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Testing Readiness

Posted on Sun Jun 26th, 2011 @ 12:56pm by Lieutenant Commander Kh'ali & Captain qeraQ'

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Diplomatic Offices
Timeline: Current

Kh'ali groaned aloud as she put down the padd and rubbed her eyes.

"That good, huh?" Lt. Dobry smiled across the desk to her. "How long have you been at it now?"

"Ten hours and counting, and it's not getting the least bit easier," she answered in perfect Divitian.

Dobry puzzled out what she'd said but it took him a few minutes. "How in the bloody hell do you manage to keep so many languages straight?"

Kh'ali switched to Klingon with a smile. "It's a gift and a curse, I tell you that."

"Well finally, a language I can understand from you." Dobry spoke fluent Klingon. "How soon is the meeting?"

"Not long at all, in fact, Commander qeraQ' should be here any moment to go over the information I sent him. I suspect the man's cursing over it even as we speak."

The words had no sooner slipped from her mouth than the doors to the Diplomatic offices opened and the Commander himself stepped through.

The Commander was engrossed in the contents of the Padd. He could easily remember countless battles and operas but for some reason getting his head around new cultures and rituals that weren't his own had always difficult. On entering the Diplomatic wing he looked up and frowned slightly at Kh'ali, eyeing her assistant carefully. It wouldn't do to have the feared Klingon XO make a fool of himself.

"A very interesting culture, if a little complex."

"Agreed," Kh'ali responded. "And made all the more interesting given the kid-glove status. Our first real diplomatic foray out here and a lot is riding on it. They are a strong force in a precarious situation. If anyhting goes wrong, it would look so very bad for the Fleet." She laid down her padd and studied qeraQ'. "Are you ready for this?"

He looked up from the Padd feeling a surge of anger at the woman, "Of course I am ready! What are you implying Lieutenant Commander?"

"Nothing personal, if that's what you mean. I asked the Admiral the same question. Besides, you're not the one who has to deal with all their ideas of females and subservient behavior." She grinned at qeraQ'. "Let's get to this meeting. And you and I will need to get together after as I suspect he may want more than any of us feel comfortable giving."

She stood and waited for the XO to lead the way out.

"Let us begin and get this over with!"

Commander qeraQ'
Executive Officer
Starbase 900

Lt. Commander Kh'ali
Chief Diplomatic Officer
Starbase 900


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