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The Hand Of Fate

Posted on Sat Jun 25th, 2011 @ 11:38am by Captain Li Hawke & Commander Patrick Leroy

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Somewhere In The Jaithlin Arm
Timeline: Current

* *Somewhere in The Jaithlin Arm * *

A tall figure strode into the room without a word, then stood amused as the remaining four scrambled to their feet. He'd purposely come unannounced as such reactions always amused him. These four were supposed to be among the best but even they could be caught off-guard at times, a fact that he filed away in his mind. Having the upper hand was necessary and he intended to keep it that way.

"If you gentlemen are through discussing your exploits of last night, perhaps we can get down to business?"

"Are we getting into action then?" asked one.

" 'Twas about time, Sliver" Scoffed another.

The man known as Sliver nodded in confirmation. "Yes gentlemen. We're about to dance. Our target has reached SB900 and we have to make sure he never leaves. Pack your things and commit to memory your tasks. Once we're there you'll not receive anymore instructions and everything has to go by the numbers, am I understood?"

"Aye." The men responded together.

Sliver eyed each of the four, holding eye contact till one finally squirmed. "Once on the starbase, you will take up your positions and avoid casual contact as much as possible, using our established communication protocols. Keep in mind that their security and intelligence are not fools. Thinking so will find you dead and all of us exposed."

He paused a while to let his meaning to sink in then got out from a belt pouch four small chips.

"These are final instructions, memorize them and destroy the chips. From now on we'll be only known by our code names. Index... Here is yours."

A tall scarred man reached out to get his chip while Sliver called the others in turn "Middle... Ring... Pinky..."
The four belted their chips and waited for any other instruction.

"The Stiletto is leaving in eight hours be prepared by then and forget 'Sliver'... there is only 'Thumb' now."

The four stood and saluted Thumb, then filed silently out of the room. The earlier light-hearted camaraderie was gone, replaced with the heavy weight of serious duty and rabid commitment. They had a job to do, and once they'd succeeded, the Perenalthorias Union would be rid of them once and for all. Given their current catastrophe, the assassination of their Speaker would be the last straw, making recovery impossible. Then they could all sit back and watch as Divitia Prime disintegrated and the Federation interlopers would be left trying to explain how they'd failed.

The thought brought a warped smile to Thumb's face. Some days, he really was impressed with himself. Soon, everyone else would be too.

Lt. Commander Patrick Leroy
Lt. Commander Li Hawke


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