripping over his own words, trying to absorb everything that was happening. He was promoted, his boss was promoted, he had just told Eric he loved him, and Eric loved him back? What was going on?

Sakkath quirked an eyebrow. “Indeed,” he said simply, before turning on his heel and heading for the door. This was the one stop he felt he needed to make before preparing dinner for Li. He had, in fact, specifically contracted Lao to cater for them, but Sakkath would still be playing a part in the meal, and so off he went.

The music slowly started to swell once more, resuming its previous level in the absence of a senior officer as Norval still stood stunned.

“Congratulations,” Eric finally said, prodding Norval in a spot he knew the Trill was ticklish, which only caused the newly-minted Lieutenant to shudder awkwardly and giggle ridiculously.

“Thanks, I guess,” Norval managed to laugh half-heartedly, leaning in to kiss Eric again, quite unexpectedly, the gesture both deep and intimate. When they finally parted, the Trill was grinning in the way he usually was. Mischievously.

“You know, this means I outrank you,” he said.

“I suppose it does,” Eric admitted, placing his hands on Norval’s hips.

“Then… I have some orders for you, jay-gee…” Norval concluded with his suggestive smile, pulling Eric with him as they made for the corridor, the turbolift and his quarters, none of that preventing them from losing clothes along the way.

Lieutenant (j.g.) Eric Edwards
Security/Tactical Officer
Losing Clothes…

Lieutenant Norval Tigan
Assistant Chief of Operations
Gaining Pips…


Lieutenant Commander Sakkath
Chief of Operations/Second Officer
Making Dinner?


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