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Woodford In The House

Posted on Wed Nov 14th, 2012 @ 8:52am by Jackson Banning V & Commander Oralia Zeferino & Janice Gree

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant

* * *Exec’s Office | SB900* * *

“...yes, I got that,” Oralia nodded as she went through a list of documents she needed for a Thanatoksian emissary’s visa to visit the Station. “No, I still don’t have the Letter of Intent.”

The aide on the far side of the console - the one that was out in Thanatoksian territory grimaced angrily, “That was sent out months ago! Why do you even need it? I can tell you the emissary’s intent now!”

Turning a dazzling smile on the male, Oralia looked sheepish for a moment then said, “I apologize, Emir, due to an emergency here, I’m stepping in temporarily here. I have to have that Letter, in writing, so that I can show it to Commander Hawke when she returns. Now, either provide the Letter or I’ll have to mark this denied and you’ll need to start all over again.”

“Bah! You’ll have it,” the Emir signed off, closing the transmission with a grumble.

Letting her shoulders slump, Oz sighed heavily and sat back in Li’s chair. She wasn’t sure how the woman did this... she must have a very deep well of patience. Which made sense, now that Oz thought about it: she was married to a Vulcan. Patience was more than a virtue there.

Oz’s own brand of patience was now calling her. The terminal beeped, and when she answered, Jackson’s face appeared. “Greetings, Miss XO. You about ready for a break? It’s about that time an’ you know what I mean. Chaos is about to ride in on on the SS Austin. T minus fifteen minutes and counting.”

Feeling a touch harried, she smiled at him. “Your choice, Jackson: uniform or a dress?”

“No need to change, darlin’. I suspect you’re plannin’ to get back to work after we do the meet and greet thing?”

“Depends...,” she shrugged, “Will there be wine?”

“Not till dinner. We’re taking him to the Nexus tonight. Jan and I are both taking the evening off.” He paused, then continued. “I should warn you one last time....”

“That he’s ‘entertaining’? I’ve heard from Li that he’s quite the salsa dancer - which reminds me, could y’all play some salsa tonight?” She grinned.

“Oh dear god in heaven,” Jackson mumbled. “You hate me don’t you?” But he was smiling at her.

“Perhaps I should just meet you at the Nexus later, then? That way I could finish up here and join you for dinner and some entertainment?”

“Well, as the acting XO, it would fall to you to welcome an arriving dignitary....” He was twisting her arm now. “It won’t take long.”

“Ok, I’ll be there in a few minutes,” she nodded and closed the comm.

* * *Shuttle Bay* * *

The SS Austin docked as Jan, Jackson and Oz waited. He glanced over to Jan, then squeezed Oz’s hand as the passengers began to filter out of the umbilical. A deep voice with a southern twang reached them before they saw the speaker.

“So then the lady tells her friends, ‘My husband sent me to finishin’ school.’ When they asked why she told ‘em ‘so I could learn to say “how nice!” instead if ‘fuck you!’” Uproarious laughter came from both the speaker and whoever he was speaking to.

Jackson rolled his eyes. “And here he comes.”

Dressed in her Sunday best, which meant a red velvet gown that highlighted the caramel tones in her skin, Janice raised a brow and glanced at Jackson. “That’s his idea of a joke? He better...,” she stopped speaking as a well-tanned male descended the docking ramp and looked up at the three of them. His white teeth and blue eyes stood out against his skin and rendered Jan speechless. At his side was a Ferengi who was still convulsed with laughter.

On the other side of Jackson, Oz looked over at Janice and snickered. “That’s not a common thing,” she whispered to Jackson.

Jackson glanced over at Jan and blinked. “No kiddin’.”

Woodford hurried down the ramp and swept Jackson into a fierce hug. “Hey little brother.” After he clapped Jackson on the back, he let go and scooped up his next victim - Jan. She got no clap on the back however, but a long and very familiar kiss.

She gave as good as she got, hinting at just what Woodford would find in his bed later. When he finally let her breath, and find her own feet, again, Jan nearly keeled over. She quickly found her balance, though, and fanned herself. “Woo! That is one hell of a ‘hello kiss’!”

“Just wait till we get to the rest of the conversation sweetheart.” Woodford grinned and now turned to Oz, taking her hands in his. “You must be Oz.” He gaved a look up and down, then nodded. “Jackson has excellent taste as always.” He wrapped an arm around her shoulders as they began to approach check-in. “Though are you sure about him? The things I could tell you about that man....”

“...oh, dear Woodford, I could tell you just as many things, like the time I tossed him the brig...,” Oz laughed as they walked. At the checkpoint, she separated from him and all three of them - Woodford, Jackson and Janice - were checked, just in case. Continuing on, Oralia apologized, “Sorry about that, but with recent events, I’ve stepped up some of our protocols.”

“No worries, my dear.” Woodford raised her hand and kissed it. “You’ll be joining us this evening? Make an old man happy?”

At that, Jackson snorted. “It’s gettin’ deep in here Jan.”

“And me, I left my waders back on Earth,” Jan lamented.

Tossing a look at Jackson, Oz nodded to Woodford, “I’ll be there. And I’ve asked J to have some salsa music on tonight. I’ve heard yours is... wicked.” She winked at him.

“Uh’ve been talkin’ to Li haven’t you?” Woodford shook his head. “She’s wilder than I ever hoped to be, let me tell ya. There was this one time out on --”

“I think we can tell the Li stories later, bro.” Jackson cut him off. “Oz has to get back to work, some sudden stuff came up that she has to deal with before we steal her away for tonight.”

Quickly hugging Woodford, Oz nodded, “I do have to get back, but I’ll meet you three for dinner at the Nexus. 2000 hours, J?” She’d switched her attention to Jackson, briefly kissing his cheek.

“Yup, and it’s my usual table.” He smiled at the kiss, then patted her backside as she turned to depart.

Oralia tossed a glance at Jackson over her shoulder, one that might tell him he was in trouble, but she smiled and headed out. Janice drew the boys’ attention by asking, “Woody, you want some help settlin’ in before we head to dinner?” Despite having a somewhat steady ‘friend’ hidden on the station, she was more than willing to help Jackson’s brother find his way around.

“I’ve been waiting a long time to have you settle me in, darlin’.” He winked at Jackson, tucked Jan’s hand in his arm and departed.

Behind them Jackson could only mutter that it would be a long night.

Jackson Banning V
Owner & Little Brother
The Nexus Club

Lt. Commander Oralia Zeferino
Missin’ the XO

Janice Gree
Stirrin’ Trouble

Woodford Banning
The Wild-Eyed Boy Got In Today


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