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A Celebration Is In Order

Posted on Mon Aug 20th, 2012 @ 6:36pm by Ensign Ian Bren & Janice Gree & Jackson Banning V & Cassidy Wilde & Lieutenant Norval Tigan & Senior Chief Petty Officer Jonas Levin & Lieutenant Eric Edwards

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Varies/Nexus Club

Ian’s excitement had him bouncing about almost as if he’d had two pots of very strong coffee all by himself. He hadn’t - he was simply thrilled to be joined, be out of Sickbay, and be on his way to dinner and a show with Eric.

Well... Norval would be there, too. And probably Jonas, and E’tarna, and Mills, and Haskell. But mostly, Eric. Ian grinned at the security officer assigned to him. “I’m interested in meeting this Jackson fellow,” he commented, more to have something to say than for any real conversational value.

Eric smiled in response, absently wondering if Ian was so excitable from the prospect of having been joined or if Bren was just some kind of hyperactive symbiont rubbing off on the Trill. “Haven’t talked with him much, myself,” the Security officer admitted, “but from everything I’ve heard, he’s a great guy. Norval’s pretty fond of him, as is most of the command staff,” he added, thinking of Commanders Hawke and Sakkath, whom Norval was also pretty fond of.

The only awkward thing about being assigned to protect someone, and deciding you were going to take that someone out to celebrate the reason they needed protecting, was that Eric had needed to drag Ian to his own quarters because he was certainly going to change before going to the Nexus. Standing in front of his closet in a pair of black slacks, he was hopelessly trying to pick a shirt.

He finally settled on a deep purple oxford that would at least manage to cover the phaser at his side, covering his bare back as he buttoned the front and tucked the front in to show off his belt buckle.

While Eric might have found the whole thing awkward, Ian found it... well worth the time. Since Eric shared quarters with someone else, he hadn’t closed his door while changing and Ian had not minded being a voyeur. “That’s a good color on you, Eric,” he commented. “Is Jackson like you and Norval? More interested in men than women?”

Eric laughed out loud, slipping on his shoes and then joining Ian in the living area. Shaking his head, still chuckling, he replied, “No. At least not from what I’ve heard.” Word had made its way through security pretty quickly... it was gossip that involved their boss, after all. “You ready to head out? I imagine Norval will meet us there.”

“Ready Freddy,” Ian blurted out. He’d had his change of clothes replicated in Sickbay so there was no need to stop by his quarters. “Um... that’s a saying my mom used to use; she spent too much time with humans.”

“Being human, I can’t say I fault her,” he said, grinning before stepping out into the corridor and heading for the nearest turbolift.

Wincing and just barely refraining from slapping his forehead, Ian followed his Security escort.

=^= Nexus Club =^=

If Eric was being entirely honest with himself, moving Ian through the Promenade was more than a little bit nerve wracking. His one comfort was that the Divitian Speaker had survived a night in the Nexus Club, and Ian was a slightly less obvious target. A slightly less obvious, dark-skinned, well built target... who had a crush on him...

In an effort to avoid that line of thought, he walked up to the hostess stand inside the club, quietly inquiring about a table.

“Sure thing, Mr. Edwards,” Janice smiled. “Norval is up at the bar. How about you go join him and I’ll get a table set up for you two...,” she glanced at the kid behind him, “...or would you rather have a private table?”

“Ah, actually,” Eric said, trying not to let his cheeks color at that suggestion, “there are going to be quite a few of us. Ian here was just joined, so we’re celebrating... maybe one of the larger booths?”

“Oh!” Janice’s smile widened. “Congratulations, Ian. Now, a big booth, we can provide, though it still might take a moment to get one cleared. Go, mingle at the bar, I’ll come get you when it’s ready.”

“Sounds good, thanks,” he replied with a nod, motioning for Ian to follow him. “So, what do you think?” he asked, glad it hadn’t gotten so loud in here yet that conversation was impossible. “It’s old-Earth decor. Mostly 20th Century.”

Nodding, Ian looked around. He hadn’t been here before... but suddenly he knew he had been. Not him, Bren had been here. It was a weird form of deja vu. “Swanky. That’s the word that comes to mind,” he said then waved as he spotted Norval at the bar.

