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Common Ground

Posted on Mon Aug 6th, 2012 @ 6:17pm by Commander Oralia Zeferino & Cassidy Wilde

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Cassidy's Quarters

* * * Cassidy’s Quarters * * *

Cassidy wandered around her quarters, at a loss of what to do with herself or her time. After she’d left Vic’s earlier, she came back home instead of going to see Jackson. Like she had told him the day before, she was a survivor. She knew how to move on. Hanging onto something that wasn’t there wasn’t her style. Cassidy Wilde was not a glutton for punishment.

A little while later, however, she was reevaluating whether or not she was in fact, punishing herself. She’d cleaned her entire quarters, even though they weren’t in need of it. She was restless, and if she was totally honest with herself, feeling a bit lonely and neglected. “Yeah, I can tell how worried everyone was about me,” she muttered, recalling Vic’s words to her the night before. No one had called or stopped by to see how she was doing. It was as if she were...invisible.

God how she hated that feeling. She hated noticing that she felt that way even more. It felt too close to self pity.

Just as Cassidy was attempting to not have a pity party, her door chime rang. When the door opened, Oralia smiled at her, somewhat sheepishly, and held out a small rectangular box. “Hey,” she greeted Cassidy, “I sort of have experience with the whole kidnapped and held thing. Thought I’d stop by and see how you’re doing.”

She blinked, momentarily surprised to find this particular woman at her door. “Oz, hi. Come in, please.” Stepping back, she waited until the brunette was all the way in. “Yes, I believe Jackson mentioned somethin’ about you being kidnapped at one point. I’m sorry you had to go through that. It’s quite unpleasant, not to mention awfully rude that someone would think ya want to be somewhere ya don’t wanna be.”

“Yeah. Mine decided I wanted a haircut as well.” She ruffled the back of her short hair and grinned sardonically. “Fortunately, I got some payback: my officers decided the perpetrator needed to be de-loused before being allowed in the Brig.” She left out any comment about just where Suresh’s hair was now.

“But, hey, I knew you hadn’t suffered that same sort of shearing,” she shook the box, holding it out to Cassidy again, “so I brought you this.”

Taking the box, she smiled. “A gift? Thank you, Oralia.” She opened it to find an ornamental and very pretty hair clip nestled inside. “’s beautiful. You didn’t need to...but thank you.” Impulsively, Cassidy hugged her.

“I’m lucky I don’t have a bald spot. That bitch Natalia fights like a girl and pulled my hair.”

Returning the hug, Oz snorted lightly. “Yeah, well, you... certainly gave better than you got, Cass.”

“I’m tougher than I look. No one ever expects it,” she said dismissively. “I don’t take kindly to havin’ my friend’s life or my own threatened. I had proper motivation, you could say.”

“You did,” Oz nodded. “And thanks for that, Cassidy.” She looked down at her hands, not quite sure how to word what she had to say. “I don’t know what I’d have done... losing Jackson so close after Connor.”

Cass gestured they should both have a seat on the large sectional sofa, rather than stand there in the middle of the entryway. “It feels odd to be thanked for saving someone’s life, but you’re welcome. I imagine it would have destroyed you.” She was silent for a few moments, watching the woman that Jackson had been in love with beyond all reason for so long. “I’m sure you’re aware I care a lot for Jackson, too...but it’s been settled between us. I may love him, but it’s as a friend. There is no other woman for him but you. I hope that won’t be a problem between us? I don’t chase after men that are involved with another woman.” Cassidy watched Oz openly, praying she wouldn’t lose not just Jackson as a friend, but Oralia as well because of a possible awkward situation. “I still want to be your friend, too, Oz.”

As a rule, Oz was uncomfortable with any emotional situation, whether with a friend or lover. It had been a bone of contention between her and Connor - with Connor being just as bad about talking about emotions as she was. But it was a discomfort she was learning to get over; eventually, she’d be able to get out of her own way with regard to emotional talk. Right now, she took a small step that way: “That’s good. I’d hate to think that a man would get in the way of friends.” She half-laughed and shook her head. “After everything he went through being on the edge of my relationship with Connor... I’m surprised he still talks to me, let alone... ah... likes me.”

Arching a brow, it was Cassidy’s turn to give a rather unladylike snort. “Oh for fuck’s sake,’ll have to excuse me for being blunt, but I know it, you know it...he loves you. I’m pretty sure everyone else that is close to him knows it, too.” She shook her head, a wistful smile curving her mouth as she looked at Oralia. “Don’t waste this chance you have with him finally. You both deserve to be happy.” She was fully aware her language was more colorful since she’d been kidnapped, but she wasn’t going to apologize for calling things as she saw them anymore.

