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Guess Who's Coming To Dinner

Posted on Wed Aug 1st, 2012 @ 11:11am by Commander Patrick Leroy & Admiral Ricky Wegener & Commander Sakkath

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Boardwalk then Nexus

Amanda locked arms with Patrick as they exited the transporter room: “You’ve been scarce these last times.” She said with a bland tone of reprimand.

“I know” Patrick responded avoiding to look in mother’s eyes “But I’ve been very busy. Being a Department Head on a starbase takes its toll. We had a big crisis with the Divitian Republic and I was one of those sent to help their home planet to recover I’ve been away for some time…”

“I’m sure you’ve fixed up their planet didn’t you?” His father intervened. “That would be a great deed, one worthy to be acknowledged and remembered.”

“That would have been.” Patrick replied sighing at father’s comment, some things never seemed to change, “In any case a great part of the Divitian government didn’t want strangers meddling with their own affairs and our Scientific team was quickly marginalized and kept out of the full project.”

“That’s a pity.” Jeffrey grumbled “That would have brought great renown to your name.”

“C’mon Jeffrey.” Amanda scolded him “We’ve just arrived after a long voyage and I’m sure Patrick has many things to tell us and places to make us visit on this great starbase. Leroy’s pride can wait for once.”

“I would really like that.” Patrick said patting the hand his mother was keeping around his arm. “But this surprise visit is just that. A surprise. I have some important tasks to attend to at the moment.” He paused then thinking of a possible solution. “Maybe I can arrange something for the evening? I could accompany you now for a walk to the boardwalk, find an accommodation for you to get refreshed and then leave you at the Nexus, the best lounge in the starbase, where I will come to pick you up later,” he proposed.

“That would be nice.” Amanda responded “What do you think Jeffrey?”

“Of course I agree. Let us see this famous boardwalk, Sonny.”

Patrick smiled inwardly thinking to have deftly avoided ‘diplomatic’ incidents with his family and quickly led them to the nearest turbolift with the Boardwalk as their ultimate destination.

But destiny often has a capricious nature and something was definitely in store for Patrick. That something was suddenly recognized in the moment Admiral Wegener and Commander Sakkath walked out of the turbolift.

“Admiral.” Patrick said in surprise he regained then some composure “Good evening Admiral.” Nodding in turn to the second officer “Mr. Sakkath.”

“Ah! So you are in charge of this big canister,” Jeffrey Leroy exclaimed extending his hand to the admiral. “It must be a tough job.” Amanda scolded him as Patrick looked away in embarrassment.

“Please Admiral excuse my husband's enthusiasm. We’ve never been on a starbase before and this one is really large. I’m impressed.” Amanda smiled to the admiral.

"Why, thank you, ma'am. It is quite large," Rick said, shaking hands with the man. "I am Admiral Ricky Wegener, Starbase 900's commanding officer. And this," he said, turning to Sakkath, "is my Second Officer, Commander Sakkath." Rick thought a little sly-boots wouldn't hurt about now. "And you must be the brother and sister of our Lieutenant Commander Leroy?"

Sakkath looked first to the boisterous, familiar man and then to the somewhat more reserved, diplomatic woman before allowing his gaze to rest for a moment on Patrick. Parents, he surmised immediately, lowering the PADD he had been reviewing with the Admiral and draping his hands behind his back. He simply inclined his head in greeting as Ricky introduced him, recognizing quite easily that their focus was on the starbase's Commanding Officer.

“Well, No Admiral they’re my parents.” Patrick responded smiling to the joke At least he’s in a good mood after all. “This is my mother Amanda and my father Jeffrey. They’ve come a long way from earth to see this door on the horizon.” he ended closing formal presentations.

"It is a wonderful site to see, indeed," Rick replied. "If you have not already obtained accommodation for them, Commander, please send them to deck 10, the VIP quarters. I will contact Lt. Beckman and have her let you know which room will be theirs."

"Oh Admiral, you're very kind." Amanda stated taking initiative. "We're going to stay a bit on SB900 and we would be very glad to meet you again in a less formal occasion one of these evenings. And you too Commander" She ended addressing Sakkath.

"Yes we would be honoured." Jeffrey said confirming Amanda's invitation.

"I would also enjoy that. Patrick," he said, calling his Chief Science Officer by his proper name, "I would very much like to spend some time with you and your parents sometime soon. Contact my office to set up a time." He smiled and then moved to leave.

