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Good-Bye Is Forever This Time

Posted on Sat Jul 16th, 2011 @ 6:54am by Major Maxim Kamarov & Lieutenant Commander Kh'ali
Edited on on Sat Jul 16th, 2011 @ 8:09am

Mission: In Our Time of Need


Quentin Harrison made his way from Sickbay in a daze. He had been feeling poorly ever since Kh'ali had arrived, but he had attributed his discomfort to unease at being around a woman again. When Kh'ali left the discomfort turned into outright pain in his extremities that seemed to radiate. He turned to the ships Long-term medical hologram, or LMH that had been in service sine the departure of Dr Kona. "You have Syn-Marlis Disease, lieutenant. I regret to inform you that the disease has progressed to the third stage. I am submitting a health report to the commanding officer as we speak. I will do all I can to make sure you are pain free. Unfortunately, you cannot continue to serve in your capacity as chief of security. Therefore, I am removing you from duty on medical grounds."

Quentin walked to his quarters, a smile on his face. After all this time, I can see me wee ones and my love again! But what about Kh'ali? How will she react? Do I tell her? Quentin nodded his head. "Aye, I do tell her!"

A wave of dizziness and nausea hit him and he vomited on the deck, blood and bile mixed with the emesis. Quentin tried to stand but fell backward, landing with a thud. Several nearby crewmen helped him to his feet and into his quarters. Lying on his bed, Quentin's eyes filled with tears. Syn Marlis was a cruel killer, killing off the body's nervous system, denying the victim any nervous sensation at all, then shutting down the body's functions one by one until death occurred. After a few moments, he began recording a message.

* * Kh'ali's Quarters, SB900 * *

Kh'ali entered her quarters, already loosening her collar. She needed a shower and it would have to be quick. Several moments later, she'd stripped down and jumped in, letting out a satisfied moan as the heat relaxed her muscles. Dobry had noted that she carried her tension in her shoulders and it seemed he was correct. She didn't expect that her poor shoulders would have an easy evening of it either, with taking the Speaker out in public. Though with his goon squad two steps behind, little was likely to happen.

She spared as much time as she could, then jumped out and wrapped herself in a towel. Picking up a brush, the got to work on her long hair as she stepped from the bathroom. A light blinked on her terminal, indicating a message waiting. She ordered playback and listened as a familiar voice began to speak.

Computer, begin message; recipient LtCmdr Kh'ali, Starbase 900. Begin Message: My Love, I don't know if you are aware of it, but I have been medically relieved of duty. I have Syn-Marlis Disease and it is in the terminal stage. After consulting with the LMH and medical personnel on board the ship, we have concluded that I will not survive a trip to the Alpha Quadrant. That bein' the case, I am coming to Starbase 900 to spend my final days with you, if that is permissible. If you would rather I stay away, please reply soonest to this message. I don't seek what we had; all I want is to be with someone I trust when I die.

She sank down to the side of her bed slowly, blinking in shock. What the hell? How had this happened? He'd been fine when she departed for 900....hadn't he? Her thoughts spun out in a hundred different directions, and she mentally reviewed the upcoming days ahead. It would be tight, with the Divitians on board to be dealt with but here, with Connor and Ophelia, and the rest of the medical staff, would be far better than zipping around in space with a LMH. It was just a shame that so many he knew from the Berkeley were off saving Divitia Prime.

She sent back a reply to let him know that would be fine, then rose to begin getting ready for the evening.

a JP by:

LtCmdr Kh'ali
Diplomat and Love Muffin


Lt (ret.)Quentin Harrison
ex-security chief/love muffin


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