“I won’t waste it, Cass. And I won’t hurt him again,” Oz promised. “I’m a touch worried about moving too fast, but he and I will work that out.” Her ‘worry’ was slightly stronger than just worry; it bordered on fear. Fear that she’d hurt Jackson, that she’d never recover from Connor’s death, that the love she had for Jackson was a mere shadow of what it should be.

“Good, I don’t want to see him get hurt after all of this. If I know Jackson, I’m sure y’all’ll work it out sooner, rather than later. He’s waited for you too long. But if you’re worried about things goin’ too fast, then it’s a real concern. Don’t ignore it. Glossing over somethin’ like that can lead to trouble.” Cassidy was picking up all sorts of anxiety from Oz and had to take a deep breath as it washed over her. Dammit...she should have remembered to put her blocks in place as soon as she opened the door.

“We’ll handle it. We talked some last night, but not about everything.” Oz replied. She seemed to switch gears then, and said, “You know there are counselors available to talk to, right? Doc Swift is available to civilians, not just Starfleet folks. And if you’re having trouble, just give me a call.” She was vague about what “trouble” meant, but she was thinking along the lines of Cass being unable to sleep, worried that she was unprotected. That sort of trouble, Oz could address by sending an officer to guard Cass’s door. Of course, she wasn’t thinking about how one of her officers had been involved in Cass’s kidnapping to begin with.

Making a face, she tucked a loose section of golden hair behind her ear. “I don’t really ever share my problems with others. I’m wonderful at talkin’ to others about their problems, but when it comes to my own...I tend to handle them on my own,” she admitted. “Considerin’ what Jackson and I went through...what I ended up doin’, if I went to see a counselor, they’d squeal with joy at the prospect of how many hours they’d think I’d need. I don’t even wanna know what they’d make of the fact that I don’t regret my actions one tiny bit. Except for not catchin’ onto what Chase was up to earlier...if I had...” She shrugged. “I can’t go back and change it, so I don’t plan on beatin’ myself up over it. As for any lingering trouble...I’ll work through it.”

Cassidy smiled at Oz. “Don’t worry, I’m not gonna turn into a shut in or anythin’ like that. So if yer not too busy with Jackson and wanna get together anytime, just say the word.”

“Will do. I’m sure Iggy would be eager to spend time with you, too. I don’t get her those hissing roaches nearly often enough for her appetite,” Oz smiled warmly. “I’m still on this ‘light duty’ restriction - I’m not supposed to do anything too strenuous, but a jog would be a good start. Want to join me? Tomorrow in the morning?”

She smirked. “I think I can force myself to go slow enough for ya to keep up.”

“Ha!” Oz laughed. “Yeah, okay, maybe you could beat me right now - I kind of tire easily. But normally? No way. I’ll dust you!”

Cassidy threw her head back and laughed. “Yer delusional. I’ve yet to find anyone that could live up ta that boast. I never jog. I run.” Grinning, she finally managed to stop laughing. She was relieved that it looked like she and Oz would be able to remain friends. It wasn’t like she had that many of them on the station yet, but time would change that. “Tomorrow mornin’ would be great. And let Iggy know she can stop by to see me anytime she wants to.”

“I’ll do that, when I see her next. She’s spending tonight with Eli and Chance,” she suppressed a smirk. Chance had already left her a message, venting about Iggy’s lack of social graces. “What’s Vic’s place like?”, she asked out of the blue.

“Excuse me?” Cassidy wondered where the question had come well as the reason behind it.

Oz laughed and misinterpreted Cass’s question. “Lieutenant Darwin. He had you observed after releasing you from the Detention Center. He wanted to make sure no one hassled you.”

At the mention of Lt. Darwin, Cassidy’s expression slammed closed. “He had me followed? No one is gonna hassle me. Or is it that he still doesn’t believe me and thinks I’m gonna go on a rampage and start killin’ random people?” She knew he had been doing his job, but it had done a number on her to not be taken at her word about what had happened. Her honor - her word was extremely important to her. Never had she been in a situation where someone didn’t believe her.

“Nothing like that, Cassidy.” Oz didn’t miss the change in Cass’s expression; was it Darwin who drew that ire or something else? She could see the anger there, but was that hurt feelings mixed in there as well? “He was doing his job, on my orders. My team tends to be suspicious and they don’t like taking anything at face value, not until they can verify things.”

“I understand he was doin’ his job, I do...but do ya have any idea what it’s like to be innocent and have someone look at you like yer crazy and responsible for terrible things? Merely because I was still on my feet and not curled up in a corner? It sucks.”

Criminally? No, Oz had never had her innocence doubted. In other areas of her life, without a doubt she had. But she wasn’t about to compare being accused of bedding down with Jackson with Cass being thought of as a possible kidnapper, killer and criminal. “It wasn’t just that you were still on your feet. You held Darwin at gunpoint; he’s not fond of that. I can’t say I blame him,” Oz’s tone was neutral; she had no intention of getting Cassidy riled up, though that might be the end result here.

