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Admonishing Nick

Posted on Mon Jul 30th, 2012 @ 6:49pm by Captain Li Hawke & Lieutenant Nick Marcinko

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: XO's Office

* * * Li’s New Office * * *

Nick walked into Li’s new office, which hadn’t really been decorated much, just a few things, and sat across the desk from her. It wasn’t the first time he’d been ‘called on the carpet’, so to speak, so he wasn't nervous or even worried. He didn't even care if she busted him down to crewman. He was still the best of the best and his opinion still mattered, despite his sorry way of delivering it. And if push came to shove, he could always fall back on his favorite pastime: going solo and killing people for fun and money.

His only real concern, despite being in the station XO's office, was going back to see Nenita. She was really the only person that he cared about and who he listened to intently. She had gotten to know him so well, he'd shared things with her that not even Starfleet had in their profile for him, and she knew which buttons to push. But more than that, he respected her. He respected her as an intelligence operative and as the woman he loved.

There. He said it. He loved Nenita. But he wasn't good at sharing his feelings. He'd share his pecker with her all he could (and how!), but as far as saying the actual words...he always fell flat.

So he waited. He waited to see what fate lay in store for him with Li, the only other person he respected in this job.

Li had just arrived moments before Nick and stood by her desk. Once he was in, she ordered the doors closed, then crossed her arms as she looked up at him.

“Care to tell me what that was all about Nick?”

"What it was--" he started, then laughed. "Li, seriously? I mean, you know I hate that fucker, but that aside, he knows absolutely dick about intelligence. He was a marine, a pilot...and had zero training in intelligence, except for the past, what, three months?" He shook his head. "I know you can only do much, but that damn spider that floats around here would be better for this position than him."

“Are you sure?” she leaned back against her desk, watching him with her serene, unreadable expression. “So you know everything he did before?”

"I know more than you think I do," he said. "If you think I'm restricted to only seeing information that my rank as Senior Chief allows, then you don't know me at all." He crossed his arms. "You know what I did before this. And he's just a lowly lieutenant. His file was nothing to get into. That mysterious first mission of his was tantamount to a kindergarten outing. And the other stuff in his file?" He scoffed. Loudly. "Sorry, Li, but if you ask me, and I notice you didn't, thank you very much, he's not the man for the job. Not out here. Not in the vast unknown of the Delta Quadrant."

“Is everything you’ve ever done in your file?”

"So you're going to tell me that because he told you that he did some sneakin' and peekin' that he's deserving of some special promotion?" he asked, throwing his arms into the air out of frustration. "If that's the case, I was a Starfleet Commodore and was the assistant Intelligence Director for the whole shebang."

“Give me a little credit, Nick. How long have you known me? And how often do I ever take anyone at their word?” Her eyes narrowed just slightly as she regarded him, an early warning sign.

He caught the glare. He knew what it was for. "Look, know I love you dearly--er, you know, all friendly like..." Suddenly he was all red-faced. "And I trust you only a little bit less than I trust Nenita, and that's A LOT--and for me that's saying something. But I've seen his file. He's 28 years old, Li! He hasn't had time to do anything else other than what's in his file. Hell, I had years to perfect my trade before coming back to Starfleet, none of which you'll ever find in my file. But you've been in my head. You know I only speak the truth to you. And from my reckoning, he's had no experience in this. Sure, he may be able to lead. And as much as I hate his weasly black guts, I'll give him enough credit to say that he's probably brave and able to fight. But to be in charge of our intelligence unit...I'm sorry, Li, but I just don't see it."

He sat there expecting her to throw something at him, or make his head explode...or something. Finally, he added, "Look, I know I was way out of line. I ap--," he choked on the words. "I'm ssssor--". Goddammit. You know what I'm trying to say! But as your friend, and someone with eons more experience than this putz, I had to let you know that this just...feels wrong."

“Perhaps we chose him for his people skills. You know this bunch, it’s varied and you are all headstrong and very...unique. We need someone who can keep things level and coordinate. You know as well as I do, and I don’t mean this as an insult, but you’d suck at both. You don’t want to be sitting in an office Nick. Robin would have to commit you within a week and you know that. I need you where you are, doing what you do best.” She paused and leaned closer. “You know I am right.”

"I know damn well that you're right about me being in some office! There's no way in hell, and I hope you don't think that I'm trying to jockey a position for that!" His brow furrowed. He was beginning to think she didn't know him at all. "You know I don't give a tinker's damn about running shit, just my own ops. But if I'm going to work for someone," he said, purposely not saying 'with someone', because he certainly wasn't going to work with the man, "I want to know that they know what they're doing. Because if they get me killed, or worse, someone I actually...uh, care about, there will be absolute hell to pay."

