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Post Dumplings

Posted on Sun Oct 28th, 2012 @ 5:54pm by Commander Oralia Zeferino & Captain Li Hawke

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant

Li and Oz stood outside Lao’s, both full from dinner. Suresh was still inside and so Li turned to Oz.

“Let’s walk for a few minutes, shall we Oz?”

“Sure thing,” Oz nodded and fell into step with Li. They’d just bid good night to Cassidy, who had Vic’s order of dumplings to get home with.

Once they were a little way from Lao’s, Li led the way to the outside tables at Jasper’s new coffee shop. This time of night it was quiet so they could talk without being overheard. She settled in a chair and finally let out a deep breath.

“Well, that was interesting.”

“It was,” Oralia was none too pleased about their inadvertent dinner companion. “Li,” she sighed. Her sake buzz was wearing off and her voice betrayed her frustration as she continued, “I’m not entirely convinced the ending to that story was a well-thought out one. I... I ... It just seems that instead of killing Isha, perhaps something else could have been done that wouldn’t have left him so fixated on the woman. Toss her in an imaginary jail or tag someone else with her name and toss that person in a jail for real. Maybe then he’d have moved on to a different place altogether. Speaking of moving on, did you notice he’s done that?”

“He seemed awfully pleased about something, which could be good or very bad, depending.” She shrugged. “Seyla.”

The Security Chief nodded, “Darwin tells me she’s been Suresh’s surrogate for Isha for a while now.”

“She was before, in a way,” Li answered. “More of a convenience back then. Perhaps he’s realized she means more than that. It would be the best thing for him. He’d get over things and move on. The fact that he’s so chipper means he has, or he’s planning something. I know that look.”

“Did you catch what he was thinking back there?”

“He’s going somewhere, but I didn’t see where. He’s not taking Seyla, and I don't get the impression it’s a business run, though he has one next week, a normally scheduled one. He has someone here he’s getting rid of too.” Li frowned. “It was rather hazy as if his plans aren’t quite finished yet.”

“Seyla’s business is here on the ‘Base; I don’t see her going anywhere, unless it’s for a quick vacation on the planet. Even then, she’d probably make it a working vacation.” Since Seyla’s business was sex.... Oz shrugged. “Well, maybe Darwin will have more information in the morning. I’ll meet with him and Gilroy. Between the two of them, they’re good at knowing things about Suresh’s business.”

“Seyla still singing to Darwin?”

“She is,” Oz nodded. “He tells her minor tidbits, things that we discuss ahead of time. It all works out.”

Li had to laugh out loud now. “I love the way you think.” Her laughter stilled and she traced lazy circles on the tabletop with her fingertip. “How closely is he watched from your side? I’ve gotten little from Lazan of late besides Suresh moping around and fighting with Seyla.”

“A little, but you probably know it: he went on a trip with Nine for business reasons. So far, I haven’t seen a report from Intel on that, but we’ll see.”

“Slave run. Pick-up and delivery. All off-station of course. I just wish it was easier to catch his own hand in the cookie jar. Even your situation, he was too careful.”

“I just asked him about slaves. Lieutenant Aliso arrested a guy in Saturnalia who ran slaves for someone. We’re trying to determine exactly who, but I get the feel that he’s not involved with Suresh,” Oz said, trying to brush over her irritation that Li already knew things she did not.

“Suresh isn't the only one operating down there, he just seems to have the biggest organization, and those not part of it even seem hesitant to cross him.” Li shifted in her seat. “Just be careful down here. Especially if you go yourself.”

“Yes, yes, I’ve learned that lesson,” she nodded. “Suresh seems to regard me as his arch-enemy. Which, well... I am. As the Security Chief, it comes with the title,” Oralia laughed. “We’ll catch him with his hand where it shouldn’t be, sooner rather than later.”

“The good news is when we do and it sticks, we have enough to put him away for a long time.” Li patted Oz’s hand. “We’ll get there. Are you busy tomorrow?”

“Meeting with Darwin and Gil and Aliso in the morning, I’m sure more things will come up as the day goes on. Want to try for lunch tomorrow?”

“I’d love to. I’ve missed your company of late but it seems we’ve both been running ourselves ragged.” Li smile and stood. “Tomorrow is cheeseburger day at the Wormhole...and you know how much we like Jono’s fries...” Her tone was full of temptation. “He promised us extra napkins....”

Laughing, Oz stood with her and nodded, “The Wormhole it is, then. Say about noon?”

“Perfect. See you then.” She gave Oz a wink, took the carton with Sakkath’s dinner in it and departed.

Commander Li Hawke
Slipping Through The Net

Lt.Commander Oralia Zeferino
Feeling Stuffed


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