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Meeting Commander Davis

Posted on Wed Dec 19th, 2012 @ 8:07pm by Lieutenant Riley Sukotav & Commander Anthony Davis

Mission: The Struggle Within
Location: USS Hammond

USS Hammond

Anthony was sitting in his office slightly dozing off. It had been a jam packed day of meetings and getting everything prepped for the ship. He had seen so many new people and he was slowly getting lost in all the names. He didn’t get much sleep the night before. Being new to a ship and a station had its toll on him. As he laid his head back in his chair the ready room slowly transitioned into the bridge of his former ship.

“Damage report!” his former captain yelled out. Anthony heard the report from one of the Engineers that was manning that station. They had just had a run in with a force that was unknown. Anthony was running around the bridge getting reports and trying to coordinate their efforts. The ship was rocking and he couldn’t keep his feet under him to save his life. Finally the final order of the Captain came, “Abandon Ship!”

Anthony woke in a cold sweat and jumped to his feet. He was ready to run to the escape pod when he realized where he was. That even had happened in the past and it wasn’t what was going on right then. Anthony shook himself a little and looked around again. He was regaining his bearing and was slowly recovering from his event. It wasn’t long before Anthony was back to work on his reports as he prepared the ship.

After the unexpected meeting with Drusilla in the Counselor’s office, Riley decided to delay his evening out and get his reporting in done. He made his way through the station and eventually to the docking bay. Two security officers were on duty and once Riley showed the padd with his orders, he was allowed through. It wasn’t lost on him that security here on the docking ring seemed extra-tight and with recent events, he certainly understood. It wasn’t long before he reached Commander Davis’ office and rang the chime.

Anthony heard the chime and he closed out and secured the padd he had been working on. “Enter,” he called out to the person on the other side of the door. He didn’t think he had an appointment anytime soon, but he figured it was another new staff member.

The doors opened and Riley entered. Crossing to the desk, he presented the padd to Anthony. “Lt. Riley Sukotav, your new Chief Science Officer, reporting for duty sir.”

“Please have a seat,” He said motioning with the padd he was just handed. He quickly read through it and then placed it on the table in front of him. “Welcome to the crew Lieutenant. Its a pleasure to have you aboard. So tell me a little about yourself, that I can’t find in your Starfleet Service Jacket or Medical file.”

“To begin with, you are aware of the disappearance of Admiral Wegener and Commander Hawke? I have sent word to Commander Leroy, the CSO on station offering my help should he need it. Duty-wise, everything’s there, On a personal level? My interests are varied, and not nearly so scientific as my work life. I’m a pretty mellow guy, though I get tongue-tied around women that I find attractive. Which may explain why I’m still single at my age.”

Anthony gave a hearty laugh. That was most likely the most information he had ever gotten out of someone with that question. “Well, you are in good company here. You also seem like you are going to be a great member of the senior staff.” Anthony chuckled again, “It seems I have problems in my love life as well. So don’t worry too much about it. You will find the right one soon enough, just don’t let it interfere with your work.”

“Not likely.” Riley smiled, however. “It earned me the nickname Silver Tongue at the Academy. When it’s anything else, I always seem to have the right words to say. It was also a joke, considering my big issue.” He shook his head. “I will say though that I’m glad to be out here on the frontier for the foreseeable future. So many have dreamed of what was out here and we're living it.”

“Glad you are getting to live the dream, it isn’t mine,” He said in a very flat tone. He felt as though Starfleet had marooned him by assigning him out here in the quadrant. “Do you have any questions for me?”

“Will you be staying on station or here on the ship? And do you have a preference as far as my own quarters are concerned?” Riley asked.

“I will be staying on the Hammond. Mainly because my duties are to her and crew. As for you, stay where you would like, but know that at a moments notice you may be required here,” He said as he stood up and walked over the replicator and got himself a tea, “would you like anything?”

“No thank you sir.” Riley considered the quarters question for a moment. “I think I will maintain both. There are times, like now, when we may be required to depart in an instant and I’d rather be here. During calmer times, I can enjoy my place on the station as circumstances permit.”

“That is perfectly fine. You will find that the quartermaster can set up your quarters until our Executive arrives and takes over those duties. As for now, please do your arrival checks of the science labs and ensure everything is in order for you,” Anthony said as he returned to his seat, picked up the padd with Riley’s orders, and confirmed them. He also established Riley with the appropriate access levels on the ship.

“You are good to go.”

“Thank you sir.” Riley stood and as he was dismissed, made his way out to check over the labs.


Commander Anthony Davis
The Day Dreamer

Lt. Riley Sukotav
Getting Down To Business


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