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The Happy Mr. & Mrs. Banning

Posted on Wed Oct 3rd, 2012 @ 6:16am by Jackson Banning V & Commander Oralia Zeferino

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Oz's Quarters

Oralia’s Quarters, Sometime after her meeting with the Admiral

Exhausted from the day’s events, Oralia fell into her bed then groaned and realized she needed to do two things: one, send a message to Chance to have him keep Iggy overnight; two, send a message to Jackson that she was home. “Computer,” she spoke up and had the computer send both of those messages for her. She snuggled into the bed and tried for sleep.

Two minutes later, though, she tossed the pillow and sheets aside and rose to dress. After a quick fix to her short hair, she left her quarters.

Nexus Club

Only briefly acknowledging Cassidy and Eli as she came into the Club, Oralia quickly swept the place with her gaze and then headed for the most likely place Jackson would be when he wasn’t out on the floor: his office. The door opened when she drew close, letting her stride right in. “Jackson?”

He wasn’t there. She paused and looked around his office, as if he might suddenly appear for her. He didn’t, but her gaze did fall on a chain piled by the replicator and then on a picture frame on his desk - one of the typical ones that did a slideshow of various digital images. This one was stuck on just one: Jackson, beaming happily at the camera, his arms around a beautiful woman. It looked like they were playing in the surf somewhere, as the woman had on a bikini and all Oralia could see of Jackson’s state of dress was his bare chest. Nothing in the photo would have upset her, except that there was a caption: that day’s stardate and The Happy Mr. and Mrs. Banning! Her first reaction was a confused, “What the...?” She’d woken up with the happy Mr. Banning just that morning.

Putting the frame back on his desk, Oralia left his office and the Nexus Club without asking Janice, Cassidy or anyone else where Jackson had gone off to.

* * * Oralia’s Quarters * * *

The moment Oz’s message came through alerting Jackson she was out of prison and home, he’d left his office at a run. He couldn’t wait to see her, sweep her into his arms, make sure she was alright. He reached her quarters and zipped in once the doors were open.


Moving through her quarters, and checking the bathroom, he discovered she wasn’t there. Likely dealing with some things upon her return, no doubt, so he got a cup of coffee and settled in to wait.

Utterly rattled and exhausted, Oralia had considered going to Jackson’s quarters, but then... decided not to. She returned home and was halfway through the living room when she saw movement on her couch. She did a great imitation of Ian Bren, yelping and jumping to one side. Realizing it was Jackson, she shot him a surprised glare. “I wasn’t expecting you here.”

“Obviously.” He laughed as he lowered his cup. “Though why not, I don’t know. We’ve only spent five of the last seven nights here.”

“Well, sure, but...,” she shrugged, “The club is still open. And you do seem to suddenly have a Mrs. hidden somewhere.” She eyed him shrewdly; something was off about that image, but it certainly looked like him.

Jackson blinked back at her. “I have a....what?”

“Missus, I’m sure you’re familiar with the archaic word for ‘married woman’,” Oz casually commented as she removed her shoes and disappeared into her kitchen. She came back with a glass of wine in her hand.

“Oz, until a week or two ago, I’d had sex just once in more than two years. Now, I have a woman I’d like to be my missus but since the subject hasn’t come up yet, we’re jumpin’ the gun a little, dontcha think?”

His words gave Oz two options: drop her glass of wine or grip it tighter and take a good swig of its contents. She chose to do the latter. Be his wife? That was a big step. That was a huge step. Oh, but it wasn’t like he had asked. That, and the wine, let her relax. “I see no guns laying about,” a flash of humor crossed her face then she asked, “What about the image on your desk? Mousy brunette in a show-too-much tiny bikini? Handsome devil that looks amazingly like you holding her?”

Jackson’s smile spread. “Tell me, Oz....who do you know that looks like me, huh?” He realized now what had happened - she’d seen his brother’s wedding picture and the conclusion she jumped to amused him mightily.

Going over to him, she leaned into him and said, “Just how many brothers do you have? Or was it a clone?”

“No clone, this universe couldn’t handle more than one Jackson and you know it. As for my brothers, there’s Jamison, Woodford, Baker, Booker, and Evan. The smilin’ groom on my desk is Evan, my twin. But since we’re talkin’ about the boys, Woodford will be here in a couple of weeks for a visit. Jan invited him.”

“She did? I was starting to think she was asexual,” Oralia blurted then chuckled. “Five brothers? Six of you? How did your mother survive that? I thought having four brothers was bad.”

“The amazin’ Dixie Mae is a saint who understands the male mentality. She had all of us and Dad and remained sane. Go figure.” He beckoned her over to the sofa. “Rumour has it, and Jan insists, that she is seein’ someone on this station. Jan that is, not my mother.”