“I know that’s not what you wanted Nick. But I hope you know me well enough to trust my judgment. Patrick will be chained to that office, much as I was, keeping it together, writing reports, and letting the rest of you do what you do best. I’ve worked too long and too hard to hand the department over to someone who isn’t ready. Trust me.” She paused a moment, dreading her next subject. “Which brings me to my next thing.”

He hated to hear her words, but he had no choice but to believe and trust her.

"Fine," he said. "So what's your next thing?"

“Nenita and Patrick.”

Nick's face immediately went dark. Just the mention of her name in the same sentence as Patrick's was enough to make him want to blow apart the desk in front of him with his bare hands.

"What...about...them..." he asked through clenched teeth.

“That, right there.” She pointed at his tight jaw. “I know you love her. If anyone does it’s me, but maybe she doesn’t. Maybe a little ‘definite’ is what she needs. And maybe you should trust her not to do what you’re so worried about.”

His eyes flared, only momentarily, but it was enough to solidify what Li already knew. "I..." he started. It was enough to soften him up a bit, at least to bring him down from DEFCON 1 to, say, DEFCON 2. "You need to stay out of my head, Li. From here on out. There are things in there that even you wouldn't want to know."

“I don’t have to be in there to see this, Nick,” she replied, her voice soft. “It’s obvious to everyone around you, whether you admit it or not.”

"Well they can mind their goddamn business!" he roared. "With exception of you..." he added softly. "What I do or don't do in my personal life is none of their concern. What Nenita and I do, or how we feel about each other, is ours and ours alone!"

Nick wasn't used to professions of love. Hell, he wasn't used to professions of any feeling other than sheer hatred. Sure, he'd been with his share of pure-bred Klingon women, and had to take part in that bullshit Klingon mating ritual nonsense, but he much preferred the company of someone like Nenita. She was soft when she needed to be and rough-and-tumble when she wanted to. He liked a little variety in the sack and Nenita was perfect, in every way.

He knew he loved her. He just assumed she would know how he felt about her. He would do anything for her. He would kill for her. He would even die for her.

“Then tell her. And stop worrying about her and Patrick. You know Nita flirts but she won’t stray as long as she has good reason not to. So, if it helps you, there’s something you have over him. Enjoy.”

He grumbled, not happy that anyone, even Li, someone he considered a friend--something he had very few of, was having to tell him this. But because it was Li, he paid attention.

"Fine. Now, back to why I'm in here. I'm giving you fair warning, if that slack-jawed idiot so much as yawns the wrong way in Intel, I'm calling him out. And I'll break him into little pieces if I have to."

"And enjoy it immensely," he added to himself.

“Just give him the benefit of the doubt. And for what it’s worth, he’s not just a paper pusher. He’s up to his eyeballs in a very sensitive operation and doing just fine.” Li smiled finally. “And keep doing what you do, Nick. A hell of a lot is riding on figuring out who’s trying to screw up things between us and Archadia.”

"I'm a bulldog after his bone, lady, you know that. I'll find something. And if I don't, Nenita will. You can bank on that."

“Good, that’s what I am counting on and thank you. Anything else while you’re here?”

"Since you're handing out promotions, I'll take one," he said in jest.

“Funny you should mention that. You’ve been with me a long time Nick, and with this crew, first on the Berkeley, and now 900. You more than deserve it, and it’s been a long time coming.” She moved around behind her desk and removed a small black case from a drawer, then held it out to him.

"Bullshit," he said, thinking she was joking. He stood and walked to the desk to reach for the case.

Li pulled her hand back and smiled. “No bullshit. But it comes with a warning. Higher rank means more responsibility and a higher standard. I expect both or we will revisit this. Do I have your word?”

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good," he said with a smirk. "But, for you, I'll try. A tiger can't change his stripes, though. But I'll try."

“That is all any of us can do.” She opened the box and held it out to him, the light reflecting off the new insignia. “Congratulations, Master Chief Petty Officer Marcinko.”

"Oh, the havoc I can bring about with this," he said aloud. He then saw the arched eyebrow that Li gave him. "Buuuut...I guess I'll not be doing that."

“Good man. Now then, are you going to come to our little get-together at the Nexus?”

"As long as I don't have to have drinks with Smith, or raise a glass to him. I'll not drink to heel-taps with that clod."

“See you there then, and I am watching you, Nick. Dismissed.”

He bowed deeply, putting on a show. Then backed out as if in front of royalty. He sure knew how to be an ass, even when he wasn't really trying that hard.


A joint post by:

Master Chief Nick Marcinko
Outspoken loudmouth...except for matters of the heart


Commander Li Hawke
Getting To The Heart Of The Matter


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