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A Late Date

Posted on Fri Jan 11th, 2013 @ 11:46pm by Lieutenant Commander Leto & Lieutenant Nick Marcinko & Zoudin Veist

Mission: The Struggle Within
Location: Archadia III

* * * the Palace Square - Archadia * * *

Leto stood in the shadows of the square that was not bathed in darkness and illuminated by the tall streetlights that surrounded it. It was empty now and it was easier to hear the splash of water from the fountain as it tumbled into the pool below. She had arrived early but remained out of sight, wanting Veist to have to wait for her. Not too long, just long enough to make him anxious and thus more glad to see her when she did arrive. She was excited as well. What ‘IMara’ had said to Robin was true - she had a date with the Prime Minister’s aide and she was thrilled. Still, time to play it cool, not fawn, leave Zoudin wanting more.

Still irked about his attire, Zoudin entered the park and made a bee-line to the fountain, making sure to sit exactly where he told Imara he would be. It was almost time and he hadn’t seen her yet. Would she stand him up? He hoped not. She did seem like a nice woman, but he was hoping more to get lucky. But playing it cool was the order of the day, so he sat with the ruined jacket on the seat next to him and the mist of the fountain joining the still-damp back of his shirt.

“Zoudin?” Her voice reached him from close by in the shadows. Moments later, she stepped out, stopping a few feet from him. She had changed, her dress more formal and a bit more revealing. “You came.”

He smiled and stood. “As did you,” he said. “I must admit, I thought you might not.” As she stood there he realized how nice she looked and how poorly he must have looked to her. He apologized for this dress and explained the situation to her. “So it seems that you may have to be seen with this mess.” He gestured to himself as he spoke.

“It’s alright, such things happen. At the risk of sounding cliche, it’s hard to get good help. I’ll let you slide this time.” She smiled as she stepped closer and looked up at him. “How was the dinner otherwise?”

“Excellent as always,” he said, enjoying her scent. It wasn’t harsh, but gentle and barely susceptible, and definitely enjoyable. “It may be inappropriate, but I just have to say that you look amazing.”

From across the park Nick watched under the cover of darkness. He couldn’t hear what was being said yet, but that was just a matter of time. He had a listening device that he aimed in their direction and picked up the conversation, transmitting it to another device in his ear so others around him wouldn’t hear as well. “Of course she looks amazing, you dumb fuck,” he mumbled. Every hair on his body stood on end as he watched his girl flirt with another man. It took every ounce of energy he had not to dash across the yard and pummel him into a pile of shit that he was.

“I should hope so.” Amusement lit her eyes and she stepped closer still. “But thank you. I had a feeling you would. Are we staying here or would you care to walk a bit? It may surprise you that I ask.” As Archadians went, it would have but now she had shifted gears slightly. Now it was time to let Veist ‘play the man’, something the real Archadian women didn’t allow. From what she knew of him, that should stroke his ego plenty.

“It does surprise me,” he said, but with a hint of a smile. “Let’s walk.” He stuck his elbow out, hoping that she would take his arm so that he could lead. She’d already allowed him to decide what they would do, maybe she would allow him to lead as well. Of course, he had other motives. The last time he was with her Aegina had her spies following him. Walking would make it more difficult. “So, Imara, I can’t help but notice that you’re not like the other women. I know that there has been talk about more equality between the sexes. Do you support that?”

He honestly didn’t care one way or the other, but small talk always seemed to be required when talking to women.

“That depends on the situation don’t you think?” She slipped her hand into his arm as they began to walk. “There are times when equality can be a good thing.”

Another smile. “I agree. In this particular situation, anyway.”

“Between you and me? There are times when letting a man take the reins, so to speak, is even better. In your case, especially,” she said, echoing his words. “The Prime Minister certainly seems to rely on you, if the talk about the city is true.”

“Well, I don’t like to brag,” bullshit...he loved to brag, “but I do have her ear. I hope that she relies on me as much as I think she does, but I also make sure things get done when and how she wants them. I may be a bit more brash and commanding that most of my countrymen,” he added, since he wasn’t Archadian but still had to keep up appearances, “but I think that particular part of me is a boon to the Prime Minister.”

“I can see that, especially as uncertain things are now after the death of the Queen. Strange times, Zoudin.” She looked up at him with a smile once again. “She’s lucky to have you.”

“And I am lucky to be here with you,” he countered and stopped. “Now that we’ve established that I’m not your everyday, run of the mill Archadian, I just have to say that you are an incredibly beautiful woman.” As he did so, he probed her mind looking for any feelings for him. “And what is that fragrance you’re wearing? It’s amazing.”

“Thank you.” She met his gaze and held it. “There’s a perfumer not far from the palace. I stopped in there just before I met you this afternoon and he made it especially for me. I’m glad you like it.” Leto fell silent and rested her free hand against his chest. “I'm also glad they didn't keep you late. More time for me.”

