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The Office, Redux

Posted on Sun Aug 19th, 2012 @ 5:21pm by Jackson Banning V & Commander Oralia Zeferino

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Jackson's Office - The Nexus Club
Timeline: Immediately Following 'Return To The Hive'

Walking back to Jackson’s office, Oralia recalled the last time she’d been in there. It hadn’t been a happy point in her, or Jackson’s, life. Indeed, she recalled that she’d practically run out of the Nexus, trying not to cry. And she’d been pregnant. And Connor had been alive. For just a brief moment, she paused in the hallway as a wave of grief swept over her, drained her of all her energy, and then slowly receded. Blinking back the tears that had welled up, she continued towards Jackson, towards a happiness that she hoped wouldn’t end.

Appearing in the doorway of his office, Oralia knocked on the frame. “Mr. Banning?” She smiled, determined to fake it til her mood matched her looks, “Congratulations on returning to work.”

He looked up from his viewscreen and immediately smiled. “Come in, luscious.” As soon as she crossed the threshold, he spoke again. “Computer, lock office doors.” For an instant, time seemed to fold back on him to another day, another time, and the realization of how far they’d come.

“I feel like we should have an argument...,” she said, stepping closer to his desk and taking a seat in one of the chairs there. Smiling, she crossed her legs and drew the hem of her dress up enough to show off the shoes she wore. “Since that seems to have been the thing we always did in this office.”

“It wasn’t the only thing we did here, Oz.” His gaze travelled down her leg to the zebra-striped pump she wore and he smiled, remembering them vividly. “You recall what else happened here?”

“I recall what else never happened here,” she replied, suggestively.

“Our first kiss.” He rose and moved around behind her chair, inspecting the back of her dress. “And yes, I recall a lot of things I’d hoped for here that never least not yet.” He reached down, one finger lightly playing along the nape of her neck.

The touch caused her skin to pebble, even as a rush of heat warmed her skin. He didn’t need to remind her about their first kiss; she well remembered the blaze of desire it’d set off in her. Getting up, she faced him, leaned on the edge of his desk slightly and crooked a finger at him, “Maybe you should refresh my memory about that kiss?”

“And maybe you’ll refresh my memory about those shoes,” he murmured as he closed in. Wrapping her in his arms, he molded her to him as his lips covered hers, the kiss at once deep and demanding, his body so warm against hers through the thin material of her dress.

She held onto his shirt, as if afraid he’d back away and break their kiss. It set her on fire and when they did finally come up for air, her hands went to his shirt buttons and started undressing him. “If you object to sullying your office with a good, furious few minutes of sex, you might need to kick me out of here. Right now,” she warned him, looking him in the eyes. “‘Cause that kiss, makes me want to fulfill the suggestions you’ve made about these shoes.” Her gaze smoldered and she kissed him again.

He stood, letting her open his shirt, the slight brush of her fingertips against his skin electric, blazing through him all the way to his toes. Old habits brought an objection to his lips, the urge to say this was wrong, to stop her. The words died unsaid as he realized again there were no more obstacles for them. If he wanted to touch Oz, he could. He could damn well do whatever he liked with Oz and that thought sent the flames raging higher. As she pushed his shirt down from his shoulders, he growled softly, wanting to feel her touch everywhere. Reaching around her, he found the ribbon that held the back of her dress together. He untied it, loosened it enough to allow him to push the dress down off her shoulders, revealing nothing beneath as it continued to slide, finally pooling at her feet.

She wore nothing now but the zebra-striped pumps and Jackson’s control vanished, a wisp of smoke scattered in the breeze.

Oralia also had a moment's thought in which she told herself she shouldn't be here, shouldn't be doing this, shouldn't be so brazenly tempting Jackson. But there was no more Connor, no more reasons anywhere, that would or could or should stop her, stop them, from enjoying each other. With a black-and-white shoe, she kicked her dress to the side; her hands made short work of the button and zipper on his tuxedo pants, even shorter work of divesting him of any last shreds of resistance. Leaning back, Oz hooked her leg around his and pulled him in close.

Right then, two things happened that took her breath away. One was something she didn't expect: the doorbell chimed and was followed by an insistent knock; the other was what she expected: Jackson gave in to her desire.

“Jackson!” A voice called through the door; Oralia echoed it with her own, “Oh, Jackson....”

“Ohhhhhhh Oz......” He’d pinned her beneath him on his desk and belatedly the door chime sunk into his lizard brain. “GO...AWAY!”

Outside the door, Janice paused, a smirk on her lips. “You’re gonna owe me, Jackie! Oh, and Eli is here!”, she called through the door, then walked away, her red silk gown rustling about her legs.

* * *

“Oh my god,” Jackson managed to get the words out as he gasped for breath. “This desk is more comfortable than I expected.”

Giggling, Oz agreed, “It is,” and lightly traced a line of Jackson’s abs. “Though the sofa bears testing, too.”

“I’d love to but it’s getting to be that time. I need to get dressed so I don’t show up on stage to introduce Eli in the buff.”

“Another time, then,” she purred and kissed his shoulder. “I’ll need your help with that ribbon. Unless you intend for me to stay here, just like this.”

“It is temptin’ but you came to enjoy the shows, have a few drinks. Trust me that I’ll have the image of you here burnin’ in my mind all evenin’. The sofa will be here after the second show.” Jackson kissed her softly, then smiled. “We’d better do this before I change my mind.”

“Yup,” she moved first and within just a few minutes, both were dressed again. Slightly more disheveled and relaxed looking, but dressed.

Jackson looked into the mirror and straightened his bow tie, then turned back for one more kiss. “I saved you a table over on the left side, great view but not in the middle of the crowd. All yours for the evening.”

And she’d be there alone. But that was all right with her, she’d be with him after his work was done, before hers started again. Oz smiled and touched his cheek before kissing him gently. “Should I tell you again that I’m in love with you?”

“Tell me often Oz. You know how long I’ve been in love with you.” His blue eyes swept over her, his expression achingly tender. “Ready?”

“Ready.” She took his hand and they left his office.

Oralia Zeferino

Jackson Banning V
Strong Man


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