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A Welcome Visit

Posted on Sun Jul 17th, 2011 @ 10:59am by Captain Li Hawke

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Hawke/Sakkath Quarters
Timeline: Just After Away Team Departure

Unlike the confines of the tiny Iapetus, the Immense-class station was a bustle of activity. Members of the crew went about their business, taking care of their daily duties. Most of the collars were gold, being either the technicians performing minor maintenance on their equipment, or security going on their patrols. Others just moved to and from their destinations, on their way on or off duty. Everyone seemed to have a purpose, either a place to be or a job to do, and that suited Sara just fine. The more everyone else had to do, the less they paid attention to her.

It wasn't exactly that Lt. Commander Archer was trying to hide. She just preferred to blend in. Then again, blending in was a trait highly desired in her line of work. In this case it was easy. She learned long ago that acting like you know where you are going or what you were doing made people less likely to catch on that you were supposed to be there. It made her life on a station far more bearable. Fortunately for Sara, she was on her way to meet with the station's chief of intelligence. It felt like it had been so long since she was able to freely speak with someone who shared her security level.

Rounding the corridor, she came to the Intelligence Office door. It was nondescript, no exterior markings to reveal the nature of the offices inside. Sara pressed the chime, PADD in hand.

The doors hissed open to reveal two women inside - a blonde seated before a terminal, and a much smaller brunette standing by her as they studied the terminal.

"I don't envy her one bit," the blonde was saying. "How's you like to spend the day with a guy who looks like a giant fish?"

The brunette rolled her eyes. "I am not even going to touch that one, Nita." She straightened as the doors opened, looking to Sara. "Good afternoon, Lt. Commander. what might I do for you? I'm Lt. Commander Li Hawke." Facing Sara now, her black Betazoid eyes were clearly visible.

"Commander Hawke," Sara replied with a nod. "I am Lt. Commander Sara Archer, from the USS Iapetus. As I am sure you are aware, we have just recently arrived in the Delta Quadrant." Sara was taller than her Starbase 900 counterpart, her long auburn hair tied back in ponytail. She handed Hawke that PADD she was carrying. "I have orders to report to you for a quick briefing on this theater. While most of the information I'll need can be found in the reports and database, Starfleet thought it would be best if we could hit the most important topics in person."

Li took the padd, then shook Sara's hand. "My pleasure. I've just finished sending one of the staff off on this evacuation run, and it's dinner time. Care to join me?"

Sara thought about the suggestion. She wasn't really a fan of social situations, and that included dinners. Still, they would at least be discussing business. "That's acceptable, as long as we are in a secure location."

Li smiled reassuringly. The hesitancy rolled off the woman in waves. " Good, I'm cooking. Nita, call me if there's a problem." She then stepped out with Sara. "My quarters. It's about the safest place on this station."

Sara gestured towards the door. "After you, Commander."

Li led the way into her quarters and loosened her collar. "Make yourself comfortable, and I'll be right back. It's just us tonight, Sakkath's departing with the rest of the away team on this Divitian evac." She stepped into the bedroom , returning a few minutes later in casual pants and a sleeveless shirt. "What have you heard about them?"

Sara looked around the room before selecting a chair to sit in. She was visibly uncomfortable discussing important business in such a casual setting, but she knew that not everyone worked the same way she did. As long as she was on the station, she was going to abide by Hawke's rules. "I've only heard some mention in the reports, but I don't know any details."

"Computer, begin scan." There was a brief beep of acknowledgment as Li moved towards a corner bar of some dark stone. Moments later there was a second beep. "All clear. Something to drink Sara?"

"No, thank you, Commander," Sara replied with a light wave of her hand. She was more concerned with getting the information she needed and back to the Iapetus. "What can you tell me about this Divitian evac?"

"Two ships are departing just about now to begin assessment of the situation and evacuation as needed. We are expecting high numbers of people to remove as the atmospheric destruction has cascaded and is reaching catastrophic proportions. They will also be researching methods of reversing this wave before the planet is utterly destroyed. If that were to happen, it will effectively neutralize the Divitians' power base, leaving a hole in the Union." Li paused a moment. "There are many that might like to see that happen. Their political plays are their own business, we are simply responding to a request for assistance."

Sara nodded. "I've read a little about the Divitians. What kind of political ramifications will we see in this sector if that planet is destroyed?

"That is the interesting part in all this." Li removed her tea from the replicator and took a seat across from Sara. "They are an important part of the Perenalthorias Union but it's an uneasy relationship - they are not loved by their fellows on the Council. I don't think any tears would he shed should rescue efforts fail, and it would leave a hole that many would be eager to fill."

"I see. So needless to say, there probably isn't any other expected relief effort other than what Starfleet is providing."

"From what we know now, we are it. However, the whole thing makes me wary. With their Speaker here, their planet in an uproar, and the Federation being new to the area, what better time to make a move?"

"I agree. It does give the impression that we could be moving right into a trap." Sara had seen plenty of similar situations, including the Bevrudl mission. "We'll have to make sure we're careful."

"And grow eyes in the back of our heads. I think I am suddenly glad that our Chief Diplomat is a Klingon. She can handle just about anything." Li smiled and of course, her comm badge chirped. Norval's voice came, requesting her presence in Ops. Li smiled back at Sara. "No rest for the wicked, it seems. It's been a pleasure meeting you, and I hope you're back out this way soon."

Sara shook Li's hand. "It's always good to meet with a colleague. I'll be sure to check in next time the Iapetus is in port." With a nod, Archer excused herself to return to her ship, with more information in hand.

Lt. Commander Li Hawke
Chief Intelligence Officer

Lt. Commander Sara Archer
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Iapetus


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