Then, seizing the moment, Patrick turned to look at his parents. “Well, I’m sure that the Admiral and the Second Officer have important work to attend to. Perhaps we should leave them to their business now.” Patrick said hoping to avoid further damage.

“Yes of course. It’s been a pleasure Admiral and Second Officer… How is that salute of yours? Live well and longer…” Jeffrey Leroy cited fumbling with the fingers trying to reproduce the Vulcans’ traditional salute.

"Live long and prosper," Sakkath corrected, lifting his right hand with an ease borne of years and parting his fingers. "May you both know peace and long life. Please, excuse us, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy. Commander," Sakkath added with a respectful nod of his head to the Chief Science Officer before departing.

***** Some time later *****

The walk through the Boardwalk was slow enough for Amanda and Jeffrey to partake of all the interesting features of that place and Patrick acted as the perfect guide showing them the best places to see.

“Wasn’t that vulcan officer with you on the starship?” Jeffrey inquired suddenly.

“Mr. Sakkath? Yes he was Chief of Operations on the Berkeley

“You were both Department Heads there and then here on the Starbase and now he’s Second Officer of this structure. Why not you?”

Patrick breathed deeply while his eyes narrowed “He’s got extensive knowledge of the systems that make up a structure like this. Science uses up all of your time and is never enough, especially in this new frontier where many thing have still to be discovered. I’m quite content to dedicate myself to this at the moment.” Was his stiff response.

After the episode Patrick had become aloof as they walked the crowded causeway. All the responses to his parents had become monosyllabic or a simple shrugging of the shoulders.

Amanda perceived the uneasiness in him and after a while she tried to divert the attention on other matters: “How’s your off-time here? Are you alone at the moment?”

Patrick smiled with Amanda’s question mothers never change: “I do my best to distract my mind when I’m not working and… No I’m not alone.”

“Oh that’s good news. Is she that girl you mentioned… How was her name?” Amanda said making an effort to remember “Aleksandra. That was the name.”

“The name’s right.” Patrick chuckled softly “But She’s history now. Our paths separated when I embarked on the Berkeley and not on the best of terms I would say. But she’s around here on the base. Still in Security branch.”

“Oh… I see.” Amanda replied biting her lip.

Patrick stood silent well knowing that his mother wouldn’t have let the matter fall so easily. In the meantime the lights of the Nexus had come into view.

“This is the Nexus. The place I’ve told you before. Here you can have some rest and a drink while waiting for dinner. I have some matters to attend to and then I’ll come to pick you up. Or dinner can also be taken here. The Nexus is also a fine restaurant able to cater to the most demanding palates.”

“That’s fine sonny.” Jeffrey replied regarding the entrance of the locale. “We’ll wait you here.”

“Are you leaving us like that? Will you bring your friend with you?” Amanda asked out of curiosity.

“It is unlikely as she’s very busy at the moment.”

“Aw… C’mon why are you playing so mysterious? At least tell us her name. How does she look?” Amanda insisted trying to pry her son’s resistance.

Patrick eyes shifted from Amanda to Jeffrey and then back again to Amanda.

***** The Nexus *****

“A klingon he said…”

The words escaped Amanda’s mouth softly, eyes lost on some far horizon. While in the locale people moved around talking, dancing and drinking to the tunes and songs performed by a young and skilled enaran.

“Jeffrey are you listening?” She snapped turning to watch his husband intent on the multi-colored cocktail in his hands.

“Er… Uhm… Yes. half-klingon he said actually.” Jeffrey replied taking a long sip from the straw.

“And aren’t you worried about that?” She glared at him.

“No, why?... Patrick said she’s Head of Diplomatic department here or something like that. At last a good choice from your son. You can get to know many important people this way…”

“Hmph! I don’t know why I do even bother to ask you…” she snorted in irritation. Her lips tight she turned, chin resting on a hand, to look at the people around them blatantly ignoring Jeffrey, who shrugged.

In the background another melody had started as the enaran readied himself to sing a very old terran song titled ‘When a Man Loves a Woman’.

Lt. Cmdr Patrick Leroy
Annoyed Son

Amanda Leroy
Caring (and worried) Presence

Jeffrey Leroy
Cumbersome Presence

Commander Sakkath
In the wrong place at the wrong time

Admiral Wegener
Boss of the Canister


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