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Emotions Awash

Posted on Fri Nov 23rd, 2012 @ 8:10pm by Cadet Senior Grade Eli Ziyad & Jackson Banning V & Cassidy Wilde & Janice Gree

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Piper Medical Center

* * * Piper Medical Center * * *

The doors opened yet again and Kiere looked up. She recognized Cass, of course but the man with her was new. Something about him was familiar, however. When he approached and spoke, she could see the resemblance immediately, both in looks and accent.

“I’m Woodford Banning. We’re lookin’ for Jan an’ Eli?”

“I can show you down to their waiting room if you’ll come with me.” Kiere left the desk and started down the corridor, just ahead of Woodford and Cass.

“What a hell of a night isn’t it Cass?” He looked down at her as they followed Kiere, his expression serious. As humourous as he could be, when Woodford got serious, it was a little intimidating.

She barely noticed, already picking up on the emotions swirling around. It would be worse when they got closer to Eli, as she could feel as they went down the corridor. “I’m learnin’ it’s always somethin’ out here.” Stopping in the middle of the hall, Cassidy took a deep breath to center herself.

“You okay there, Cass?” He looked at her with some concern. Kiere motioned to the door so they could go in when ready, then hurried back out to the lobby.

“Hmm?” Looking up, she met his gaze, but it was clear she was distracted...and experiencing some form of discomfort. “I’m worried ‘bout Eli...and Oralia.” After a moment’s hesitation, she added, “...and Chance.” In all honesty, she knew she should be blocking everyone’s emotions, but if she did that, she wouldn’t be able to help Eli.

Woody nodded. “I know, honey, so’m I. They’ll do everything they can, you know. How’re the docs here?”

She chewed on her bottom lip, remembering what Harding had done for Jackson. “Dr. Harding is a very good at what he does. He saved Jackson recently after...” Suddenly she wondered if the details of what had happened down on Archadia were supposed to be classified, but no one had told her not to talk about it. Common sense told her not to mention the details of Natalia and Levin’s plot, but dammit if it wasn’t too late to pull back her words. “...he was shot.” She rubbed her face wishing she hadn’t opened that can of worms again.

“Again?” Woody seemed to take that in stride. “Well, let’s hope that he’s good enough this time. Let’s go in.” He reached out to open the door and let her enter first.

“Again?” she muttered and realized she didn’t really need to ask that. She had already guessed certain things about Jackson’s past, given his many references to classified things to her. “Nevermind...I don’t wanna know.” She gave him a weak smile. “I’m sure it’s complicated.”

“You wouldn’t believe.” Woody smiled down at her. “After you.”

“Considerin’ I was involved this time ‘round, you’d be surprised what I’d believe where Jackson is concerned,” she informed him with a raised eyebrow and walked in ahead of him.

As the two entered the room, Janice turned from where she was attempting to console Eli. “...Harding and Kona will patch him up just fine, baby,” she stroked his hair and nodded at the two.

Woody crossed the room to wrap an arm around Jan’s shoulders. “How’s he doin’?”

“About as well as can be expected,” Jan answered quietly. She beckoned Cassidy closer. “He passed on some memories to Lieutenant Edwards.”

Cassidy came over and sat down next to Eli, on the opposite side from where Jan was and took the young Enaran’s hand. “That should clear some things up.”

While her abilities were limited with non-telepaths, they weren’t with those that had telepathic gifts. There was no way she’d try to influence how Eli was feeling, but easing his physical pain, wrapping him in a blanket of comfort so he could at least breathe? That was something she would do, and did do then and there. “Chance is in good hands, Eli. Dr. Harding will take care of him, sugar.”

Eli glanced up as Woody entered, and then to Cass. As she touched him, he let out a deep breath and closed his eyes. “He fixed Jackson. He can do this, right?”

Cassidy gave him a reassuring smile. “Yes, darlin’, he can.” She squeezed his hand and shared with him how bad Jackson’s wounds had been, before she had stopped the bleeding and then how he was before they’d been beamed back to the station. She didn’t share it to shock him, but to show him just how dire Jackson’s condition was, so that Eli could have hope for Chance. “If there’s anyone that can, it’ll be him. Plus, he’s not alone in there. Dr. Kona is quite skilled as well from what I understand.”