Up at the bar, Jackson stood beside Norval, his ever-present glass of lemonade in his hand. He leaned in as he finished telling Norval some anecdote that had both of them laughing. He passed his glass back to Vic for a refill, then pointed at Norval’s glass as well. Vic nodded and set about getting their refills.

Looking up as Jackson finished his story, Ian’s wave caught Norval’s eye. “Well, if it isn’t the man of the hour. What are you fine gentlemen drinking?” he asked as he slid an arm around Eric’s waist once he was close enough to manage.

“A Trillian Twist, please,” Ian ordered.

“Beer for me,” Eric said, nodding a greeting to Jackson.

“Ah, and where are my manners,” Norval asked, seeing the nod. “Jack, meet the galaxy’s newest Trill host. Ian Bren, Jackson Banning.”

The name obviously surprised Jackson. “Ian Bren.” He looked at the man before him and smiled. Oh boy...wasn’t this interesting. He offered his hand then. “I'm happy to meet you Ian, and congratulations. It sounds like this had been an interestin’ day for ya, Ian. Drinks are on the house tonight.” His blue eyes remained on Ian as he tried to get a grip on the situation. He shot Norval a glance, then reached for the drink Vic handed him.

“Thank you, Mr. Banning. It has been such an interesting and exciting day,” Ian was just beaming with his happiness. A slight cloud passed over his face and he looked Jackson up and down. “You are just so familiar to me. Did you know Bren?”

“Please, call me Jackson. Mr. Banning means I’m in trouble with someone higher up the food chain.” Shifting his drink to his left hand, he offered his right to Ian. “And yes, I ...ah...that is we were....close. Among other things.”

“Very pleased to meet you, then, Mr... Jackson,” Ian shook the man’s hand and noticed how warm it was, almost hot. “If you don’t mind, and if it isn’t against the rules,” Ian shot a glance at Norval, “I’d really appreciate being able to pick your mind a little. About Bren. Or... Natalia, really, I suppose.”

“Not against the rules at all,” Norval said, picking up his champagne flute. “Given what we’re hoping to learn, stirring your memories of Natalia could be quite helpful.” He did pass a look Jackson’s way that seemed to say ‘sorry’ all the same.

Jackson’s smile returned. “I’d be happy to, Ian. Anytime.” It was time to stop staring, that was for sure. So, he cleared his throat and as their drinks were passed over the bar, he handed them around.

Taking his, Ian quickly drank a quarter of the purple liquid. He hadn’t failed to notice Jackson’s stare; indeed, when he had Jackson alone, he’d ask about it. His thoughts were interrupted when Janice approached and announced that their booth was ready.

“Thanks, Janice,” Eric said, lifting his glass to the owner.. “See you later, Jackson.” Once again taking point, Eric followed Janice back to their table, keeping his eyes on the crowd for the time being. Norval walked next to Ian, casually glancing around.

Oblivious, Ian bounced alongside Norval. He’d been told that Natalia was a bad person, a criminal, but... he really couldn’t fathom that anyone would threaten him. After all, he wasn’t Natalia. At the booth, he scooted in first and oh-so-conveniently ended up between Norval and Eric. “We’re going to have fun tonight!” He lifted his glass in a one man toast and swallowed what was left in it.

A few minutes later, Jonas arrived and wandered his way over to the booth. “Good evening, gents. Ian, how are you?” A waitress stopped to take his drink order before he slipped into the booth.

“I’m good, Jonas. Have you met Norval before? Norv, this is Jonas Levin, from Science.” Ian introduced the two. Before either could really greet the other, he continued, “This is hysterical: I just met one of Bren’s old lovers.” His face changed and he glanced towards Jackson. Suddenly, he knew far, far more about that man than he’d ever thought he would.

“Yeah, word of warning about that...” Norval said. “Jackson doesn’t apply, but I’m sure you know how much of a taboo reassociation is. If you ever encountered another joined Trill that you’ve had relationships with in the past, you really can’t pursue them.”

