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That Wasn't Supposed To Happen

Posted on Tue Oct 30th, 2012 @ 8:14pm by Captain Li Hawke & Suresh & Admiral Ricky Wegener

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Li & Sakkath's Quarters / Admiral Wegener's Office

The morning had been full of reading reports on the departments and processing several transfers, both in and out. Once that was done, she put a call through to Sakkath on a matter of staff and then simply to catch up. With all the Ian Bren business and the murder down on Archadia, they’d both been burning the candle at both ends and keeping some odd hours. Finally the computer had chirped at her, replaying her reminder to go meet Oz for lunch. If she hurried, she would have time to run by her quarters and change out her uniform jacket. She’d spilled coffee on this one and as she had been too busy and too near lunch to stop and go change, she decided to do it now. Leaving her office, she hurried out and took the turbolift.

* * * Li & Sakkath’s Quarters * * *

Li was in a hurry as she entered her quarters. Since Sakkath was out, the lights were off and she didn’t bother to turn them up. The exterior station lights coming in through the portal illuminated the center of the living room, leaving the corners in shadow. Passing on through, she peeled off her uniform jacket, leaving her in black pants and tank top. Veering off into the bathroom she checked her hair, then returned to the bedroom, the light in the bathroom turning itself off as she left.

Next stop was her closet. She reached out to slide the door open, then stopped. One side of Sakkath’s closet was open. That was odd. Her imminently logical husband had certain habits that never varied and one of them was closing his closet doors after he removed his clothes. Then again, the past few days had been nothing short of nuts. Anything was possible. Li reached over to close it and it was then that her habit of blocking out those around her shot her in the ass. A hand clamped around her wrist in the dim light and before she could move, a figure appeared and slammed her against the doors of her own closet. She opened her thoughts and in an instant knew before she looked up into his face.


He clamped a hand over her mouth before she could yell for Security, and had the good sense to pin her against the closet fully so as to prevent her using her limbs. He was impossibly close and breathed in her scent. “Funny, you don’t smell dead. Or look it. And I doubt I have to tell you how thrilled I am to find you alive and well. I’ll explain how later. For now, let’s just leave it as I’m calling the shots now. If I want to touch you, you better believe I am.”

Li remained outwardly calm as she met his dark eyes. She may be immobile but she was not without weapons. Reaching out with her thoughts, she touched those of Suresh, the first hint of the pleasure she could give him beginning to drift across the connection. His eyes widened and he stopped moving for a split-second before his grip tightened.

“Stop now or I’ll kill you where you stand. There will be plenty of time to play later, Isha. Now then, we are going to take a little walk you and I. You are to act as if nothing is wrong or this disruptor will slice you in half. You’re an old hand at this, you know how the game works. We’re going to see Mr. Jayne Cobb. I even have an appointment so no one gets suspicious. then the three of us are going to have a little talk. That’s all. Then I’ll leave you in peace. Got it?”

Li nodded. He was right, she knew this game. She’d bide her time and once they reached the Admiral’s office, Suresh’s plans would come to an end. She just had to keep him calm and level until then.

“Alright, get your jacket and let’s go.”

* * * Admiral Wegener’s Office * * *

"Your mom. Your mom. Your mother."

Rick shook his head. He'd heard long ago that one of the easiest insults used on Earth was to answer a question with 'your mom' or 'your mother'. The problem was that he wasn't exactly sure how much emphasis to put on each word.

"Yer mother, ya' prick."

He kept trying different variations as he was hoping to use give it a go on Suresh during their meeting. It was all pomp and circumstance with Suresh, the meeting was complete bullshit and Rick wasn't about to give the man an inch on anything that wasn't outlined in policy. Coupled with the fact that he was already known as being a smart ass to Suresh, he wanted some new material--or old material, that is.

Since the shuttlecraft incident Rick had also been keeping a phaser on high stun, along with a dagger, in his top desk drawer for easy access. He chuckled at the thought of some of those old Earth movies he remembered watching when he was younger. Some savvy businessmen kept a loaded shotgun attached to the bottom of the desk, pointing out at anyone sitting or standing in front of them. He wished he could find an excuse for something like that, but Starfleet would definitely frown on that sort of thing. Blowing a hole into someone's pelvis from three feet away? Yeah...definitely not fleet mentality.

