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View From The Edge

Posted on Fri Dec 21st, 2012 @ 8:54am by Lieutenant Commander Kh'ali & Commander Patrick Leroy & Ensign Aleksandra Levkova

Mission: The Struggle Within
Location: The Park

* * * The Park * * *

The noise of children playing, running through the bushes chasing others drifted up to the gallery one deck up. It was open, giving a great view of the park area below and as Kh’ali watched, a young girl squealed with glee as she darted around a tree in pursuit of a small boy. Nearby, a blonde woman sat watching. She still looked tired and a bit worn, but that did little to blunt her fair beauty. The scene was peaceful, pleasant, so very normal. Despite the fact that the woman and the child were not of this universe at all.

They’d come across from another one entirely, one where a version of the man Kh’ali called lover had been the woman’s world. Where a child had called him father. It was almost too much to wrap her head around. As she watched, the fear that she’d earlier voiced to Patrick rose again. What if she wanted to stay? Absolutely refused to go back? What if she wanted to fill her Patrick’s shoes with the one here? And what about the child? Would she be told who he really was in that case?

Too many questions, most of which stirred real human fear and deep-seated Klingon anger all at once. She ran a hand over her face and grumbled but it was cut off as below, Patrick arrived and the tiny girl squealed again, running straight for him.

Giggling,she outstretched her arms pleading to be swept up, a thing that Patrick did, albeit hesitantly, but then a smile formed on his lips as Faye buried her face into his neck holding tight.

Did a light glimpse in his eyes? Even if only for a fleeting moment. Was his heart open now? Which thoughts harbored behind his usual stern brow?

Kh’ali bit her lip. The woman smiled now, the other Aleksa, so different from her former friend... She stood moving closer to Patrick fixing a little the posture of his arms as he held the girl.
He chuckled in embarrassment as she regarded him and her daughter smiling again.

Kh’ali’s heart clenched tight as she watched. “I really shouldn’t be here at all,” she muttered. She trusted Patrick but this woman? She represented dangers that Kh’ali was not equipped to deal with. It was all new territory for her and she hated it.

Arms crossed she continued to watch Patrick and the other Aleksandra playing with Faye in the garden. Her eyes carefully studied every detail, striving to pick any emotion. Weighing any glance, any gesture, any smile as a consummate diplomat can do to get to the final result... While the ancient warrior spirit raged deep within her...

“It hurts, doesn’t it?”

Slowly turning her head to the unwanted intrusion Kh’ali repressed a growl. So concentrated she’d been that she hadn’t heard Aleksa, the real one, coming up from behind.

“Kind of poetic justice don’t you think, friend?” Aleksa smiled irreverently.

She studied Aleksa’s face for several moments and shook her head. “This is different, Aleksa. How is it for you? Seeing yourself down there, seeing what might have been?”

Several emotions crossed Aleksa’s face in a matter of instants from sheer surprise to suffering and the final one relying on despise. Determined to deny Kh’ali’s scored point her lips tightened, eyes narrowing, looking at her.

Faye’s giggles washed over them as Patrick lifted her, circling her in the air. Round and round they went, up and down, much to Faye’s delight. Patrick, too, seemed to be enjoying it - a warm smile lit his face as they played. The scene hit Kh’ali in an instant and she closed her eyes tight to block it out.

“I see,” Aleksa’s words coming out softly through her lips akin to a snake hiss. “I see what couldn’t be possible because of you.”

Kh’ali’s hands tightened on the gallery rail until her knuckles cracked. Deep breath in, slow breath out as she struggled to maintain her calm.

“You two were over before he ever met me, Aleksa. I know it wasn’t what you wanted and for that I am sorry. But when you leave here, you will go home to Norman where things are perfectly normal. And I will still have to watch a very bizarre situation and hope and trust that things work out as they should. Consider it my penance if that eases you, because it certainly is hell for me.”

In silence Aleksa stepped forward to the side of Kh’ali, placing hands on the rail. her stare fixed on the scene down in the garden.

Patrick had sat on the grass now, Faye close to him playing with his badge. The other Aleksandra had knelt near them making out the perfect picture.

“Maybe you presume too much,” Aleksa said after a long pause “Perhaps by sleight of hand and twist of fate we’re both losers this time.”

A sigh escaped Kh’ali and once again she fought for control. Her conversation with Patrick in his office came back to her and finally she smiled, feeling at least a little better. “I suppose we will have to see Aleksa. And trust in what we know is real, not imagined.”

“Live your fable until you can if it suits you,” Aleksa replied dryly “The day will come he’ll tell you something is important. Last time was a starship...” her words trailed off as a bitter smile lined her lips.

Down in the garden Patrick was playing again with little Faye, lifting her in the air, while the other Aleksandra stroked him gently behind the neck.

If she touches you I am not sure that I won’t lose control...

The growl came out of Kh’ali before she was even aware she had reacted, loud enough to be heard down below. As much as she might wish, there was no taking it back but few paid any attention. Hearing Klingons growl was just too commonplace. Up close, however, Aleksa could sense the instant rage that pour from Kh’ali.

Able to recognize that sound in a million Patrick looked up to the rail above. His brow furrowed changing his expression to a serious one.

Taking a step away from the other Aleksandra, apparently oblivious of what transpired, he put down Faye, tickling her a little more as he spoke softly to her. The girl nodded solemnly. Patrick turned to the woman then saying something, she nodded too and sweeping up the girl she directed herself to the exit of the garden.

Patrick stood there some more instants watching them going away as little Faye waved her hand to him.

With a last glance to the gallery he turned then walking the way to the second exit of the garden on the opposite side.

“Perhaps I should have tried that too in my days,” Aleksa commented in bitter irony. “But no matter. One can never be sure how things can change our hearts...” She ended giving the impression to be talking more to herself than to Kh’ali.

“Sorry Aleksa.” Kh’ali reached up to rub her temples in slow circles. “You are in no danger. It’s just....she touched him. I should get away from here. This isn’t good, not for me.” Her voice was softer, the tone strained as she spoke.

“Yes that should be better... for me too. In any case you had your effect, the show is over.”
Leaving the rail she turned and walked away.“Remember what I said.”

Kh’ali looked back at her then slowly shook her head. “That’s where we are different, Aleksa. I choose to believe.” She smiled finally, but it shifted as Patrick appeared at the end of the gallery and began walking in their direction. “I’ll see you later. I apparently have something to work out now.” And as Aleksa moved away into the crowd, she stood waiting, watching Patrick.

“I’m not going to ask if everything’s okay as I’m able to see that for myself.” Patrick addressed her leaning on the rail. Despite the words there was no irony in his tone or happiness in his eyes.

“Feeling like having a walk together now?” He asked.

Kh’ali nodded, knowing there was more to the question than just a walk. It held concern for her state of mind and emotions as well. Slipping her hand into his, she managed a smile.

“I”d like that.”


Lt. Commander Kh’ali
The Gathering Storm

Ensign Aleksandra Levkova alpha
The Bitter Side Of Life

Lt. Commander Patrick Leroy
Squeezed Between Two Worlds


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