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Purple Hearted

Posted on Wed Oct 31st, 2012 @ 2:41pm by Lieutenant Eric Edwards & Commander Oralia Zeferino

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Security

Morning had come and, with it, a sake and dumpling hangover. Oralia hadn’t had sake and dumplings just with Li and Cassidy; she’d gone back to Lao’s with Jackson after he’d closed up the Nexus. Some parts of her evening with him were fuzzy, much like her tongue had been when she’d woken up.

Fortunately, modern medicine being what it was, Oz hadn’t had to suffer for long. She’d swung by Piper Medical on the way in and gotten a hypospray’s worth of something that made the hangover go away. Good thing, too; she had too many things to do for it to hang around.

One of those things was a pleasant task, at least. Granted, it meant she’d interrupt the man’s medically-ordered week off, but she had the feeling he wouldn’t mind, once the task was complete.

“Computer, page Eric Edwards and have him come to my office at eleven am,” she ordered. The timing would, hopefully, let him sleep in or catch breakfast or whatever he might be doing this morning. Plus, she’d be finished with him in plenty of time to go out and have lunch with Li, as they’d arranged just before splitting up for the night.

=/\= Acknowledged. =/\=

As the computer sent the notice to Eric Edwards, both Darwin and Gilroy came into her office. “Morning, you two,” she greeted them.

“Mornin’, yourself, Commander,” Darwin answered and took a seat at her nod. Gilroy took the other seat. The three knew the morning routine and the two quickly ran through their lists of things to tell Oz. They saved the biggest for last, a habit they’d gotten into after realizing that if they started with the biggest thing, Oralia would order them to do something immediately and they’d never get to the smaller things on their lists.

So it was that Gilroy and Darwin exchanged glances and nods then Gilroy said: “We have determined that there is a slave being held in Suresh’s quarters....”

True to form, Oralia interrupted him, “What? Bastard. What are you two waiting for? Go arrest him! Search his quarters and every bit of space that we have listed as being his.”

“We’re on it!” Both stood and hurried to do as ordered. They left Oralia smiling and mentally thinking of how nice it’d be to finally have Suresh on something he couldn’t weasel out on.

* * * Eleven AM * * *

With some help from Norval, a few comments about how he was usually trying to get his pants off, and more than a little wincing, Eric had managed to don a pair of loose-fitting grey sweatpants. "So much for staying in bed all day," he idly commented, pulling on his Starfleet Academy hoodie. "Thanks for your help."

"No problem," Norval smiled, planting a kiss on his cheek. "Don't let Oz boss you around too much, and I'll see you for lunch."

"I just hope there aren't any more assassination targets that need protecting," Edwards grumped, sliding out into the corridor and gingerly making his way to Security.

* * * Oz’s Office * * *

When Edwards appeared in her office, in grey sweats and a hoodie, Oz regarded him quietly for a moment. “Good morning, Mr. Edwards,” she greeted him and smiled, amused. “I’d ask you to have a seat, but from the way you’re moving, I’ll guess that Doctor Harding hasn’t yet finished with your as..., um, with your wounds.”

“Commander,” he said by way of greeting. “Yeah, I think I’d prefer to stand,” the Lieutenant said, smiling sheepishly. “Harding says the wounds are healing well enough, just a little … tender. Disruptors are slightly less kind than our phasers, it would seem.” Quite the understatement. “You wanted to see me?”

“That’s usually the reason I call people in here,” Oz answered, nodding. “Eric, how would you describe Darwin’s and Gilroy’s positions? And don’t say ‘cushy’. Say that and one of them might feel the urge to kick you where that disruptor nearly got you.”

Edwards blinked, mild confusion evident on his features. That was a strange question for the person who gave Darwin and Gilroy their duty assignments to ask him.

“Darwin is one of the station’s chief investigators,” he replied, taking a moment to consider his response. “He’s arguably less likely to get into a firefight, unless he starts asking the wrong questions of the wrong people, but then that’s why we also liaise with Intel. As for Gilroy... I’d say that if it doesn’t demand the attention of yourself or Lieutenant Aliso, he’s the most likely candidate to handle a matter. He’s a good officer, well respected by just about everyone here.” Eric was terribly tempted to add a ‘Why?’ to the end of his little summation, but managed to hold it back. If Oz had a reason for asking him, he was sure he’d hear it in good time.

It was a good answer. Done quizzing him, Oz nodded again and said, “They are also the two I rely upon most, Eric, besides Aliso. Based upon your recent actions, I have a few things for you. One is the Purple Heart Award, which the Admiral already told you about, I think.” She turned a velvet box around to face him and smiled.

Managing a grin, Eric picked up the box, admiring the award. “It’s my first medal,” he admitted, chuckling. “Too bad it’s for getting shot.”

“You went above and beyond there. Not only getting shot, but also taking the stings that would have killed Ian Bren. He owes you his life, three times, at least.” She smiled, glad that they could joke about the injuries - versus having to tell his parents he’d been killed in action. “And secondly, you are hereby promoted to full Lieutenant.” Again, she turned a velvet box towards him. “I’d offer to swap out your old pips, but I doubt you have them on under that hoodie.”

He was stunned for a long moment, just staring at the pair of pips in their velvet case. “I... um, that is, very little... no. No I don’t,” he finally managed, shaking his head. “Sorry, this is a little overwhelming. I don’t know what to say. Beyond thank you, of course,” he said, stumbling over the words as he recovered at least a little bit, turning his attention back to Oz and smiling.

She very nearly laughed as he seemed to have just admitted he wasn’t wearing much of anything at all under those sweats. “It’s well-deserved, Lieutenant, and certainly worth a celebration. I figured it’d be good to give this to you at the start of your time off. When you return, you’ll find that I’ll lean on you a little harder, more like I do with Gilroy and Darwin.” Without saying it, she was admitting to trusting Edwards the way she did those two. “Till then, enjoy your time off with Norval. I trust that he requested time off? After all, he was injured as well, wasn’t he?”

“Just a few bumps and bruises from his scuffle with Levin. Thankfully he kept his distance after the Master Chief got in there,” Eric said, not really sure if Nick would have counted friend from foe while wielding that knife. “And yes, he’s using some shore leave to help me recover... and move, I suppose.” Despite his injuries, it seemed like this security officer had an awful lot to be smiling about.

“Oh, that reminds me, congratulations Commander!” he exclaimed, recalling some of the rumors he’d managed to hear even in sickbay . “I hear Banning popped the question.”

Good Gods, that damned grapevine is everywhere! Oz smiled warmly, even though she was very surprised Eric had already heard the news. “Thank you, Eric. He did and we couldn’t be happier,” her smile confirmed that. “Get back to bed, and take Norval with you. Tell him to kiss every spot not covered by bandages,” she laughed and shooed Eric out of her office.

"That's an order he won't have any problem following," Eric replied with a grin as he made haste (at least, as much as he could) from Security.

A joint post by:

Oralia Zeferino
Happily Doing Her Job


Lieutenant Eric Edwards
Has a Lot to Smile About


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