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Like a BoyScout: Prepared!

Posted on Mon Jun 13th, 2011 @ 4:04pm by Commander Oralia Zeferino & Admiral Ricky Wegener

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Adm. Wegener's Office
Timeline: Just prior to the Divitian's arrival

Being summoned to the Admiral's office reminded Oralia a bit of being called to the Principal's office during her high school years, an event that happened frequently enough that the Principal had started calling her Oz, like most of her friends did. Of course, she knew she hadn't gotten into any trouble here on the Starbase, so the summons more than likely had to do with the Divitian entourage. Unless, of course, the name-dropping Professor had complained about Oz's attitude with her.... That thought made Oz smirk slightly.

Coming upon the Admiral's office, Oz, waved in by his yeoman, went in smiling. "Admiral, good to see you this morning."

"Commander," he said, calling her by rank instead of her nickname, thinking now wasn't quite the time for familiarity. "You're aware of the Divitians' pending arrival on the base, correct?" He didn't wait for a verbal reply and took her initial nod as the affirmative. "They will have their own security detachment for their prime diplomat, whatever he calls himself. You will need to coordinate with their security chief to determine anything that they may need by way of cooperation."

"Cooperation is the key word, Admiral. I'll be happy to coordinate with their chief," the Commander said, "The Divitian requested that his entire entourage be housed near each other. I'd like to cordon off that area, prevent the average 'base denizen from getting into the area - both on the actual deck where they'll be and on the decks above and below." Possibly overkill, but Oz was being cautious.

"That'll do fine," he said. "And increase patrols throughout the common areas. I don't want them going out to the promenade and finding a domestic issue or a knock-down-drag-out fight happening. It means being very proactive, but I know you can do it."

"Will do, sir; I've already spoken with Commander qeraQ' about increasing security's presence and have scheduled extra personnel for the duration of the Divitians' stay," she assured him. "One concern I have is unleashed animals and the hazard they pose to everyone - not just the Divitians. I'd like a 'base-wide mandate that all animals be on leashes, physical leashes."

"Damn!" he blurted, just thinking of the reaction that would draw from the Professor. "The professor! I was supposed to have dinner with her." He sighed. "She's going to scalp me, you know. Cancelling a dinner just because we're having a delegation come aboard? That'll never sit well with her." He rolled his eyes and plopped into the seat behind him.

Oz frowned; he was an Admiral, not a cadet, and his reaction to the Professor's possible displeasure irked her. "Not much seems to sit well with her, except, perhaps, name-dropping." She smiled pleasantly, as if she hadn't just said something negative about the woman.

She was right, but her comment was improper. He let her go with a smack on the hand. "Remember that you're talking about a senior-ranking officer, Lieutenant Commander," he said. "I'll get on the leash law, you work on the upgraded patrol schedule and if everyone keeps their noses clean we may just be able to pull this off without a hitch."

"This will be... a test," Oz nodded, agreeing with him and letting just an edge of her anxiety show. "But we'll do just fine, Sir."

"Damn right," he said. "Now, off with you. I've got a few last-minute items to handle before they actually arrive. Dismissed."

"Yes, Admiral," she smiled slightly and headed back to her own office.


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