“I don’t think anyone enjoys having a deadly weapon aimed at them, but to be fair, I had it aimed at whoever woulda ended up comin’ through that door, considerin’ how the past few days had gone for Jackson and me. After Chase...I had to be sure Darwin was who he said he was.” Cassidy took a moment to calm herself. It wasn’t doing her any good to get worked up, so she let it go. “ long am I gonna be observed? I’d rather be aware of it instead of gettin’ paranoid. I mean...if it’s for my own safety, it shouldn’t matter if I know about it, right?”

“Don’t be paranoid. The observation was just for last night,” Oz replied and shrugged slightly. “Of course, the computer and all the sensors on this Station do a fairly good job of ‘observing’ even without someone like Darwin or me telling someone to do it.” Cracking a grin, she added, “If that doesn’t make you paranoid... I don’t know what will.”

“Gee...thanks for sharin’ that little tidbit of information with me. I was happy bein’ ignorant of the fact a computer could locate me so easily. I feel so much better now.” She grinned to show she was joking. She was aware of the locator function.

“So why the question about how Vic’s quarters were? I went there to tell him how Jackson was and that he was gonna be alright.”

Smiling, Oralia shrugged. “I was just askin’ ‘cause I always see him at the Nexus but have no idea what he’s like.”

“Well, I have a feelin’ yer gonna get to know him a lot better. He and Jackson are very good friends. A word of warnin’, they fight over leftover dumplings. It gets pretty serious at times. Vic’s bad about snakin’ them right outta Jackson’s fridge even.” Cass sighed and leaned back. “He’s great guy.”

“Stealin’ ‘em from Jackson might be about to get difficult - if Jackson keeps his dumplings in my fridge.” Oz said that and then winced; the sentence sounded far, far dirtier out loud than in her head.

Cassidy ignored the ache in her heart and kept her game face on. “Actually, it would probably be even easier, under certain circumstances.” She didn’t bother to elaborate further. That ventured into ‘glutton for punishment’ territory thinking about that. “If it weren’t for the fact that yer the Chief of Security on the station. That puts a bit of a damper on things, but oh well.”

“Yeah, that’s what I was thinking, too. But I just realized: if Iggy were home, she’d let him in and show him where all the valuables are, too.” Oz chuckled at the thought of Iggy being like a bad guard dog: panting happily over a visitor instead of defending her master’s territory. Then she frowned slightly, disliking the idea of herself as Iggy’s ‘master’.

“If that’s the case, I might have to pass on that bit of the interest of keepin’ a tradition goin’ and all that. Of course, neither one of them listened to me when I told them they should just get an extra order of dumplings to go. Men...I swear sometimes I wonder if they’re dumb as a box of rocks.” She laughed. “But some of them are kinda easy on the eyes, and they can be amusin’ at times, what are ya gonna do?”

“Some of them are, yes. And it’s a good thing. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be worth the trouble.” Like Connor. Grief rolled over her suddenly. “Cass, I’d better get going. I’ll see you tomorrow for our jog. Are you going back to work tonight?”

She felt the grief and reached out, picking up Oz’s hand to give it a squeeze. “Yes, I had planned on it. With Jackson being out, I wanna make sure Jan, Eli and Vic have all the help they need. I know Vic wanted to come see him sometime and I’m sure Jan does, too. Besides, it’s not like I have a reason to stay away from work, so I’ll go in. But don’t ya go thinkin’ that me havin’ late hours is gonna make me any slower once yer ready to run instead of joggin’.”

“They should go see him at Piper Medical today. Or else wait till tomorrow sometime,” Oz said, standing. “And I’ll remember your boasting, once I’m back up to speed. If you need something, just holler.” She leaned in to give Cass a hug.

Returning the hug, she smiled. “It’s not boastin’ if it’s true. I’m merely statin’ a well known fact...though, I guess it’s not well known out here yet.” Cassidy walked her to the door. “I should be sayin’ that to you. If you and Jackson need anythin’, let me know. Would ya do me a favor and pass along my regards to ‘im?”

“Of course,” Oz nodded and squeezed Cass’s bicep lightly; it was a gesture similar to Cass squeezing her hand. Stepping through the doorway, she said in parting, “I’ll comm you in the morning.”

“Sounds like a plan. Ya have a good day now. Go pamper Jackson and boss ‘im around some. I have a feelin’ he’s not gonna listen to the doctor’s orders ‘bout restin’.”

“He won’t. I will,” Oz said, waving as she headed off to get a few things done.


Cassidy Wilde
Hostess & Facing New Challenges
The Nexus Club

Oralia Zeferino


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