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Coffee Time

Posted on Tue Jan 8th, 2013 @ 7:21pm by Cadet Senior Grade Eli Ziyad & Seyla

Mission: The Struggle Within
Location: Jasper's Coffee Shop

* * * Jasper’s * * *

Eli left Sickbay with a renewed spring in his step. Despite Harding’s warning to be cautious, as Eli saw it there was now the possibility that there might be an end to this nightmare, a way out of the darkness that was life without Chance that stretched out forever before him. He had felt Chance in there, the real one and if anyone knew what Chance’s mental energies felt like it was Eli. He wanted to see the Hazari again, and as soon as he left Seyla, he intended to do just that. Arriving at Jasper’s, he sat at one of the outside tables that overlooked the Promenade to await Seyla.

Coming along the promenade, Seyla saw that the kid looked ...happy? Wondering what was up, she smoothly strolled into Jasper's and took the seat next to him. "Hey there, kiddo. What's gotten you turned around?"

Eli waited until the waitress came to take their order then moved away before he spoke, leaning closer to Seyla. “I may get Chance back.”

Seyla's poker face fell into place quickly and she nodded slowly. "Is Oralia aware of this, sweetie?"

“Yes. There was a man, a Hazari, the one I saw here on the Promenade. He was in my quarters, Seyla.” He recounted the events that occurred earlier, both there and in Sickbay. “It really was him in there, Sey.”

"Spock?" Eli had mentioned the name; it was one many people recognized. "Harding thinks he can bring him back from the dead? That's," creepy "fantastic!"

“It’s a thing Vulcans can do, apparently.” Eli smiled brightly and reached for his coffee. “Imagine it, Sey. We’ll have him back. They’ve revived others, why not him?”

"Okay," she nodded, smiling slightly. "When is this going to happen?"

“Dr. Harding needs to consult with Commander Sakkath to get an idea of how it’s done and if he can do this ceremony. And replace his heart. After he gets some sleep. I gather he was awake all night working on it.” Eli’s smile brightened as he thought of the possibilities.

"Eli? What if they can't do this? What if Doctor Harding is wrong or Sakkath says it can't be done?" Seyla asked, worriedly. "I'd hate to see you get your hopes up and then... be crushed."

"The doctor warned me about that too. But Sey, if there’s any possibility, I have to hope. Otherwise, I don’t know what I’ll do. It’s a last chance but we have to try.”

That's just what Seyla was worried about: that Eli didn't know what else to do if Chance didn't come back. She was sure Jackson, and likely Oralia too, had the same concerns. "There is no try, there is only do," she quoted from some obscure source. She touched his arm. "It'll work out, one way or another. I suppose this means you'll be saving yourself for when, if, he returns?"

“Saving myself?” Confusion clouded his expression at her question.

She laughed. "Meaning that you'll continue to show no interest in my girls? Or could I arrange something to take your mind off of this?"

“No thanks. Besides, keeping my mind off this is impossible.” And he didn’t say so, but the idea of one of the girls felt like cheating to him. Gods, he was too young to have to deal with such moral questions. Finally, he shook his head. “No, I don’t think I could.”

"Your loss, honey," she replied, certain that Chance wouldn't have been so quick to refuse. Then again, she didn't know Chance very well.

“Besides,” Eli’s smile returned. “If I did, it would be you not the girls so there you are.” He raised his hand to signal the waitress to bring refills.

Much as she might like that idea, she knew Jackson would tan her hide if she even entertained that idea. "Tempting, Eli. Very, but you know what Jackson would say, right?"

“That you’re too old for me, among other things.” The other things would likely be quite a list. “And you’re more wary of him than curious about me. Thanks.” The last was addressed to the waitress and he took his fresh cup and had a sip.

"He can kiss my ass about our age difference! As if. You and I aren't that far apart, Eli." They were, but she wasn't going to admit it. "But I'm a good businesswoman and Jackson tosses some of his customers my way when they're looking for companions. I'm not about to bite the hand that, sometimes, feeds me."

“And I’m not about to cross Darwin.” Eli might be young but he was very perceptive and his ability to pick up emotions even when he wasn’t reading people was very good.

She very nearly said that Darwin wouldn't mind - after all, he didn't mind she was with others; that was her business and he knew it. But then... It wasn't like Eli would be a customer. First off, she doubted the kid could afford her. Second, yeah, Jackson wouldn't be the only one hunting her down then. She had the feeling Oralia would, too. She nodded. "All around, not a great idea." Eli had more to worry about from Suresh, not Darwin, anyway.

“Still, I appreciate having you as a friend...or whatever this is. Guardian Angel in green maybe?” He reached across to touch her hand. “I appreciate it more than you know. Especially now. What I don’t get, though, is why that man wanted to kill Chance. Things got too crazy before I could get to that, and then security was there taking him away.”

Turning her hand quickly, Seyla caught his hand in hers. “That’s a question to ask Oralia. You should ask her directly and don’t let her evade answering.”

“If she knows. I need to get to the brig and see this Hazari....see what else I can get from him.”

“It would surprise me if she didn’t know, Eli.”

The small padd in his pocket beeped, interrupting Seyla and he pulled it from his pocket. Looking at the screen, he was silent as he read and then a slow smile spread over his face. It was followed by a fist pump and a whoop of pure happiness.

“We did it!”

“You did what? And who is ‘we’?” Seyla was surprised.

“Chance and I. The exams we took two weeks ago. And Vor too. This says we’ve all advanced so you’re looking at a Cadet Second Class now.” He was grinning from ear to ear as he relayed the news. “It will be something good for Chance to come back to.”

“If, Eli, if he comes back,” the Orion urged him gently. “But that’s wonderful, Second Class Cadet Eli.”

“Thanks. This is incredible. When I fled Enara Prime, I never dreamed I’d be where I am now. I can’t wait to tell Jackson!”

“I’m thrilled for you, and Jackson will be, too! Your luck is coming in in spades. Perhaps you should head to the Cherry Pit and try your luck on the gambling tables,” she grinned broadly.

“No, I want to get down to the brig.” He gave a slow nod, then finished off his coffee. “They should be finished processing him by now so maybe I can get in to visit. Thanks for this time together Sey.”

“No problem, Eli. You’re a good kid; you didn’t deserve what happened to Chance,” she smiled. “We’ll talk again in another day or so.”

“We will.” Eli rose and kissed her cheek, then hurried off. He wanted to get to the Hazari and see if Chance was still lurking in there. And he wanted to make sure, despite everyone’s worry they had not voiced but that he’d read clearly, that he was not delusional. He quickened his pace and moments later was in the turbolift.

Cadet 2nd Class Eli Ziyad
Seyla’s Temptation

The Older Woman


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