He couldn’t hold back any longer. As she placed her hand on his chest, he pulled her to him and kissed her. Across the way Nick growled and began to run toward them but tripped on a rock and fell behind some bushes.

“I’ll fuckin’ kill him, I swear,” he said as he popped his head up and looked to see what was happening.

She allowed the kiss to linger for several seconds, then whispered against his lips. “I see you took me seriously about taking the reins.”

Nick’s head almost exploded when he didn’t see her smack the shit out of him. But that wasn’t Leto, just some other women using Leto’s body, and her lips. A cold feeling ran through him as he wondered what else she may use with this man.

“I don’t mind stepping up to the occasion,” Zoudin said, caressing her face. “And I am very talented when that occasion arrives.”

“I’ll remember that.” She turned her head to brush a kiss to his palm. “And what of your others, Zoudin?”

A confused smile played across his face. “My others? My other what?”

“Women. Surely someone in your position has plenty of admirers. I like to know what I’m up against, that’s all.” Movement in the bushes caught her attention and she took Veist’s hand in hers and began walking once more. The possibility that the palace was keeping tabs on him rose in her mind, not surprising her.

He ignored the sound in the bushes and walked with her, reminding himself that he would find and torture whatever fool had been sent to follow. “Admirers? A male Archadian with many admirers?” He laughed. “No, my dear. You are honestly the only woman that I have had the pleasure of accompanying in, oh, almost two months. And that ended badly.” He told the truth. His torture, rape and murder of the former Captain of the guard was almost two months ago. “No one since and before that was almost a year.” He liked the feel of her hand in his. “I am completely yours, if you’d have me.”

“You mean that.” It wasn’t a question. She looked up at him as they continued on their way and if he was still reading, he would clearly sense a spike of desire for him rising within her.

“I absolutely do,” he said and smiled, knowing what she felt. As if he were mentioning something as simple as ‘the sky is blue’ he said, “and you could have me now, if you wish.”

“And forget the tradition of the arrow? Zoudin, someone as public as you, it would cause issues for you and possibly the Prime Minister should you flaunt that. Bring it tomorrow and I will accept it.” The tingle spread from their joined hands, racing through her, almost taking her breath away. There was a lot to think about, some part of her brain whispered, but she could do that once she was home.

“The...” he almost asked, but reached out to her mind again to find out what she was referring to. “...arrow, yes,” he said. He sighed heavily, but he actually liked this woman and, despite his past experiences with women, he didn’t want to force her--at least not now. Inwardly he cursed his position with Aegina. “I could have an arrow for you in an hour if you wished,” he said, hoping to move things along. “I could bring you a golden arrow or whatever your heart desires.”

“Tomorrow. I’ll meet you in our spot. At the noontime break.” She reached up, taking his face in her hands. “Until then, I must go.” With a gentle tug, she pulled him down for a kiss, suddenly happy, excited too, at the prospect of tomorrow.

He kissed her back, deeply and passionately, not wanting her to go. But in the back of his mind he knew that his reward would be much sweeter tomorrow than if he forced her hand today. “I will be there tomorrow at noon,” he said, his face torn between the sadness of her leaving and the excitement of the next day.

“I cannot wait.” Finally, she stepped back, squeezed his hand before releasing it and turning to go. “Till tomorrow.”

Zoudin watched her go, taking in her figure as she walked away. He wanted to counter with “If you cannot wait, then why not now?” but that was sure to backfire. He chalked it up to things women say that never really made sense. Shoving his hands into his pockets he walked back to the palace.

As he passed a large clump of bushes, Nick watched him and it was everything he could do not to jump out and throttle him. He had taken the earpiece out long ago, unable to listen to what was being said, but it was still recorded. He wasn’t sure that he’d be able to go over it later. But now, Zoudin was gone, as was Leto, and Nick was alone in the dark, in a bush, wanting to puke his guts out.

Five minutes later, Leto entered the small house that was ‘home’. She methodically locked the doors, then checked all the windows to make sure they were locked and the curtains closed. Opening a safe hidden behind a large painting, she removed a small black gadget and slowly swept the rooms one at a time for electronic devices. Once she was satisfied the room was clear, she returned it to the safe and removed one of a stack of small padds. A quick report was entered, encrypted, and sent back to 900. Once confirmation was received, she entered a code that in five seconds had completely destroyed the internal memory, rendering the padd completely useless. It was placed at the bottom of the stack, the safe locked and the painting returned to its place on the wall.

The programming loop in Leto’s head concluded and once it did, she strolled off to bed, her thoughts full of the man she was to meet the next day.


Zoudin Veist
Gettin' Lucky...tomorrow

Lt.(jg) Leto
Into The Danger Zone

MCPO Nick Marcinko
Rage Incarnate


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