Sitting on the couch with him, she laughed, “I had a moment of confusion, luv. Chalk it up to being tired, having gotten my ass kicked and tossed in jail. I couldn’t make that image fit with ...with us. It’ll be good to meet your brother.”

“Woodford’s an experience, fair warning.” He leaned in, inspecting her split lip, then the swelling at her temple. “You have a regenerator here?”

“In the desk drawer,” she gestured. While he got up to get it, she asked, “Woodford’s an experience? Is he going to find himself in my Brig?” She watched Jackson, thinking of the time she’d tossed him in the Brig.

“I hope not.” He returned with the regenerator and switched it on. “Otherwise, he’ll likely charm whoever’s on guard and be out in ten minutes. And if it’s a female, be ‘in’ in ten more minutes if you get my drift.” He began to move the instrument over her lip slowly to heal the cut.

While he did that, she didn’t speak. Instead, she watched his eyes and thought of all the reasons she shouldn’t let him marry her - since that subject was sort of on the table thanks to his twin’s image. When he turned his attention to her temple, she asked, “Does seeing that your brother is married make you... want that?”

“Well, yes but not because he did, purely because of you, Oz.” He fell silent as he worked on her temple. Once the swelling was gone, he pressed it gently. “Any tenderness?”

“No, I’m good, Jackson,” she smiled at him briefly before her brow drew together with worry. “Even though you’ll likely outlive me?”

“Any other bumps or bruises?” He paused before continuing. “Jan and I were talking about that, given that she lives so long and she said something that gets right to the heart of the matter. I can’t live in fear of getting close to anyone because I might live longer. That’s no worthwhile existence. Even with my issue, there are no guarantees, Oz.”

As he talked, she undid a couple buttons on her dress and let it fall off her shoulder, exposing the bruise on her collarbone. “Perhaps that conversation is jumping the gun,” she commented.

He began to heal the bruising on her collarbone and shook his head. “No, I don’t think so. You and I aren’t new to this relationship, Oz. It’s been goin’ on a long time.”

“Two tortured years and a few blissful weeks,” she smiled and touched his neck, much like he was touching her. No matter how he touched her or why, she loved having his hands on her. Tonight was no different, even if he was treating the results of a tussle she had lost. She voiced what she was thinking, “I don’t want this to end, Jackson. Ever.”

He switched off the regenerator, finally satisfied, and laid it aside. “Oz, that’s what I’ve wanted for two years. Now, I have you in my hands and lettin’ go isn’t an option for me. There is no goin’ back.”

As he turned back towards her, she caught his shirt and pulled him close for a fiery kiss. “I’m glad we’re both clear on that point, J.”

When he could speak again, he smiled slowly. “An’ the rest?”

“What rest?” She’d been hoping that kiss might distract him from returning to serious, scary discussions about things like marriage. Marriage discussions led to wedding discussions and then to discussions about children. And should she tell him about the ring that had been found in Connor’s quarters?

“The part regardin’ the missus idea.” He kissed her again, gently in case her lip was still sore. “I love it, just as long as you don’t follow Iggy’s advice and eat me alive.”

“I’ll kill you and cook off bits and pieces, I promise,” she avoided answering the heart of his topic.

“Oh that makes me feel so much better. How can I refuse that?” His smile softened. “Then say yes. Since this isn’t gonna end anyway.....”

“Are ya askin’, Jackson?” Her pulse fluttered in her throat.

“Yeah, I am.” He reached out to touch her hair, then let his fingers glide over her cheek. “It’s time.”

“You know I’ll never refuse anything you ask of me,” she smiled and cupped his jaw in her hands. Then, with a smirk, she added, “Except... adding a third person in the bedroom... or voyeurs... or having some odd surgery just for the hell of it... or ...I’m sure I’ll think of other exceptions to the rule.”

“We already have our own little voyeur but she knows to stay out of the bedroom.” He smiled ear to ear and kissed her long and deep. “You know, I think, how happy you’ve just made me? When I heard you were in prison down there, Janice had to threaten to chain me up so I wouldn’t run off to try and get you back. I didn’t want you locked up at all, especially for somethin’ so bogus but I was worried too, Oz. I’m glad yer home.”

“That’s why there was a chain in your office!” She laughed and kissed him. “I’m glad, too, Jackson. We’re... engaged!” She nearly whispered the word.

“We are. And with Iggy stayin’ with the boys tonight, we are about to be a whole helluva lot more engaged.” He rose and pulled her to her feet.

“I like the sound of that, Mr. Banning.”

Jackson Banning V
Owner Who’s Taking A Leap
The Nexus Club

Lt.Commander Oralia Zeferino
A Leap of Faith
CSEC - SB900


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