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Finally, An Introduction

Posted on Sun Jan 20th, 2013 @ 6:49am by Lieutenant Commander Kh'ali & Commander Patrick Leroy

Mission: The Struggle Within
Location: The Park

* * * The Park * * *

Dinner for Kh’ali and Patrick had been a mix of mellow, then excitement, all woven in with a bit of disbelief still over the news of the baby. By the time they finished, it was getting on towards morning. He’d kissed her, then hurried off to the science center. Things were beginning and the Hammond launching later. He would be busy enough for three men soon.

Still buoyed up by the excitement, Kh’ali was nowhere near tired. She decided to take a walk instead, strolling along as the shift changed and alpha took over. Finally, she made her way to the park and continued her walk. Images of Faye playing there danced through her thoughts, slowly changing from a small blonde girl to another child, dark-haired with faint ridges on his forehead. It seemed that news did travel fast, likely overheard at the restaurant or elsewhere and spreading like wildfire. Some of the crew in the park, relaxing after gamma shift congratulated her. She thanked them and after stopping to talk for a few minutes, continued her stroll in the park.

The giggles and laughter from the children playing there filled her ears as she daydreamed of the future, until the ball rolled by softly bouncing on her foot. She looked down at the white red-spotted sphere only to see the little girl toddling towards her.


The girl took the ball in her little hands looking up to Kh’ali. So small she was confronted to holding the ball, and a smile lined Faye’s mouth “Y’wana play?” She asked gingerly.

It took an instant for Kh’ali to realize her hand had gone to her abdomen as she, mesmerized, watched the girl.

“Faye!” Aleksa’s voice came from afar. When Kh’ali looked up the woman was already there sweeping up the girl. “C’mon. We have to go. Enough playing for today.” She ignored the girl’s mild protests as she nodded to Kh’ali “I’m sorry.” She smiled apologizing. “They’re so difficult to keep under control at this age. Something wrong?” Aleksa asked then, her smile a little uncertain now, noting her stare.

She doesn’t recognize me, Kh’ali thought in amazement, even if part of her mind was aware that, in the unfathomable depths of the other reality, the threads of another Kh’ali and this Aleksandra’s lives could very well have followed separate trails.

It was then that the sentence from the real Aleksandra struck her again like punch in the stomach.

I see what couldn’t be possible because of you.

Especially now, was Kh’ali’s next thought. Not that Patrick needed a reason to stay. That thought brought a smile, then she realized she’d been quiet for too long.

“I’m sorry, it’s just been a very eventful night. I...that is we....found out we are having a child of our own.” She held her hand out to the woman before her. “I’m Lt. Commander Kh’ali, Chief Diplomatic Officer.”

“Oh... You... You’re pregnant,” Aleksandra replied taking her hand. “You are Patrick’s intended are you?” she ended a little embarrassed.

Kh’ali was taken by surprise at the question, but finally she nodded. “Yes. I hadn’t expected anyone to be here so early....” Kh’ali, the well-spoken diplomat, was suddenly at a loss for words.

“Someone had hinted that Patrick on this station was engaged but I’ve never been allowed too many contacts with people here for... For I’m not one of you.” She lowered her eyes for an instant before meeting Kh’ali’s again “He’s been so gentle especially with Faye, just like... Mine.”

“I know.” Kh’ali crossed her arms and took a moment to consider what she’d say. “That side of him isn’t often seen by his crew mates but it’s there. He is thrilled with the news, I’m still a little in shock.”

Aleksandra chuckled softly to her statement “It wasn’t seen also where I come from. But after Faye came into our world he... Changed.”

The girl, growing restless, leaned over touching Kh’ali’s cheek with her little fingers “Hey” Aleksa said drawing her back “Be quiet love, would you?”

Kh’ali closed her eyes for a moment at the touch, her wariness returning. She had been so careful to keep her distance and now she was right here with both mother and child.

“She’s like a storm sometimes.” Aleksandra added addressing Kh’ali “Only Patrick seems to be able to have her quiet.”

The words brought a smile to Kh’ali. “I find that to be true with he and I as well. Being attached to a Klingon takes...patience.”

Aleksandra nodded at Kh’ali’s joke smiling in turn her smile being short-lived though. Biting her lip she kept silent an instant great concern in her eyes as if fighting an inward battle, before talking to her again.

“All this absurd situation... Mustn’t have been easy on you.”

How to answer that? While it was the truth, she didn’t think this Aleksa wanted to hear the details. Kh’ali shrugged. “In some ways. There’s a lot happening now that’s difficult for many of us.” She left it purposely vague.

“Of course.” Aleksandra replied suddenly feeling to have intruded. “We’re going to leave” She reprised watching the girl in her arms “I’ve been told that the Hammond will take us home following Patrick’s idea... So it seems our predicament is about to be over.”
And to Kh’ali was not lost that our wasn’t referring only to her and her daughter.

“I think I met a woman with your name back home. But she left SB900 to conduct an embassy on the divitian homeworld. Never saw her since.” Aleksa considered thinking of the past “You seem good-natured. You must be if Patrick here chose you. And if your double is the same with the right opportunity I think we could have been friends.” she ended with soft chuckle “Sounds stupid, huh?”

“No, not so much. Your counterpart in this world and I are...were friends. They were involved for a while but things didn’t work. Later, when Patrick and I got together, it caused some problems.” Kh’ali looked away for a moment, wondering how her news would go over with Aleksa here. “There are times I am not so good-natured. IT’s the blood in my veins. There’s a reason I haven’t been around to meet you. It was a little difficult.”

Aleksa’s eyes widened for a moment “I... I understand.” She licked her lips trying to find some more words but none came to her mouth, the silence between them growing thick. “I’m sorry for everything. I would have gladly avoided all of this.”

“I know.” Kh’ali reached out to rest a hand lightly on her arm. “It’s not your fault any more than it is our crew for getting pulled through to your side. It simply is. And it’s alright. I think it’s been harder on you than anyone. I hope...I hope things get better. If I know our team there, they’ve not been sitting idle, I can promise you that.”

“Yes, of that I’m sure,” Aleksandra responded her expression becoming forlorn “If they still live.”

She recovered then, and Kh’ali could see a trace of Aleksa’s determination she’d seen so many times in the past.

“I should go now. I wanted to have Faye play a last time in the garden before undertaking our trip, but the ship should be almost ready by now and I don’t think they want to wait for latecomers.” She smiled “I wish you the best of luck, it’s been a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”

“And yours.” Kh’ali turned and began to walk, putting some distance between her and the woman. The unexpected meeting had gone better than she would have expected but even as un-psychic as she was, she could sense the longing in this version of Aleksa and it was something Kh’ali couldn’t and wouldn’t cure.


Lt. Commander Kh’ali
Feeling A Bit Better

Ensign Aleksandra Levkova Beta
Feeling Uneasy


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