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Coffee, tea or...more coffee?

Posted on Sun Jul 29th, 2012 @ 11:35am by Jasper Crayton

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Deck 281, The Promenade
Timeline: Early morning to early afternoon

Once again Jasper’s stomach dropped uncomfortably as the turbolift began speeding rapidly up to deck 281. His new establishment was getting more popular every day and he was always eager to get the day started. Every morning he made the trip up from his quarters on deck 339 and every morning he thought he would lose his breakfast. Heights also made him uncomfortable, and every time he peered down over the edge of the railing ringing the promenade and into the wide central shaft to the bottom below not only did his stomach turn but his ankles turned to jelly and his head began to spin. He could only imagine what looking down from the top of the central shaft on level 271 all the way down to the bottom would be like; then again, maybe he didn’t want to imagine.

It was almost 6:00 a.m. when Jasper stepped out of the turbolift and already a few personnel and civilians were up and moving purposefully about the promenade. Jasper knew many people at this hour would welcome a caffeine pick-me-up and it seemed more and more were coming to that realization for themselves every day. Since opening for the first time five days ago, Jasper had been offering a free cup of coffee to his first fifty customers. He decided he would do this for two weeks. He knew if he could get them hooked on caffeine they would come back and pay for it. Many if not most alien species had never even heard of coffee before they tried a free cup, yet some were already coming back again for more. Some were coming back two and three times a day. It seemed that some alien species craved it even more than some humans. His base was building steadily and he was ready to hire some help. He needed someone to get things started in the morning the way he had been doing; he was not a morning person. And he also needed someone in the evening to serve the customers while he played the happy host and proprietor. The first shipment of goods he’d purchased before he left earth was due to arrive in a few days and soon he would have a much greater variety of beverages on the menu. He needed to spread the word and somehow entice evening customers, who were out for a night on the promenade, to his tables for a glass of “the good stuff” which he would sell at a premium. He definitely would have some networking to do but right now he was his only employee and much too busy. He had to get the shop ready…but first he needed another cup of coffee.

It was just after 9:30 a.m. on the promenade now and, just like clockwork, things had slowed down considerably.
Tired from the long days he’d been working and eager to get out from behind the front counter, Jasper muttered to himself: “Time for a break…just like yesterday and the day before that and the day before that and…”
His voice trailed off as he stepped out the front door of his shop for what had become his daily mid-morning break. He had come to notice other’s daily routines on the promenade as well. Like the guard at the security station on deck 278 starting his rounds as usual then stopping at the same spot every day and looking down at Jasper. Jasper swore the guard had a suspicious look on his face every time but, really, it was three decks up so how could he be sure. The guard would stare for a few seconds; Jasper would nod and get no response. Then the guard would continue on to finish his rounds leaving Jasper to wonder what it was all about. Maybe he was just doing his job and was always suspicious of new vendors on the promenade, Jasper mused. Or maybe he was just jonesing for a cup of coffee and wishing he could pop down to grab a cup. Or maybe it was all in Jasper’s head; it wouldn’t be the first time. In any instance, if the guard was going to keep an eye on Jasper than Jasper was going to keep an eye on him. Jasper finished his drink then stepped back inside.

It was almost 2:00 p.m. The lunch mini-rush had gone as usual. Most patrons on the promenade during lunch time were looking for a place to eat and Jasper’s did not serve food, at least not yet. Still, there had been those that saw their lunch break as just another opportunity for a pick-me-up, including Jasper. His head and body were buzzing from the double cappuccino he’d just gulped down. Business now in a lull, he decided to make another entry into his personal log/journal…for posterity. He had just got started when a strange yet somehow sweet voice said:

“Excuse me?”

Looking slowly up from his PADD, he was surprised at the height his eyes finally saw the strangers face. She was easily over 200 cm tall. Her body was thick and muscled but her skin was soft and smooth and she had curves in all the right places. She was definitely a woman.

“I heard you were looking for some help. I’m looking for employment.”

Her voice did not fit her. It was as though evolution got it wrong somehow. For how could out of this mountain of feminine virility come a sound so sweet and lovely? Jasper was first lost in her big brown eyes and speechless, as he looked her up and down in astonishment for what must have been a full minute. He snapped out of it when he suddenly began to wonder how she had heard of his need of help; he had only put up a small sign on his front counter that very morning after all. His face looking perplexed, Jasper finally returned his attention to her face. Then, with an obviously annoyed tone, she said:

“I’m Archadian”


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