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A Rose By Any Other Name...

Posted on Mon Jul 30th, 2012 @ 9:24pm by Lieutenant Nick Marcinko & Lieutenant Commander Leto

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Turbolift - Deck 34, Intelligence
Timeline: Current

Nick walked out of Li's office holding the box of new rank insignia in his hand. No matter what, he didn't want to let her down so he decided that he would, indeed, try to change his stripes. She had been a very good friend to him, despite the fact that he was a despicable, low-life piece of shit who had no qualms of killing everyone he could see down the corridor in front of him and then sitting down for dinner. She saw past that and found that he was actually a good person, so to speak, and utilized him the best way he could be.

But there was someone else that felt the same way, albeit stronger. Hell, she liked him so much that she would actually allow him to do things to her that are normally reserved for pornographic novels. He smiled at the thought of some of the things they'd done. "Avert your eyes!" he snapped at a Petty Officer who looked at him strangely.

So, because of that, and because of what Li said to him, and, of course, because he hated Patrick Smith with the heat of 1000 fires, he felt that the only thing he could do was to find Nenita and let her know exactly how he felt about her. No matter how much it made him feel uncomfortable.

Ten minutes later he found her leaving the intelligence offices. He had stopped only once to find a single red rose for her. The turbolift doors opened and she stood there. "Heya, sweetcheeks," he said. "We need to talk,” he said and handed her the rose.

“Then step into my parlour....” Nenita gave him a toothy grin. “That’s funnier now that Iggy’s running about.”

He was happy to see that she wasn't glaring daggers at him, at least not yet. The day was still young. "Listen, uh...things have been said, things have been done, and sometimes it's best to just say more things than just rely on those things that have been done to say what needs to be said."

“Say what?” She raised her eyebrow at him. Noting his seriousness, she cleared her throat. “Computer, pause lift.” The turbolift came to a halt. “Since we’re talking, I need to say something too, so your choice. Before or after?”

"After," he said. "If I don't say it now I'll be weeks trying to get it out again." He huffed, looked at the floor, and then back up to her.

There was an awkward silence as she waited for him to continue and he worked up the nerve to say what was on his mind. "I..." he finally started, then stopped.

"I Io--" It was difficult for him to say. For a man that had spent his life as a warrior, killing in the name of the Federation, for the greater good, and for a while, just for fun...displaying emotion wasn't easy. He sighed, a bit angry with himself now. "Okay, I'm having a hard time with this. I mean it, I really do, but it's just not easy to say."

Nita's wariness grew. She watched Nick intently, noting his awkwardness and his discomfort. His stammering and avoidance suddenly shook her.

"Nick, are you dying?"

"Dyi--what? No!" He rolled his eyes. "I'm trying to tell you I love you, dammit, so just give me a second so I can work up the nerve, which is pretty fuckin' difficult for me."

He exhaled deeply, not realizing what he'd just said, and closed his eyes for a second to psyche himself up. "I loooo--" He clenched his fist. "Shit."

She blinked up at him, since it was clear he hadn't a clue what he'd just done. She opened her mouth to say something, but instead, laughter came out. It was soft and quiet at first but soon built up till she couldn't contain it any longer. Leaning against the turbolift wall, she finally wiped her eyes.

"Computer, play back the past three minutes of this conversation."

With a beep, the computer began.

Dyi--what? ...No!...I'm trying to tell you I love you, dammit, so just give me a second so I can work up the nerve, which is pretty fuckin' difficult for me.

"Computer stop." Nenita paused and looked back up at Nick, waiting for his reaction.

He stopped and looked at her. "I know what I said," he replied. "Don't make this harder, okay? So it's difficult for me. I don't usually get all...mushy."

He grabbed her hand and tried again. "I...lll..." He cleared his throat. "I loooo....I llllooooo...."

"Sonofabitch!" he yelled. "I know what I want to say, but I just can't say it! How the hell am I supposed to tell someone I love them when I can't even--" He stopped, it suddenly hitting him what he'd said. "I did it! I said it!" He smiled a toothy grin at her. "I actually said it!"

"You did. Twice." Her gaze swept over him, taking in the goofy smile, his eyes that held both relief and hope. She couldn't imagine life without Nick but she knew him and herself too well. Neither of them had what could be considered small 'appetites'. And for both, the menu was varied. Meaning it included more than one dish. "So what does this mean, Nicky?" She rarely called him that except in some of their most tender moments.

He had no clue what he'd done until it finally clicked. "It means," he said, pulling her close to him, his arms around her hips, "that I love you, Nenita Quidley. I know that sometimes I make a complete ass of myself, like earlier," he said, almost blushing at the nod she gave him, "but the only woman I want to be with is you. And I hope that the only man you want to be with is me." He resisted the urge to kiss her, thinking this may not be the best time, at least not yet. "I love you. And you know how hard it is for me to say things like that, but I mean it. One-hundred percent."

“This is a big change for us. You and I both know what happens when we’re apart for a while.” She draped her arms over his shoulders, letting the rose dangle in her fingertips.

He grinned, like a giddy school-boy. "Yeah. I tend to want to ravish you quite a bit when we get back together."

“That’s not what I meant and you know it, even though it’s true.” She smiled back at him, her eyes glittering. “I’m referring to the itch you like to scratch.”

She had him dead to rights, but, no matter what she thought, he hadn't been with another woman in ages. "You may not believe this, darlin', but there are no other women for me. There haven't been any other women since we started being together. I've thought about it--hell, I'm in a relationship, I'm not dead from the waist down, but I haven't acted on those impulses." He paused. "Unless you count the ol' hairy palm syndrome I have, which is, to be honest, getting a little out of control," he said, holding his palms up in the air to her.

Her smile turned impish. “Just think of them as me when you’re away from home.” She brought the rose around front and brushed it over his cheek. “For what it’s worth, I never did anything with Patrick, I just like to flirt with him because it makes him nervous.”

Just the mention of his name got his blood pressure to rise. "Well, I have to tell you that I don't like it, and don't like him," he said, more forcefully than he meant to. "But I'm as big a flirt," he finally relented, "so I guess I should just shut my trap about that."

For the first time in ages, he looked hurt. He didn't like it, but he couldn't control it.

“I’m glad you finally told me.” Nenita pushed him back against the wall of the turbolift, then leaned in and kissed him. A moment later, she swatted him with the rose. “But don’t you ever question Li in front of the whole damned department again or I’ll make your nuts into a keychain? Got me?”

"Dammit," he said. "I knew I should have taken the thorns off of that damn thing."

He pulled the box from his pocket and opened it up. "She promoted me."

“She did?” Nenita blinked at the box in surprise, then her smile returned. “Congratulations, it’s about time. Looks like we have more than one thing to celebrate tonight.” The turbolift beeped and Nenita instructed it to resume before wrapping her arms around Nick once more. “I love you too. But don’t expect mushy right here and now.”

"I'll take it whenever I can get it," he said, "even if I have to wait a while."

She leaned in once more, pressing her lips to his and her hand to lower places just as the door opened.

“Oh jeez, get a room would you?” The voice was Li’s, and it was laced with laughter. “You two go on ahead to...somewhere. I think I’ll take one of the tubes.” She stepped back and let the doors close once more.

He couldn't help it. He roared with laughter. "Well, there you go," he said. "We have to listen to the boss, don't we?"

“That we do. My place,” she said, and gave the lift the order.


Lt. Nenita Quidley & MCPO Nick Marcinko
Love In An Elevator.....


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