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A Little Beer, A Little Two Step

Posted on Mon Aug 20th, 2012 @ 7:50am by Commander Oralia Zeferino & Ignatius Reilly & Cassidy Wilde
Edited on on Thu Sep 27th, 2012 @ 9:56pm

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: The Nexus Club - Employee Office/Breakroom
Timeline: After 'Returning To The Hive'

* * * The Nexus Club | Employee Office/Breakroom * * *

This is most wonderful, Cassidy! Iggy happily chirped as she put her two front tarsi into the saucer of beer and used her pedipalps to bathe her fangs with the golden liquid. To imagine that I used to think only the Admiral could produce beer.

Concentrating on placing another crystal onto the commbadge, Cass looked over and smiled. There are many, many different breweries all over the galaxy. Back on Earth, there were all different types of beers, too.

Chance had the computer read to me the history of beer. Very interesting, though I am curious why ancient humans would have let their bread get wet and then ferment. Who was the first genius who took a swig of that concoction?

Oh, I doubt it was a genius, but I’m willin’ to bet it was a man. Sounds like somethin’ a man would do. Just the thought of wet, fermenting bread...eeeww! Continuing the delicate work on what would now be Oz’s more stylish communicator, she changed the subject, making sure no one would overhear them. How are you doin’ Iggy?

Males do lack intelligence. And yet you biped females seem to flock to them, Iggy sounded particularly morose about that. I am well, thank you for asking, Cassidy. You seem in better spirits than just a day ago.

Putting down her little project, she focused completely on the large tarantula. I am doin’ better. I don’t like to let things get me down for long. Cassidy was quiet for a few, picking up on the emotions coming off of...It hit her. Even though Iggy had mentioned being lonely the last time she had seen her, she truly was lonely. She’d been shuffled around to several different people lately and it seemed like no one wanted her around. With things the way they were between Oz and Jackson, they definitely didn’t want her around right now, but that left poor Iggy out in the cold.

I have something for you. Standing up and crossing to where her small evening bag was, she pulled out a familiar small cardboard box. The sound of scrambling legs inside could be heard. I thought a little surprise might cheer ya up a bit. The difficult part would be if she had to hold the big hissing cockroach.

So that is where you went! Iggy’s response came with a flash of glee. Hissing roaches, oh, how I adore thee! Ponderously, the spider moved away from the beer and tapped the box. The creature inside hissed, as if knowing the fate it was about to suffer. Iggy’s demeanor changed: she hunkered down slightly, a spring ready to be sprung. Go on, open it. I shall catch it!

Doesn’t Oralia usually hold ‘em for ya? she asked, carefully opening the lid just enough to take a peek to see where the bug inside was. Maybe she could pinch it between the lid and the edge of the box if she didn’t press too hard. It’s right there, Iggs. You should be able to - Something scratchy reached out of the box and touched Cassidy’s finger right before she opened the lid more. She squealed and jerked her hand up, unknowingly flinging the nasty little beastie straight up into the air. “Oh shit! Where’d it go?”

At the same time she uttered the word go, it landed on the front of her dress, hissing loudly and crawling across the black fabric covering her stomach.

The predatory nature of Iggy came out in a flash. She’d been able to follow the wingless roach’s toss and tumble and when the thing landed and started to skitter for safety, she leapt for it. And landed on Cass. Paying no heed to Cassidy’s swearing or squealing, she raced after the roach as it headed south - for the floor and freedom.

It reached the floor, but freedom was a destination the roach would never get to, for Iggy reached the roach first. Snatching it up, she quickly punctured the roach’s armor with her fangs. In mere moments, her meal was marinating while she rolled it into a silken tomb.

When Iggy had jumped on her, it had taken tremendous willpower to not freak out and bat both the roach and the spider off of her. That would have been a disaster. Eyes wide, she watched as Iggs pounced on it. “Holy fuc...” The string of curses gave way to laughter. “Good huntin’, Iggy.” Cassidy doubted if she had to chase her dinner around, catch it and kill it, she’d be able to just sit down calmly and start dining on it. Of course, she wouldn’t just stab a chicken with a knife and consume it as is, either.

Still wrapping her meal in silk, Iggy looked up (and up and up) at Cassidy. Thank you. It is both good and disturbing to know that such... primitive... abilities are still in me.

It’s part of yer nature. She fell silent, thinking about how certain circumstances bring out that primitive side out. Survival was a strong instinct, whether driven by hunger or the need to defend one’s self. I’m sorry it got away from me, but boy am I glad ya caught it. I’m pretty sure Jan would have a fit if she knew a big fat cockroach was loose in here.

She is none too happy that there is a large spider loose in here. Iggy paused in her silken tomb creation and then remarked, It seems that no one is thrilled to have a spider in their midst.

Kneeling down, Cassidy held her hands out again, scooping Iggy up and placing her gently on the table again. I enjoy yer company Iggy. Reclaiming her seat, she ran a hand over her skirt to smooth out any wrinkles, the motion so ingrained she barely thought about it. There are a lotta changes goin’ on right now with Oralia and Jackson. I’m sorry ya haven’t been able to spend any time with her since he came back, but it won’t always be like that, sugar.

No, I suppose it will not. At least with Jackson as her mate, I will not be kicked out of Oralia’s apartment. She paused, feeling Cass’ surprise... or confusion, it was difficult to tell, then explained: Connor wanted her to remove me from their living space. He and I did not get along.