It was only a moment later that Hope called. “Suresh and Commander Hawke are here. And sir, the correct idiom is ‘yo mama!’.” She laughed and the channel closed, even as the office doors opened.

He blushed a bit and reminded himself to turn that young whipper snapper over his knee. "Computer, add a reminder to my daily planner for this afternoon: break Hope's habit of eavesdropping."

As he heard the computer's acknowledgment the large, oak doors parted and both Li and Suresh entered. He hadn't expected Li, especially because of her undercover work with Suresh, but she was the XO and was always welcome in his office.

"Commander Hawke," he said, "a pleasant surprise." Looking at Suresh his face turned sour. "Suresh."

They entered and neither spoke till the doors were closed.

Careful sir....

The thought sent to Ricky was cut off as Suresh pressed closer to Li. The fingers around her arm tightened noticeably.

“Good afternoon Mr. Cobb. You’re looking well today I must say. I thought the three of us could have a little reunion of sorts. Me...Isha...the one man she hired out to, despite my rule. I wonder, does her father know?” Suresh’s tone was eerily light and pleasant.

Rick had stood when he saw Li enter, as he did when all of his staff came to his office, but now he sat back down in the chair and leaned back, wondering how he could get his hands on his phaser.

"Isha is dead, Suresh, or so I've been told," he replied, now leaning closer to the desk as if nothing was wrong. "I see each and every report about station deaths, no matter if they're civilian or my personnel. I can contact my personal medical staff if you're not feeling well?"

His hand fell to his lap and began slowly inching toward the desk drawer.

“Oh no, hands where I can see them. I feel fine. Why wouldn’t I? I have her back and in moments, I’ll be rid of you. From where I stand, life is looking good.” He pulled the hand not holding Li from his jacket pocket, revealing an older disruptor, Romulan variety. “But it’s your choice. You make one wrong move and she’s history. You willing to take that chance?”

Rick scowled, something he didn't do often, but he'd been told that his scowl was almost as scary as an angry Klingon. "You dare come into my office with a weapon and hold the station's command staff hostage?" he thundered, now standing. "You must be out of your fucking mind, Suresh. I will see you hang for this."

“Oh I don’t think so.”

Beside him, Li gave Ricky a meaningful look, then turned to Suresh. Maybe he’d listen to her. Or maybe she’d just put him to sleep, or overload him. Leaning closer to him she spoke softly. “Let him go and I’ll give you whatever you want.”

Suresh smiled now. “You’re going to do that anyway. And what do you prefer I call you? Isha? Li? Traitor?” He moved closer to the desk, bringing Li with him. “The jig, as your kind says, is up. Say goodnight Jayne.” He raised the disruptor and fired. No beam came out at first, then it began to overheat in his hand. He yelped, dropping it to Ricky’s desk. Before anyone could move, there came an odd, high-pitched whine, then a blinding flash that blew the office doors open.

Outside in the foyer where Lt. Hope Beckman sat, the doors slamming open like that scared the hell out of her. She immediately jumped up and ran into Rick's office, but no one was there. The only thing she could find was a tuft of foul smelling smoke and an enormous gouge on the end of Rick's desk, like someone had taken a laser and cut a large oval shape out of it.

"Sir?" she said loudly. "Admiral Wegener? Sir!?"

She ran into the lavatory and his small sleeping space hoping that he was in there.

"Oh, god..."

Slapping her communicator she said, "Lt. Beckman to security, priority 1 alert! Admiral Wegener and Commander Hawke are....well, they're missing!"

=^= Beckman, did you advise missing? =^= came the reply.

"Yes, goddamit! They're missing! They were here, there was a large blast and now they're gone, along with that Suresh person!"

=^= We're on our way. =^=

She stood in one spot, shaking, tears beginning to fall. Admiral Wegener was more than her boss, he was like a father to her. And if something had happened to him...she didn't know what she would do.

It seemed like an eternity before security personnel came running in. She hadn't even noticed that the station was now at Red Alert and the klaxons had been going off.


Vice Admiral Ricky Wegener
Yo Mama’s So Fat

Commander Li Hawke
Discovered There Was A Monster In The Closet

Lt. Hope Beckman
Shaken & Stirred



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