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Back Into The Lion's Den

Posted on Tue Jan 8th, 2013 @ 10:02pm by Lieutenant Commander Leto & Zoudin Veist

Mission: The Struggle Within
Location: Archadia III

The Palace Square - Archadia

Leto stepped out of a side street into the expansive public square before the Palace. It was a popular gathering place for the locals and Leto, now in pure native dress, strolled slowly over the smooth stones that paved the area. Just ahead was a large fountain that bore the likeness of some ancient Archadian warrior, her spear raised over her head. The sun was warm on the skin exposed by the skimpy dress. She had no fear of discovery, she looked utterly different and so, she smiled at those she passed as she finally reached the low wall around the fountain.

Zoudin walked slowly through the square, watching the families as they strolled by enjoying the day. Despite being located on the palace grounds, the square was open for all residents. It was, indeed, a beautiful area, he thought. Normally he wouldn’t pay much attention to things like this, but even he couldn’t ignore the beauty of the square. Of course, he was much more attentive to the beauties walking through it. He’d become enamored with the looks of the Archadian women and had yet to have found a ‘butter face’--everything about her was beautiful but her face.

One thing he abhorred, however, was the enormous statue. It was grotesque and looked nothing like the women he saw walking around. Sitting on the edge of the fountain, just at her feet, he took in the sights knowing that the statue was behind him, out of sight and out of mind.

Leto finally spotted the one she was looking for but instead of approaching him, she had to draw him in. If there was anything she was good at it was drawing in men. Appearing to ignore Zoudin completely, she stopped a few feet away from him and looked up at the monument. She studied it for several moments, then raised her arm, mimicking the pose. Then she laughed.

“Goddess bless modern times.”

“Hmmm, yes,” he said as he was given the opportunity to look her up and down. Turning to the statue, then back to her, he added, “It appears that you have the pose just right. Now you just need a spear and, well, less clothing to be her equal.” He smiled, but knew that he risked the anger of a female of the species. They were quirky that way. Comparing them to one of the ancients, even an unnamed one like the statue, was a good thing. Hinting that they should remove more clothing? Not so much.

Leto raised an eyebrow at him and crossed her arms. “Bold statement. Tell me why I shouldn’t punch you in that smart mouth of yours?”

“In for a penny...” he thought as he answered. “Because it would ruin a wonderful smile, one that is aimed directly at your beauty. Besides, beating down the Prime Minister’s aide would probably be frowned upon.” As he watched her, and looked at her beautiful blue eyes, he took a moment to peer into her mind. Thankfully, she didn’t seem to want to act on her threat and as a bonus, she thought him quite pleasing to look at. Pleasing. Eh...he’d take it. Amazing would have been better.

Leto reached out, placing her fingers on either side of his lips and squeezing slightly to purse his lips. “The Prime Minister’s aide? Is she aware you have such a lascivious tongue?” Her words were stern but an amused smile lit her face as she looked back at him.

His first response was to say, “Hell yes, she does!”, but that wouldn’t do since he’d promised Aegina that he’d keep up appearances for her sake when it came to his service to her. “I wouldn’t dare speak to an Archadian Prime Minister in such a way. But she is not involved in my personal life. I have found that the most amazing women prefer a man with some backbone, not some slug to fail in their duties as a mate.”

He almost shivered at the bile had to regurgitate to these women. Geez, what a crock.

“You are obviously no slug, anyone can see that.” She relaxed her grip and brushed her thumb along his cheek. “You also are obviously not one to play the doormat. There’s a lot to be said for that.”

With a smug look, he smirked. “Damn right.” Standing, he offered his own seat. A useless gesture, to be sure, since the entire fountain had seating available, but he thought it best to put on the chivalrous flair. “Please, sit. I am Zoudin Veist, the Prime Minister’s Aide, which...I already told you.” He rolled his eyes, realizing he was acting like a buffoon. “I guess you didn’t need me to repeat that. It probably sounds like I’m boasting.”

“Everyone has to have a job.” Leto kept her tone light but didn’t seem overly impressed as she sat down. “I’m Imara, a pleasure to meet you. Does the Prime Minister give you time off?”

“Here and there,” he said. “Despite my sex, she trusts me quite a bit to get whatever she wants done, done. I aim to please and I’ve not let her down yet.”

“I’m sure she’s very happy with you then.” Leto turned just a bit to study the man beside her. Always leave them wanting more was her motto and following that bit of wisdom, she stood, letting her hand brush his thigh for just an instant as she did. “Zoudin Veist, it’s been a pleasure to meet you.”

As she stood, he sprung up right beside her. “No, Imara, the pleasure has been mine. But...must you go? I could give you a grand tour of the palace. Or we could simply sit and talk more.” What was he thinking? He didn’t go after women like this. He took them. “It is a nice day, after all. And quite refreshing with the mist from the fountain.”

“Is that wise?” A slow smile curved her lips, the expression in her eyes wicked as she looked back at him. “What if I meet you here, this very spot tonight? Will you be off duty then?”

“Tonight it is,” he replied eagerly. A little too eagerly for his tastes, but this woman was beyond gorgeous and he couldn’t help but gush. “I will be waiting in this very spot.”

“I’m sure you will be.” She looked him up and down one last time, then turned and vanished into the crowd.

He couldn’t take his eyes off of her as she melted away. Shaking his head he was amazed at how ridiculously he’d acted. He shrugged. “Whatever it takes to have a little fun around here,” he said to himself as he walked back into the building.

Lt.(jg) Leto
Knows How To Play It Cool

Zoudin Veist
Strangely Out of His League


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