Eli nodded, then leaned his head back and closed his eyes once more.

Woody was watching, then drew Jan aside, over to by the door. Pulling her in close, he whispered at her ear. “Any word yet?” He was hoping that Eli was too wrapped up at the moment to bother with their whispered conversation.

She shook her head and held onto him. Seeing Eli so distraught worried her and brought her close to tears herself. “I’m worried, Woody. They should be able to tell us something.... Did you see where Jackson went to with Oralia?”

“I think he’s --” Woody stopped as the door opened and Jackson stepped in.

“Hey.” Jackson moved over to hug Jan and Woody, then turned to where Cass and Eli sat. “Hey Cass, how’s he doing?” He was still moving, over to the wall, down to the floor to draw Eli into his arms.

“He’s in shock and scared outta his mind for Chance,” she answered plainly. “As anyone would be when someone tries to kill the person they love.” Cassidy arched a brow at Jackson. “Why don’t ya ask ‘im yerself?” After all, Eli was right there, even if his mind was still scattered and filled with worry. She kept up a steady wave of comfort so he wouldn’t feel panicked or overwhelmed, but in the process, with the direct contact, she felt everything Eli was feeling.

Jackson looked at Cass a moment over Eli’s shoulder, then whispered to Eli. “I’m open. Show me.”

Eli drew in a deep breath, then shivered. Both he and Jackson grew silent as Eli rested a hand on Jackson’s back and let everything within him go. Jackson’s eyelids fluttered at the onslaught, then he grew tense, though his hold on Eli never let up.

Looking on, Janice went very still and tense. Jackson was doing the one thing she wouldn’t: taking on Eli’s memories. Her hand tightened around Woodford’s arm and she leaned into him to whisper, “No good can come of this.”

Witnessing everything again, silent tears filled Cassidy’s eyes and spilled over to run down her cheeks. Eli’s memories were clearer this time and that made them all the more heartbreaking. And she had thought the endless loop was bad. Still, she refused to withdraw her support, but the strain on her was evident in her clenched fists and the faint trembling of her svelte body.

Leaving Woody’s side, Jan went to the couch and sat next to Cass, rubbing the part-Betazoid’s arms. “Chance will be okay, sweetie,” she murmured.

“From yer mouth ta the gods’ ears, Jan,” Cassidy whispered as she turned and hugged Janice. Letting go, she wiped the tears away and turned her pale gaze back to where Eli and Jackson sat on the floor.

They still hadn’t moved, though now Jackson looked a little pale. Across the room, Woody watched but it was clear he was on alert, just in case. After several seemingly interminable minutes passed, Eli pulled his hand away from Jackson’s shoulder blades and wrapped it around him. No words were said but something passed between them and Jackson nodded. He whispered in Eli’s ear, then looked up at the rest.

“Oz is a coupla doors down, she finally crashed and I left the nurse with her. I need to go...get some coffee or something.”

Jan stood, “I’ll go with you.” She hooked her arm through Jackson’s and pulled him out of the room, leaving Woodford to comfort Cass and Eli.

Standing, Cassidy moved to where Eli still sat on the floor and slipped her hands under his arms to pull him up. This time when she sat down on the sofa with him next to her, she wrapped an arm around him, pulling him close so he could rest his head on her shoulder. Pressing a kiss to his hair, she softly reassured him, “I’ll stay here with ya, Eli. As long as it takes.”

“And hopefully it will be soon.” Woody looked at the door a moment, then back to Cass and Eli. “Else Jackson’s likely to go start demandin’’ gettin’ ‘em.” He moved over to settled in a chair by the sofa and the vigil began.


Cadet 4th Class Eli Ziyad
Lost At Sea

Jackson Banning V
Owner & Life Preserver
The Nexus Club

Woodford Banning
On Lookout

Cassidy Wilde
Hostess & Sheltering Harbor
The Nexus Club

Janice Gree
Owner & Dockmaster
The Nexus Club


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