The more she heard about Connor, the more she didn’t like him. Not that it made one whit of difference now. I’m sorry to hear that, but at least ya don’t have to worry ‘bout that with Jackson. The two of you seem to get along alright. Cassidy keenly felt how unwanted Iggy was feeling and it shocked her to learn that the spider’s emotions could affect her just as much as a humanoid’s. She wondered if Oralia was aware how much emotional growth was going on. Don’t worry, Iggy. It’ll get better, but perhaps you could try to talk to Oralia and tell her how you feel? I’m not sure she knows. She smiled softly. I think she’s a little blinded to most things right now, so it’s important to talk to her and tell her what ya feel or she might not have any idea that there’s a something goin’ on.

I need to be with her to talk to her, Cassidy, the arachnid complained plaintively. She’d finished packing her meal up and had secured it to a leg for later eating - after the innards had marinated for a bit, and now she dejectedly folded in on herself. I am unable to communicate with her via commlink, like her brother can.

Picking up a crystal again, she turned it this way and that, letting it catch the light. Commlinks are limited by the need to be able to speak, so yeah...they’re not gonna work for ya. Though I wonder... Cass’ keen mind buzzed with ideas of how to solve Iggy’s dilemma; at least the long distance communication one. If she could teach Iggy to read, like she had offered to Oz before she and Jackson had left on vacation, then the arachnid could send messages. Did Oralia tell you that I offered to help teach ya how to read? Of course, that’s if you’d like me to teach you?

More than mere irritation floated off of the arachnid: real anger did. She did not tell me that. I would greatly appreciate it if you would make that effort. Chance has tried - he has had the computer show me symbols. There are so many.

There were definitely some communication problems going on. Hopefully, Oralia and Iggy would be able to see each other soon and talk, before those feelings of anger turned to resentment. I’d be happy to. There are many different languages, but we can focus on English to start with. There are twenty-six letters in the English alphabet. It seems like a lot, but yer very intelligent, Iggy. You’ll be readin’ before ya know it. And I’ll be there to help you whenever ya have a question.

On the table, Iggy bobbed up and down then moved back to the saucer of beer. Perhaps Oralia would prefer it if I moved in with you. It didn’t need to be said that the spider would prefer it, at this point.

Cassidy watched the dejected spider, glad she hadn’t given her too much beer. Getting her drunk while depressed or upset would just make things worse. Now she was faced with the conundrum of how the hell did one give a hug to a oversized tarantula? Reaching out, she touched one of Iggy’s legs gently and brushed her mind with a mental hug. Just a small measure of comfort. I doubt it’s as bad as you’re perceiving it right now, Iggs...but if you’re ever upset and need somewhere to stay, I have plenty of room in my quarters.

Before Iggy could respond, there was a giggle and then a murmured conversation at the door of the employee breakroom. “Ignatius!” Oz smiled broadly on seeing her... pet? Companion? What the hell was Iggy anymore anyway?... on the table. Her smile faded when she saw the beer, but she didn’t say anything about it.

Instead, she looked at what Cass had been working on. “Cass... oh, thank you for decorating that!” Her attention was diverted from Iggy to the now-sparkly commbadge. Absentmindedly, she drew close to Iggy, intending to stroke a hand over her abdomen.

Instead, she yanked her hand back, hissing in pain: Iggy had bitten her! Despite the very human instinct to swat at any attacker, Oz drew back, holding her wrist. “You bit me!”

This time, I did, yes.

Blood and venom seeped from the dual punctures on her wrist. “What the hell is with you?”, she demanded. Iggy had ‘bitten’ her twice before, but those had been dry bites with no venom. This... this burned. Now she understood why Iggy kept insisting she hadn’t bitten her before.

Standing, Cassidy reached for Oralia’s wrist even as she rebuked Iggy, speaking aloud for the other woman’s benefit. “Iggy, I know yer upset, but that was not nice.”

Lifting Oz’s wrist, she examined the bite. It looked painful; it felt painful.

“Iggy’s upset?” Oz looked at Cass then at Iggy, who had turned away. “Oh. Cass, could we get a booster seat for Iggy? I’d like her to sit with me tonight.”

Was she serious? Leading Oralia to the sink, she turned on the water and held the wound under the flow to wash out the venom as best she could. “I’d be happy to, but perhaps you should ask Iggy what she would like to do.” Glancing up, she smiled to soften her words. “She misses you, Oz. She’s feeling very unwanted at the moment by everyone around her.”

“But... she’s...,” Oralia stopped speaking and looked over at Iggy. Her arm felt like it was on fire, and on one level she was angry at Iggy, but she also couldn’t blame the spider. She started to speak, then went silent. “She and I need to talk. If you’ll show me where the bandages are, I’ll get this - let you get to work.”

Retrieving the first aid kit, Cassidy opened it; habit had her setting out the necessary items on the counter next to Oz. The look she gave her was sympathetic. It wouldn’t be an easy conversation. “I’ll leave ya to it, then. You know where to find me in case ya need me.” Moving back to the table, she leaned down close to the arachnid. “Tell her how ya feel, but no more biting.” Once again, she touched her finger to the spider’s leg. “I’ll see ya little later, Iggy.”

Staying at the sink until after Cass had left the room, Oralia wrapped a bandage around her wrist and secured it. Carefully, she then put her commbadge on - up high on her shoulder strap like Cassidy had told her. She was thinking the whole time her hands worked. Finally, she turned to look at Iggy and frowned. “Looks like I’m able to screw up just about any relationship, Iggy.”

Ignatius J. Reilly
Indignantly Lonely and Bummed Out

Cassidy Wilde
Seriously Good At Getting To The Heart of Things
The Nexus Club

Oralia Zeferino
Cluelessly Bad at Being Thoughtful


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