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Feeling Hot, Hot, Hot

Posted on Fri Nov 16th, 2012 @ 6:15pm by Jackson Banning V & Commander Oralia Zeferino

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: The Nexus Club

* * * The Nexus Club * * *

Jackson and Oz arrived at the Nexus right on time. Tonight he wore formal wear of a different sort - a black tuxedo, tux shirt in a deep purple silk, black brocade vest and tie. They stopped outside the doors and he looked Oz over and smiled.

“Breathtakin’ as always. Sure you want to go in? There’s plenty of other things we could do.....”

Loving how her drapey, flowy, flirty dress matched his purple shirt, Oralia leaned into him and laughed, “Yes, there are, such as go check out your office couch again. You spoil me, Jackson.”

“It’s my mission in life you know. But we’ll do far better than that office couch once we finish entertainin’ Woody. Besides, we should eat, keep our strength up.” He gave her a wink and with his arm around her, led her inside.

“Hey, I’ve never told you my parents aren’t married, have I?”, she asked him, picking a random moment to bring this up.

“No. Does it matter?” He stopped to look down at Oz. “You’ll be breaking new ground.”

She smiled and shook her head. “Considering their unconventional terms have lasted longer than some marriages? But I suppose we should think about rings? Or tattoos? Or... something?”

“Rings. And I have something for you that is a Banning tradition. Woodford brought it out with him actually.” Jackson smiled and leaned in to give her a kiss. “Let’s get to the table and enjoy this night off.”

Mystified and curious, she went with him, smiling at her love’s brother as they drew close to the table. “Woodford, you look... relaxed. I take it Janice showed you some ropes?”, she grinned and winked at him.

“Ropes, handcuffs, zip ties, a blindfold and something with feathers attached that will send you to the moon....any moon.” Woodford stood as they approached the table and smiled. “And may I say you look ravished.” When Jan swatted him his smile widened. “Ravishing. Slip of the tongue, my dear Oz. A little tongue always has that effect on me. Champagne?”

“Ah..., are we toasting something?” Oralia took the seat Jackson offered her and was unsurprised when his fingers trailed along her shoulder as he took his seat.

“To the soon to be newlyweds,” Woody answered.

“I’ll drink to that.” Once the champagne was poured, Jackson lifted his glass. “To the woman who means everything to me and who has finally made me complete.”

As Oz turned a color that very nearly clashed with her purple dress, Jan politely coughed and rolled her eyes. “Oh, Jay, you are laying it on thick!”

“Hey!” Oz protested mildly, “The feelings and sentiment are mutual.” She smiled at Jackson and touched her glass to his. “To us, and what we bring each other.” She touched her glass to Woodford’s and, after a split second’s wait, Janice’s, then sipped the tart sparkling wine.

After a sip and a brief moment, Janice laughed and shook her head, “How is your little monster? Do you have a babysitter for it tonight?”

“Iggy?” Jackson asked after he’d sipped his champagne as well. “She’s actually stayin’ on her own at times now. Long as she’s not bored, it’s good.”

“Who is Iggy?” Woody asked.

Janice and Oz spoke over each other: “Eight legs of nothin’ but trouble”; “My ...sentient ...spider.”

“Sentient...spider?” Woody blinked back at Oz. “I should’ve gotten out this way sooner. Will I get to meet this eight-legged wonder?”

Jackson set his glass down and rubbed his eyes. “I find the thought of you and Iggy conversin’ a scary thing, bro.”

“I don’t see why you wouldn’t, Woody,” Oralia looked at Jackson, “Could she go with us to Archadia? I’d hate to have her miss our wedding. She could hang out with Woodford after.” Leave it to Oz to automatically trust a soon-to-be-family member. “She’s neat; she can be funny, but watch out for the spider farts.”

“And if you give her beer, make sure a window’s open. She curses almost as much as you do, you two should have a lot to talk about.” Jackson winked at Oz. The dance music picked up and as Jackson had promised, tonight seemed to be Latin night.

"The critter just doesn’t hush. Ever,” Janice warned Woodford, ignoring that Oz’s smile had diminished. “It was in here one time, hanging on the wall, just watching the show and the people. Creepy thing.”

“Then by all means bring her along.” With a wicked smile, Woody held his hand out to Oz. “Come dance.”

“Gladly,” Oz smiled, happy to not only be away from Janice - the older woman was on a roll this evening - but also to be up and enjoying the sway and beat of the music. As Woody pulled her away, she touched Jackson’s shoulder. Then it was just Woody and her on the dance floor; the man knew his moves and knew how to put a woman through her paces.

“Will you ever like her, Jan?” Jackson asked. He refilled their glasses, then glanced past her to the dance floor.

“I like her for the smile she puts on your face, J,” Janice admitted, “But that woman is trouble walking. Think about it - think about how much trouble Connor McKinney had while he was with her. Just in the time he knew her, he was in a shuttle wreck that nearly killed him; was stabbed in his own bed; and then was beaten to death. She attracts that sort of trouble, gives it a place to focus. Somehow, she doesn’t get touched, but those around her....” She shrugged and shook her head slightly. “Plus, she was awful quick to drop the dead guy and glom onto you.”

“We have a history, Jan. If I hadn’t stepped aside so long ago, Woodford's congratulations likely woulda come way back. You and I both know it was only a matter of time.” He smiled now as he watched. Out on the dance floor, Woodford was really beginning to cut loose and he had to admit Li was right. His brother was impressive. As was Oz who was keeping up with him just fine.

So Oz was, laughing and matching Woodford’s moves. She wasn’t the best dancer, but put her with a partner like this one and she shone. As the music swelled and zipped along, though, she was interrupted by the chirp of her commbadge - an uncommon chirp, one that denoted she was the closest Security officer to an emergency. “Ah, Woodford, hang on,” Oz said as she slowed her dancing, tapped the badge and ordered, “Zeferino, go ahead.”

=/\=Commander, there’s been an attack, possible loss of life in Jackson Banning’s office=/\=, came the response, causing Oz to glance back at their table. Jackson was there. So who was in his office?

The answer didn’t matter to her. “Woodford, excuse me. Go rejoin Jackson; I should be back in a minute,” Oralia smiled at him, certain that the report had to be wrong. Not meaning to be rude, Oralia didn’t wait for him to answer her before she rushed off towards Jackson’s office.


Jackson Banning V
Owner & Man About Town
The Nexus Club

Oralia Zeferino
Perpetually on Duty

Janice Gree
Sure There’s Trouble in Oz’s Shadow

Woodford Banning
Salsa King


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