“Just Trill? Is that why Jackson doesn’t count? So I could have a relationship with him?” Ian grinned and nodded at the young lady who brought him a refill.

Norval laughed. “Well, you’re not really Jackson’s type. Anyway, the idea of the joining is to impart new experiences to subsequent hosts. If the older symbionts just constantly reassociated, there’d be this … I don’t know, aristocracy of the joined. I have friends from centuries ago, some of whom I have very deep feelings for, but if I pursue them... well, Tigan dies with me. And that’s unacceptable.” He sipped his champagne, finally getting a chance to smile at Jonas as he took the seat next to him.

“Thanks,” Jonas nodded to the waitress and raised his drink. “To Ian and Bren. And good luck with Jackson.” He smiled, amused by that idea.

“To Ian and Bren,” Norval echoed, tapping his flute in the center of the table to the others, a gesture Eric joined him in, shifting slightly to one side. Hopefully things would feel less... awkward pressed up against Ian when the others arrived.

Mimicking the older men, Ian followed suit, effectively toasting himself. Then, he saw Mills and Haskell coming towards them. “Oh! And these two are Ed Mills and Ted Haskell. We call them the Eds.” He did another round of introductions and conversation flowed around the table as easily as the drinks did.

“Good to see you gentlemen.” Jonas smiled over at their colleagues from Science. He motioned for another round as the noise level at the table rose another notch. Taking a moment to look out over the bar, he noted familiar faces, one of whom had red hair and was seated between two admirals. Interesting. “Show will be starting in just a few I think.”

“Eli’s set is pretty great,” Eric chimed in, nursing his pint glass. “You should really enjoy it. Kid’s got talent.” It had not been lost on him that very near the stage was one Commander Zeferino, so he was going to be very careful with his alcohol intake tonight. This assignment was practically a gift, and he wanted to do it well.

Eli’s set was pretty great; the kid had a great voice and a stage presence that just worked wonderfully in the Nexus’ atmosphere. The Eds went off and found dance partners, taking them out on the dance floor for a good part of the show. Once Eli was off the stage, though, they didn’t return to Ian’s table; they went to the women’s table.

That didn’t spoil Ian’s good time - instead, he spied a beauty in red and called out, “E’tarna!” Faster than a greased piglet at a county fair, Ian slid under the table and crawled out from under it, escaping his position between Eric and Norval. When he stood up, he came face to face with the hostess, Cassidy Wilde.

And let out a single blood-curdling shriek.

Eric very nearly flipped the table onto Norval as he dashed out from his seat, drawing his more-easily concealed Type-I phaser in the process after he recovered from the momentary shock of Ian sliding under the table. Damn it, he was supposed to be watching this guy, not letting him run off on his own. As quick as he could, he tried to put himself between Ian and Cassidy.

Jackson was just leaving the stage and, hearing the shriek, slipped through the crowd towards them, those standing around making way for him. Five other people in the room reacted to the shriek as well, though none of them rushed forward. Two, the Eds, sat up straighter and tried to see what was happening; three also sat up straighter, saw what was happening then made eye contact and nodded at each other. Those three, all Eric’s superior officers: Zeferino, Darwin and Gilroy, saw Eric was there and waited to see if he needed help.

Frozen to the spot, eyes wide, Cassidy was getting swamped by a flood of emotions from all around her. Most of them were coming from the Trill that had screamed bloody murder at her. From those surrounding them - alarm, worry and distrust, just to name a few. At first she had no idea what could have caused such a commotion, then she zeroed in on why the tall Trill was terrified of her. It wasn’t him, but the symbiont inside of him. Quick as a flash, she put two and two together. Harding’s emergency surgery...Natalia had died. The man in front of her was the new host to the worm she had tried to rip out of Nat’s belly.

Eric looked from one to the other, and saw the same thing. Shock, surprise, fear. Each was effectively the victim here, not an aggressor. Slowly putting his phaser away, he put both hands on Ian’s shoulders. “Maybe... you should sit back down,” he suggested, before looking at Cassidy. “Apologies, miss.”

