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Best Laid Plans

Posted on Fri Jun 17th, 2011 @ 6:15pm by Commander Sakkath & Captain Li Hawke

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Sakkath/Hawke Quarters
Timeline: Prior to Divitian Arrival

Sakkath had just completed his walkthrough of the Divitian Ambassador's ... no, Speaker's, he corrected himself ... personal quarters. Much of Deck 51 had been allocated for the Divitian's use, more than enough to keep Sakkath's staff busy, but the primary room he had taken responsibility for himself. Anything less would have been inappropriate.

Commander Kh'ali had been kind enough to provide several cultural details that would hopefully be well received in the furnishings and decor. Norval had personally seen to reprogramming the replicator database with local cuisine for the duration of their stay.

Stepping free of the room, the Vulcan sealed the quarters. "Computer, seal quarters designated 51-A. Permit access only to Lieutenant Commanders Sakkath or Kh'ali or those with Command-level clearance. Authorization Sakkath-five-nine-gamma-echo."

The chime of assent and the hissing seal of the portal were the only indications that Sakkath's orders had been carried out. Having dealt with Divitian accommodations for most of his shift, he would find it most agreeable to see his own, and so that was were he began to head now.

* * Sakkath Quarters * *

Li was already home, changing for dinner, though somewhat distracted. Nenita's report had come in on hers and Nick's investigation and the oddness they had encountered. There was also a report from Science that her crystal was now contained in a lab and a request to meet regarding that incident on the Berkeley. On top of that, she was running through the information recovered on the Divitians that had been sent out to the department heads. Round and round. Reaching into the closet, she pulled out a pair of shoes, not realizing they didn't match and slipped them on.

Sakkath entered their quarters, still actively taking notes on the PADD in his hands. Memory guided his movements... memory, that is, of the Berkeley. He stopped quite suddenly as his shins impacted the coffee table, now placed quite differently in the larger accommodations aboard 900.

He closed his eyes in silent protest before purposefully setting down the PADD and unzipping his duty vest.

"Hello, my darling." Li breezed by him, borne on a faint whiff of her favorite perfume and artfully skirting the coffee table. There was a kiss to his cheek somewhere in there and somehow she was already in the kitchen.

"Imzadi," he replied in greeting, turning only to see the swirl of color vanish into the next room. Plain enough that she was not still in uniform.

"You have plans?" he asked as he strode over to the side of the living area, uncapping the bottle of Romulan ale there before pouring himself a slender stemmed glass full.

"With you, yes." She reappeared, moving over to take the bottle from him and pour a second glass. "Once you've checked the bump on your leg. Don't feel bad, I've done that every single morning since we got here. And that coffee table is a good deal more solid than our last." Laughter bubbled up as the memory of her father placing a wineglass on their old coffee table and it falling to pieces rose in her mind. She passed the thought to Sakkath. Her laughter shifted to a groan as she glanced down at her feet and noticed she was wearing two different shoes.

Sakkath could not help but laugh, his brief chuckle rising from events on the Berkeley and a deep connection to Li. Upon toasting her choice of beverage he drained his own glass.

"I suppose, then, that I should change," he offered, moving towards their sleeping quarters.

"Into something comfortable, at the risk of sounding cliche, or nothing at all. I just felt like being out of uniform." She slipped off both shoes and left them by the bar. "Something odd happened today."

"I daresay that the odd is becoming commonplace," the Vulcan admitted as the reds and browns of his robe replaced the golds and greys of his duty uniform. He steepled his fingers for a moment, centering his thoughts before he lifted his cocktail. "Tell me of your day," he offered, taking a seat on the sofa that occupied the center of their living space.

She settled on the carpet before Sakkath, wrapping her arms around his knees. Since that first night she'd escaped sickbay and stolen into his quarters, it had been her favorite spot, especially when something weighed heavily on her mind. Reaching out, she touched her hand to his, and in a fraction of the time it would take to tell, shared the images with him of Nita and Nick's strange occurrence, of Science securing the crystal, and their request to speak to her regarding 'an incident' on the Berkeley.

Sakkath lifted a brow. "It seems quite highly improbable that every mineral in the quadrant is now reacting to your presence or Rhys's echo. Patrick will no doubt wish to investigate... but he has his own crystal with which to sate that curiosity. You should consider having your own destroyed," he recommended.

"That might be for the best, given what's happened. But it would also mean losing the chance to see what's really happening with them."

"It may not be the most scientific approach, to destroy what we do not understand, but it is logical. The crystal demonstrates a capacity for harm out of this unexplained phenomena, and Rhys has had more time than I care to consider with which to manipulate this object."

He had a good point. Rhys had access to that crystal during the time before he joined the Berkeley. Anything was possible, and it might explain the 'echoes'.

"I'll talk to Patrick about it tomorrow." Pulling one hand away from Sakkath, she reached for her glass. "You have everything ready for our visitors?"

"Nearly," he admitted, "or at least as much as can be ready. This is all quite sudden, and our information on the Divitians is limited at best. This may actually prove to be our best opportunity to learn about them and their culture. I can only imagine that the hospitality of Operations pales in comparison to what you must be going through," he observed, turning his attention back to Li, her dark eyes and raven hair. "Are we in any imminent danger as a result of our impending guests?"

"On the face of it, it would seem no. You know me, though, I always look for the worst, the knife in the back, the danger you don't see coming."

Sakkath brushed his fingers against hers. "It is comforting to know that we are in good hands, then. It would be most agreeable if our first major diplomatic contact passed without incident."

"As will I, but I don't think I'll rest too easy until they are gone. So, I apologize in advance." She smiled up at him. "You and Kh'ali have my sympathies. Promise me, though, that if anything seems off, you'll tell me?"

"Naturally," Sakkath replied. "Hopefully our guests find their accommodations acceptable and my work is done before they even arrive." He lifted his glass to hers, a crystal chime filling the air for the briefest of moments.

"I think this is the calm before the storm. They are due in anytime now you know."

"I do," he affirmed. "Speaking of arriving ships, how has checking the manifests been progressing? That cannot be a simple task with the station being such a hub of activity in this Quadrant."

Li rolled her eyes. "Progressing but to the tune of much muttering and cursing from Nick. No surprise there. I'm relieving him later, as I want to make damn sure that no one sneaks in here that has bad intentions. This is a sensitive situation we have just now."

"Well, it seems we both have duties to complete before we rest tonight," Sakkath realized, knowing he would have to recheck the Divitian quarters. "So, that being the case, what are these plans you have made with me?" he inquired as he leaned forward.

Li smiled up at him. "Dinner, then I propose we lock ourselves in for an hour or two before we are pulled away again. Call it a sanity break if you will."

The Vulcan drained his glass, setting down the empty piece of crystal before rising from his seat and offering Li his arm. "Counselor Swift would doubtless commend you on your efforts," he commented.

Li leaned in to kiss his cheek. "I can assure you that Counselor Swift will be the furthest thing from my mind, my love."

A Joint Post by:

Lieutenant Commander Li Hawke


Lieutenant Commander Sakkath

Starbase 900


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