Slightly pale under her tan, Cass looked away from Bren’s new host to the man that had just moments before been holding a phaser. Pulling herself together, she managed a tight, but polite smile. “No need. I understand perfectly what just happened.”

Ian forced himself to look at Eric and nod. The fear he was feeling was not his own and it was the strangest damned feeling ever. “Okay, yeah. Sitting would be good. I don’t think I pooped.” He glanced at E’tarna, who was staring at him, mouth agape, and shot her a weak smile.

“Well, lucky you, knowing what just happened,” she snarled at Cassidy, her Klingon heritage showing itself.

“That’s good, Ian. Very good. You and your friend go have a drink on me. And, uhm,” Edwards turned back to face Cassidy. “If you wouldn’t mind, maybe you could tell Commander Zeferino about your... understanding. She’s sitting by the stage.” Oz didn’t look like she was here to work, but Eric couldn’t very well interview Cassidy and watch Ian.

Jackson reached them about then and he looked from Cass to Eric. “What’s up Eric?” With Jackson’s arrival, those close by that had been turning to look now went back about their business.

Ian was holding E’tarna’s hands and speaking quietly and urgently to her. She was looking considerably less like she wanted to hurt someone and more and more like she was concerned for Ian.

“Your guess is as good as mine. They both looked spooked,” Eric commented off-handedly.

Jackson cursed softly and ran a hand through his hair. “I’m not surprised, but this really isn’t the place to get into it.” He looked at Ian for a moment, then turned to Cass. “You okay?”

The look she gave him spoke volumes, but she had her game face back on. “Yes, I’m fine. If you’ll all excuse me, I’ll go speak with Commander Zeferino then get back to my duties.” As always, when either angry or stressed, she enunciated every word clearly, though the accent still came through. Nodding to the group in general, she walked away, head held high.

He watched Cass depart, then Jackson turned back to Eric. “He gonna be okay? I know things are weird for him right now, but hopefully no more screamin’? Also, I wanna see him tomorrow.”

“That sounds like a great idea!” Ian chimed in from E’tarna’s lap. He sounded a little slurry, as if the synthehol had gone straight to his head. “I dreamed of blonde monsters,” he added in a much quieter voice, “...and then I met her.”

“Yeah, I just keep him safe, I don’t make his appointments,” Eric said, a little more defensively than he meant. He was starting to wonder if this really was a ‘gift’ of an assignment. “Sorry,” he said, pinching the bridge of his nose. He could already feel some pressure mounting, this whole thing giving him a headache. “After I make my report, if the Commander agrees he can see you, he will. I have a feeling there’s a lot I don’t know.”

“There is. And I’ll arrange it with Oz. Till then, I need to go see about a few things. Enjoy yer evenin’.” He looked at Ian once again, watching him for a long moment, then slipped off through the crowd.

Sighing, Eric went back to the table, shooting a glare in Norval’s direction as he sat back down and grabbed his beer. Norval, for his part, seemed pretty neutral to the whole thing, really just interested in the fact that Bren had immediately recognized Cassidy. That was good, especially for Eric, even if he didn’t know it. Access to Natalia’s memories was the whole point.

“Poor kid,” Jonas observed. “It’s going to be strange for him for a while I suspect.” He, too, watched Ian for a moment. He seemed to be gathering things faster than expected and that could be a problem. Finishing his drink, he slid out of the booth and patted Ian on the shoulder. “I hate to drink and run, but I have the early shift tomorrow and you know how he can be.”

“Yeah, Commander Hardass,” Ian joked and nodded. “Thanks for coming out.” He then looked at the beauty whose lap he was sitting in. “Too bad you’re not my assigned guard. If you were...,” his comment devolved into a whisper only E’tarna could hear.

“Good night,” Norval said pleasantly while Eric just drained the rest of his glass at that comment. He briefly considered pawning Ian off on someone else, but he didn’t want to do that given the company in the Nexus tonight. He’d get Ian home, at least... he hoped, as he rolled his eyes at the whispering the conversation next to him devolved into.

Ian Bren

Norval Tigan

Eric Edwards

Jackson Banning V

Jonas Levin

Cassidy Wilde

Janice Gree

Ed Mills
Ted Haskell


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